Diana's Zoo

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Well my little 'Pik got spayedtoday. Now she's a little sad-sack. She's doing ok,I guess, just sitting in one spot. She seems a lot betterthan when we first brought her home, though. Moved around abit, pooped, peed, drinking water and is grooming. The vet'sgave me a little bandana with her name on it for her, I hung it on hercage, I don't think she'd appreciate wearing it.

~Diana & Ookpik

P.S. Bangbang in response to your question, sheweighs 2.8kg/6.1lbs(now, does that mean she's a Mini Lop, not aHolland Lop?!)
I don't know!!!!!! I get so confused between thetwo! I can get over how much she looks like Bangbang, however herdewlap owns Bangbangs, hers is pathetic and yet ANOTHER reason whypeople think Bangbang is boy :?... At least ookpik looks likea girl... Bangbangs not happy with me for saying that but the truthhurts lol!
Bangbang was quiet for a few days after her spay even with the painmeds they still are in a bit of discomfort, as long as she's eating andpooping normally don't worry she'll be back to herself in no time :)
Love from Bangbang and Lara
p.s. Bangbang would love to see a photo of oopik in her bandana heeheehee!
she is soo cute!

and she looks like the american mini lop. . .same as my winnie. . .holland lops don't really get over 4 pounds although i have seen themreach 5 1/2 pounds. . .but at 6 pounds and with her look, you gotyourself a mini lop (and an adorable one at that!)

i love her color!

Thanks Lara and Katie! Now I have to change the title of my blog...

Bangbang, I will try and get a pic of 'Pik wearingher bandana. No promises, though, even if you are my twinbunny! Maybe now's a good time to take the picture, she won'trun away while she's feeling so mopey! Hehe, don't feel sobad Bangbang you have a tiny little dewlap! I don't know whyOokpik's is so huge, I don't think she had one when I first gother. Maybe she's too chubby? I don't know how totell with a rabbit. It makes her look verymatronly.

~Diana & Ookpik
Here are some picturesfromsunday before she got spayed. I almost thoughtmy little girl was dead when I saw her laying like that, she wassleeping, but I've never seen her sleep in that position! Theother pic is her when she was playing behind a door, Yannik was tryingto "get her" and she's peeking out saying "dumb dog, can't catchme!!"

~Diana & Ookpik

Aaww, how cute! I can see why thatposition scared you. She sure looks comfy. I'm sureshe'll recover just fine. She's already eating and all,that's really good. :D
hahahah yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!! That is so cute!! I love that they made her a scalf that is so sweet!!! Bangbang was impressed, she thought Ookpik looked very cute (and she was also happy that someone else was being made to wear silly things ;))!
how she doing now?
Ookpik is doing fantastic! She's in a bad mood, though, because she's not alowed out of her cage yet. So she spends her time throwing all her stuff around, chewing the cage, and looking everywhere for a way out.

Oh, and yesterday she boxed me! She was on the top shelf in her cage and we were playing with one of her cat balls, then I went to pet her and bam! She must be really mad at me! lol

~Diana & Ookpik
oh my!!!!!!! Boxing bunny :shock:!! That's one thing about bunnies that really cracks me up, when things are going their way its all good, but upset them and you will pay for it!!!!!!! How long until she's allowed out? Nothing scarier then an angry bunny!!!!
Bangbangs responce when annoyed is to throw things around too or headbutt things, they have so much attitude!!!
Fingers crossed that herbunny-tantrums end soon and your not faced with much more bunny-boxing ;)
Hehe, thanks Lara! She's supposed to be on restricted exercise for ten days! So Thursday she get's her "get out of jail free" card. She seems ok to me, though, I might let her out earlier. It's not like she does anything really strenuous while she's out, I'll just make sure she doesn't run. I need new pictures of her anyway, and I'll try to get my bf's camera cause it's a lot better than mine. TTFN!

~Diana & Ookpik
Hey there,
How's the young lady going? She allowed out to binkie again? Hope all is well and she's back to her old (well young) self ;)
Lara and Bangbang:bunnydance:
It's been a while, hasn't it? We fell onto page 2!

Ookpik is doing wonderful, completely healed and backto her old (well young) self. Funny you should ask aboutbinkies:


I have a bunchmore pictures and video to post,but I'm just too tired right now. So, that's all you get!lol

~Diana & Ookpik
:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:Your both back!!
I was worried for a while there!
Glad to hear all is well and looking forward to more photos and so forth!!
speak soon
Lara and Bangbang

It's been almost a month!It'sfinally warming up, and my house is leaking. I have threebuckets out in here and one in the spare bedroom, terrible.I'm going to have to get someone to shovel my roof off *sigh*Otherwise, things are well with us.

I bought my goldfish a new 29 gallon fishtank. They love it! But Dot got stuck in one of thedecorations and lost a bunch of scales on his sides, poorguy! I'm going to eventually move Tiny Tim (Betta) into the15 gallon tank, hopefully he'll be happy in there.

