I feel like I'm failing Zeus & could use input

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That is great, and its great that you actually talk to your rabbits, I also think that, even though rabbits may hear just "blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaaah ahhh blah" in my experience, it seems that it helps them understand whats going on. If Zeus moved into the office, woud Tibba and Miss Bea move in with him? (just curious)
My ultimate goal would be to have Miss Bea and Tibba in the office with Zeus...along with any other girls I have in here that he likes. I don't care if he has a harem (if they're litter box trained) as that way if one passes away - he still has others..

How wonderful that things seem to be sorting themselves out (or, at least, the bunnies are sorting themselves out ;)).

I know after Perry passed and I got Shadow and Pernod hated him, I felt that I was letting them both down. I wanted for Pernod to have company, and I felt poor Shadow would always be on his own, and perhaps if someone else had adopted him, he may have been happier (not that I would ever have got rid of him). Now they are bonded, I realise that they had to discover for themselves what they wanted.

It sounds as if you may end up with one large herd of bonded bunnies, moving from place to place, all seeking your attention at various times :D

Zeus spent 6 hours with me in the bedroom today - we couldn't catch Tibba to bring her in. (I was actually in and out of the room sometimes).

Miss Bea ignored him most of the time and napped. Meanwhile - he got up and did NIC cage dancing on a buck's cage - jumped into another buck's cage...not once - but three times - only to get chased back out by a buck 1/5th his size.

But the kicker is - I was laying beside him with my merchandising paperwork to plan next week (just a list of my jobs, etc) - and he grabbed them away from me and started chewing on them and shredding them. I moved them - and he moved over to grab them again.

So I put them away and just loved on him....he loves having his nose rubbed....a LOT.

That sounds awesome! He really got your attention and made you give him some love. :) hehe It sounds like your relationship is developing slowly and surely!
Awwww He needed a place to have you with him - on his level! I am assuming you were on the bed again? Bo LOVES for me to lay on the floor and he'll come over and give me nose bumps and kisses and snuggle for ear and nose rubs!

I think you are finding what you two need for your relationship! That's awesome!

I love my Zeus! look at that sweet face!!!

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