Diana's Zoo

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Here's Little 'Pik in her freshly cleaned monstro-cage, at least I can fit in it, makes cleaning easier. I switched out her toys, too, she must have been bored with the other ones by now.


"Mmmmmm, papaya!"


"Do you mind? I'm eating here..."
"No, I don't mind at all..."




"I looove you, Diana"
"Yeah, thanks, I can tell..."


New mat to rip apart... YAY!


Does she look chunky to you? I'm still worried about her being overweight.

She looks good to me but then again anything would look good against Bangbang... her diet is working but she's still the size of a hippo. How Ookpik looks is how I hope Bangers will look in the not too distant future *dreams of bangbang looking less obese*;)
For the Rocky fans...

Here's my little hogger.
I finally got rid of the shavings in her cage a put the fleece in, much nicer and not soooo messy! I also threw her sleeping box away, it was all chewed and messy, so I gave her the igloo I bought for Ookpik. It's way too big for her, but it'll have to do until I find something different.
I had her out in the living room for a bit of a run around. She always likes to self anoint with the carpet, silly girl. She always has fun, though, it's funny watching her run around. Daisy is apparently upset by hedgehogs, though, she won't settle down and always try to lay between me and Rocky. Yannik is scared of her too, he was hiding under the futon looking worried. lol.


In a ball


Mmmm, carpet


Still chomping the carpet, you can see where she spit on herself...


Trying to get off her back, I think she's a little too pudgy


With Daisy pacing by


Mmmm, water


Mmmm, food


Her new setup.

I love all of your pets. :) Ookpik is such a pretty girl and looks so happy. Nice cage, too. :D
muahahahahahaha oh wow that made my day!! I just love your hedgehog, the mental image i get of her running around its so funny ;)
Thanks doodle, your bunnies are just beautiful.

I don't have any new pics. Everyone is doing well. Ookpik is being more of a terror than usual. She now sneaks into my room to chew my books while I'm in bed, then when she sees me, runs out and does bunny 500's around the living room. She also discovered the joys of climbing on shelves, evil little thing.

Yannik and I started Obedience classes two weeks ago. I want to do agility with him later on and figured some training might be helpful first, lol. He is doing very well, exceptionally I'd say, considering I never really taught him anything before, besides "sit" "off" and "come." The instructor even asked me if I had trained dogs before because I'm a very good handler. She also said that Yannik and I are a good team. :biggrin2:

And I lied, I do have pictures, but not of one of my animals... I'm dogsitting right now...

Here is the big, hairy, smelly dog I am babysitting right now. He's a Newfoundland and his names is Guiness, and I think he's a year old.

He's very nice, but not trained and he slobbers...lots.
I started grooming him this evening, he had lots and lots of mats and pitch and stuff stuck in him. There's still a long way to go, he has mats under his arms and legs that I need to get to. But he usually sits when I'm trying to get them, and that just turns him into a big hair blob and you can't tell what's what. His chin and chest are disgusting from the slobber and laying in the dirt, I dunno what to do about it, he never quits slobbering.

Dan and I took Guin, Daisy and Yannik for a walk and the neighbours dog, Quinn invited himself along. So we walked four freaking dogs. The bugs were horrible, both mosquitoes and blackflies. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Guin is not good on a leash at all and I don't trust him off leash. He did finally start to understand not to pull on the leash on the way back home, though, so there's hope for him!

Anyways, here are pictures:




I am so hot.


Something's over there. (See his chest? ewwww!)


I can't go on...


I'm dieing...


LOL, j/k he's ok, it was just afternoonwhen it was hottest out. He has shade and shelter.

Isn't he cute?

That's all folks!

I think your looking after a bear...
that is one big slobbery hairy dog!!!!!!!!!! I love him! what do your two pooches thing of him?;)
LOL, he's just about the size of a bear. My dogs are ok with him because he stays outside. Daisy doesn't even pay attention to him, he's beneath her. Yannik likes him, but Guiness is too rough when they're playing together. And it's funny, Yannik looks absolutely tiny to me now!
I just found your blog and I LOVE all of your animals :). I'm still finishing reading it and looking at your pics, but I wanted to tell you so before it got too late and I got too sleepy. :D
Hereare new pictures of my future bunny, Newt. He was just neutered and is ready to come live with me. I still have to work out when/how to get to Terrace. Curse me and my disregarding a need for a drivers license!
He's just gorgeous!









WOW, he is STUNNING. Are you going to try to bond him with Ookipik? They would make a Beautiful couple.

Thanks Susan! Yes, my plan is to bond them. I'm not sure if Ookpik is lonely or not, but I'm sure she'd benefit from a freind none the less. Hopefully she sees it the same way!


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