Diana's Zoo

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awwwwwwwwwwwww Diana he is just so cuuuuute, I want him!! I hope he is up tooOokpik's standards, I'm sureshe'll put him through a rigorous interrogation process before she allows him to enter her domain I have a feeling she will wear the pants in this bunny-relationship...
Keep us updating as things progress I can’t wait till you actually have him and the ooki and him meet!!!!
ellissian wrote:
Ha! Queen Ginnie has spoken! :)

You got that right, sister! :yeahthat:


C'mon, Newt. Let's give 'em the slip!


It's been a while since I've updated, so I tried taking a few pictures tonight. I like the ones of Ookpik, so pretty. I just wish I had a better camera! I asked Dan for one for my bday/christmas, (my birthday is the 23rd of Dec) so I hope I get one!

Yannik and I are still in obedience, it's going good. We were working on "stay" tonight. Yannik and the Corgi, Duncan, had to be taken aside and man-handled to get them to do it, lol. Figures, Duncan is his best friend at class, those dogs love each other! Now, he knows what to do, though, he's such a clever boy.

My girl, Daisy, is doing ok too, though she's starting to show her age a little. She pees a lot and I have to make sure I take her out lots, or else I have puddles to clean up. She also doesn't listen to me very well anymore, I thought she was losing her hearing, but even when I KNOW she can hear me, she chooses to ignore me. So I'll have to do some work with her to make sure she listens to me, which will be more and more important as she ages.

I still have Guinness here, he goes home on monday, though. He is also doing well. He stopped eating his food for a bit, which freaked me out. So I started feeding him my dogs food. He gets fed a very low quality food, anyway, so he's better off eating our food while he's here. I've noticed quite an improvement in his "digestion" shall we say, lol.

Any questions? Ok then, on to pics:


Ookpik, can you like move or something so I don't end up with a bunch of the same pictures?
Definitely not. Who authorized this photo shoot, anyway? I'd like to speak to my agent.
I *am* your agent.
Well, who hired you? Tell them they're fired. You move, if you want a different picture.


That wasn't so hard, was it?


Give me treats now, I need some nourishment after all that work!
I'm not giving you anything, just taking another picture...
That's it, I'm going on RO and telling them you're neglecting me.
Go ahead, no one will believe you. You and Bangbang are looking more and more alike, as in you both look like...
Don't you dare say it!

Those are all the pics of 'Pik I got. Now, some silly dog pics:


Silly Daisy rolling around.


Yannik's big paws.


Yanniks big head.

That's all, folks!

Yaaaay update, I was wondering how things were. hahaha hippo... i actually named Bangbang that when i first got her but then it got changed to Bangbang... they are so similar in so many ways it still blows my mind!!!!
Tell Yannick i'm very proud he's learning to stay and maybe he could pass on some of his knowledge to Marley..
Thanks, Lara! I passed the message on to Yannik, he didn't say anything, but was quite interested. He also looked at the cat, I told him no teaching Marley to chase cats.
For the Rocky fans!!!

I noticed her skin was looking dry and she was kinda grimy anyway, so I decided to give her a bath! It's the first time, she didn't like it. But I got to hold her without being pricked to death! (because I was a way out of the water...)

I washed her with Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash, fyi.


In the water!


Let me out, let me out!!!


Wrapped in a towel.


Yannik says hello



Wish I had had a camera man to get better bath pics, oh well.

Oops, forgot the pics of Pik (don't tell her.)


This is my mat, it stays here, don't touch it again....


Little Pik looking cute. Cute widdle nose, cute widdle lips, cute little white nostrils....
I am so happy that you're getting a new bun! :):) I love the name too, Ash was going to be named that, but Ash fits him better :p... Anyways, I can't wait for more pics of you "hippo" hehe, I just love her, and the captions!
Thanks, Shay! :)

I wasn't so sureI likedNewts' name when I first read about him, but it's grown on me and I think I'll keep it.

I'll try to get another photo shoot done once I clean my pig sty, er house, a little. lol :biggrin2:


Today I brought Ookpik down to the feed store to get her nails trimmed, they were really long. She didn't enjoy the experience one bit, it took her a bit to come back out of the carrier once we got home. She was really good about being held and trimmed, but she was probably scared. At least now she won't be stabbing me! I also bought her some new stick on tiles for her cage, I just need to get it cleaned before I put them in.

I think that's all I have to say... here are some pics:


Haha, cats! I can get up here too!


Photographic proof of bunny badness! No chewing the house, Ookpik!:X


What are you taking about? There's nothing to see here, move along.

And some dead bunny flops:



And some pictures of Yannik:




That's all folks!

Oh ookpik you naughty bunbun don't chew the house or tease the cats!!!!I love the deadbunflop pics hehehe so cute:)
Thanks Lara :)

So tonight I started on getting rid of the ugly lino in Piks' cage and I must say.... I *hate* stick on tiles! It's mostly because the cage doesn't seem to be square and there are bits I had to cut out from the tiles to fit them around the posts. I got so frustrated with trying to get them flush with each other! And I ran out of tiles. :grumpy: I just need a few more to finish the shelf and about three inches along one side of the floor. But it didn't turn out so bad, they're rather attractive. Dan is going to get some more tiles tomorrow so I can finish it after work.



Look at my new floor everyone!


It used to look the same as out there.


I'm glad you like it, Bunny-Bunny.
Can't talk... drinking...

Here is a gross caterpillar I saw yesterday:



That's all, folks!


I love the random catepiller, it confused me so much :pI was like "That's not Ookpik, what is that? A poop?"

And don't worry I would have done the same thing with the tiles, bugs me when things aren't even.
Here are pictures from Newts first day in his new home! He's settled in quite nicely, he even let me pick him up! And Ookpik hates him, as I expected. I'm way to tired to write much right now, so that's all I'm gonna say.








What a cutie! They would make an adorable couple if Ookpik stops being a curmudgen :p

I read your other post about Daisy:(I hopeshe heals up quickly, she'll be in my thoughts!
Thanks Katie! Curmudgeon, LOL :D

Daisy is the same. She spends her time sleeping, but is still drinking and eating. I have a hard time keeping her still when she hears me getting food. I tell her to stay and I'll bring the food to her. I keep a bowl of water next to where ever she's laying so she doesn't have to move. I carry her outside to go to the bathroom then back to her bed. She's peeing, but hasn't pooped since yesterday morning, I hope she does soon. She can walk but her movements are very exaggerated and her balance is a little off. If I let her walk/stand too long she'll get exhausted and collapse, so I only let her up when it's bathroom time. She's so determined, though and will walk when she wants something, I have to chase after her and pick her up.
I phoned Carolyn, the mobile vet, she's out of town until tomorrow, so hopefully she'll be able to come over then. The vet in Terrace phoned Dan's (the bf)cell to check on Daisy, I thought that was really nice of them. I'll update when ever I know more.

Here are the bunnies enjoying their greens. On the menu tonight was carrot greens with some carrot attached, parsley and roman lettuce. I love the sounds they make when they're chewing something crunchy,now I have two buns to listen to!











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