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I don't think so, but I don't know much about them.
Flashy wrote:
I don't think so, but I don't know much about them.
I do unfortunately:( If they are in anyway like human headlice they are miniscule and usually wouldn't leave the scalp but of course that may be different for animal parasites. I hope they were just any old bugs...
I know about head lice, but I don't know about rabbit lice. For example, I believe head lice live only on the human head, whereas other lice live in other places. So what I don't know is if the rabbit lice are specifically only 'for' rabbits, or if they can inhabit other places/animals, etc.

From all I have read about rabbit lice you can easily see the white egg cases in dark haired bunnies. Also my buns are not scratching or anything like that. If they are lice they are lice and will be treated, but I haven't seen any evidence on them.
"Rabbit lice (Haemodipsus ventricosus) are rarely found on domestic rabbits, but can be occasionally found in their wild
counterparts. They are quite large and at 1.5 - 2 mm in length easily seen with the naked eye."

Yikes, they do sound like a rather different species:(
Yeh, I've done some reading, but it didn't tell me that much.
I m so fed up! I am so very fed yup/. I'm fed up of having to deal with this. I;m fed up of having to constantly battle wiht my head. I'm fed up of life being hard. I'm having a flkaming anxiety attack about gorup therapy. the prospect of going, whether i might kill someone with my poison and evil, whethersomeone might kill me. i dont know what to do! What do I do! I don't know anymore. What's real. whats not? who can i turn to? who can't I. I don't know anymore. I don't know whaty to do. I'm so scarewd. and yes, this is a horrible moany vent, but i really am just so lost. ill probably delete this at some point.
I hope you don't have me on ignore.

Phhoooooooo <--- that's you, taking in a deep breath, and letting it out again.

Focus on what's solid and real.

Your name, where you live. You parents. Your bunnies. Any siblings. Your support people. Talk to Polly if she's available. Look around you, in your bedroom etc. Look at each object, name it and it's function. Not sure if this will help but it helps me when I get one.

No one wants to kill you anymore than you want to kill them. We are all in our own heads, being self-focused. Really people are all VERY self centred and the people around you, especially strangers, are NOT concerned with you, they are worrying about their own lives and issues.

I hope you can get through this :pray:.

Thanks for the reply. No, I haven't got you on ignore, and for your interest I never blocked or ignored you anywhere.

After a rough night last night I called my therapist this morning and told her everything, and she talked to me about it for a bit, because it's all related to the group therapy. She undertsood where it was coming from and why I feel that way, which helped.
awh hugs !!!
i hope you get the help, support, love and bunny kisses you need.
were hear for you/:)(RO)
This is adult! And more importantly, female!

I'm announcing this on here so that I have some people to be accountable too.

Given the whole Jade Goody situation I've decided I am going to rebook my smear.

They have been trying to do it for a while. The first time it was impossible because of my gynae problems and the sheer amount of pain it gives me. The next time I had it booked with a doc, for 40 mins, and a nurse too, but my period came that day (for the first time in two and a half years, would you believe!). That was in August.

I need some more sleeping tablets anyway, so when I go and see my GP, I can get
him to rebook it. Hopefully I will do that tomorrow. Eep. Bring on the pain! :|
Ohh :|

Good Luck Tracy, seriously you shall be fine :)

Try not to worry about it, or even think about it until you are actually there. Because otherwise there will be a big build up of worry/fright over something that doesn't last very long at all!!

Good Luck

Becca x

ETA: Also good choice of getting it done, better be safe than sorry :)
Those are wise words Becca, however you're not supposed to have read it :p Given you are not an adult.

To be honest, I'm not actually worried about it, although I will be come the day, it's just something I could very easily put off, but I will go and book it and sort it out. There is a high chance they won't be able to do it, but if not, it's one step further I have gone (the next is hospital, lol).
^^^ Yeah, that! :)

BTW, I just wanted to tell you how much your new quote resonates with me...
'The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right.'

It is something that I have to master... thanks for the succinct quote :)
:D That's a constant reminder for me, which is why I put it there, but it's good it made someone else think :)

And thanks :)
Love the quote too. Will try and keep it in the back of my mind:)

On the smear test isn't there some muscle relaxent or something that can be done to make the whole experience less painful. I can imagine expecting pain in such a sensitive area can make it impossible to relax.

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