I also now have a hedgehog! I totallydidn't plan it, but he needed a new home, what could I do? Mycoworker bought him off some girl a couple months ago and decided thathe didn't have enough time for him. Luckily he knew a crazyanimal lady (me). He didn't really have a name before,somy bfnamed him Rocky because "he's afighter". He's only about 8 months old and I'm his thirdhome, poor guy.

Oh, and remember Charlie? She's gone to anew home with a friend of the family who lives out in thecountry. She wasn't fitting in here very well, she's not verysocialized and doesn't listen well and was always trying to attack thecats and other dogs. My poor cats took to living in thebasement. She's quite happy with him. I'm glad wefound a good solution and my cats are glad she's gone!

Now, some pictures:

Here are some boring pics of Ookpik laying around,looking grumpy, chewing her grass mat, one of her tail.

I was sitting on the floor taking pictures of Ookpik(that didn't turn out well) and Yannik came up to see what I wasdoing:

"Whatchadoing on the floor?"
Dunnoabout this face, looks like he's burping!
"Stayaway from me, rabbit!"

Ok, I rudely took Rocky's box off of him and out of thecage. After much huffing and me talking sweetly to him, hecalmed down and I took some pictures, here they are:

Some better pics, taken with my bf's camera:

"8:30? This is way too early to be awake!"

Streeetch!Ok, so this is the end of his stretch, too bad, it was cute!

I picked him up lastnight, he's quitesharp. He didn't like it much. Lucky forhim the phone rang so I put him back in his cage.
One annoying habit of hedgehogs is they like to poo and pee whilethey're running... so I cleaned a very yucky wheel tonight.

Dot(orange Oranda) and Jacob (Black Moor)
Dorieand Dot, though it just looks like an orange blob by a plant.
Fulltank again.
Dot& Jacob again.

Allthree of them.
Allthree again.
Poorbald Dot.
Dot& Jacob
Dorieand the silly snail sign.
Theculprit log that Dot got stuck in.

Ok, I think that's about it! I'll try not to wait so long between updates again!

~Diana & Ookpik
Can't forget the cats!

Here's my kitties terrorizing Totoro. Kagomein Ookpik's cage, she has a "thing" about going in there.Missy sitting in Yanniks under-the-desk bed. Cutesy pics ofKagome by the door. And Missy standing there in the dinningroom.

Totorosays "what you lookin at?"

Welcome back!! The hedgehog is socute!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still trying to wrap my head around hedgehogsbeing kept as pets... its so strange... I guess it would be like mehaving an echidna :ponder:... I would love to have a wombat they are so...HUGE andhave such cute noses:wink!!
Bangbang saw Ookpiks grass matt and thinks I should go out an buy herone! She's looking great, she back to normal after her spey?
You have so many pets, which is a good thing, the more the merrier I think :party0002:
Bangbang wrote:
I guess it would be like me having an echidna :ponder:... Iwould love to have a wombat they are so ...HUGE andhave suchcute noses:wink!!
Me too!! Your hedgehog is adorable! Another one of our members has oneand she told us the funniest story about how her hedgehog got hislittle hands on a piece of bunny poop and was all exciting, foaming atthe mouth and rubbing it all over himself or something! It soundedadorable :D

Ookpik is looking beautiful. You have quite the full house there! Im jealous :D
Thanks Lara and Haley!

Hedgehogs are indeed strange little pets.Haley that behaviour is called self anointing. They do itwith smelly things, I've read leather is a favourite. But sofar I haven't found out why they do it.

Lara, Ookpik is appalled that Bangbang doesn't own agrass mat! Just kidding. Ookpik doesn't reallybother with her mat very much, but the cats like to claw onit. Maybe Lucy would too.

Ookpik is totally back to her normal, brattyself. I let her free roam all weekend, she really likedthat. She's going to be totally ****ed when I leave herlocked up tomorrow while I'm at work! She has a new hideoutunder the bath tub, I keep trying to block the hole, but she alwaysbusts it open again, brat. I'm going to have to get somenails.

It is indeed fun having all these critters, they'reall so special in their own ways. And most importantly, they*all* get along, which I find amazing.I wouldn'tlet my hamster play with the cats or anything, but you know what I mean.
Here's an update list of the family:

Diana, 24 yr old human (me, hehe)
Daisy, 13 yr old Australian Cattle Dog
Yannik, 1 yr old ACD mix
Missy, 4-5 yr old cat
Kagome, 2 yr old cat, Missy's daughter
Ookpik, 11 month old Mini Lop
Rocky, 8 month old Hedgehog
Totoro, 6 month old Hamster
Dorie, Fantail Goldfish
Dot, Oranda Goldfish
Jacob, Black Moor Goldfish
Tiny Tim, Betta

Phew! I was going to put a picture with allof them, but it's too much work. And besides, everyonespicture is already here somewhere! (I think)
