Diana's Zoo

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Naughty Ookpik do not chew cords young lady!!!Bangbang tried that once i was very annoyed,I've been toldyou canbuy covers for cords so they can't chew through them,I just put the cords out the way and block of dangerous areas as i'msure she would try to chew through the cover just to be a smart***

Bangbang is appalled thatI havn't bought her a grass matt,she probably wont use it either but the fact she doesnt own one isenough to annoy her...
Good to hear Ookpik's back to herself...even if that means her naughtyself ;)It must be something to do with their colour... asthey both seem to be incredibly cheeky!!!

I love that you have so many pets! Home isn't home without an array of animals to share it with!;)
Haley wrote:
We need some more pics!


Just some pics of my sleepy bunny bunny.

Here are some pictures of Daisy feeling sorry causeshe's always left out of posts. J/K I think she's just bored,poor girl.

Incase you needed to know what she looked like in detail!


Kagome Chan acting out her fetish of being in a rabbit cage.

Kagome & Ookpik ('Pik woulda killed Kagome hadshe noticed her up there!)
"I'minnocent, I tell yah!" Actually, she's staring atTotoro.
Lookat the gut, she's really gained weight this winter. Mostlycause she refused to go outside or do anything physical.

Here's Missy in a box:

Ookpik having a bite to eat:

Here's my PooPoo (Missy)on the couch looking generally P.O'd



Oh, and the hole in the couch, courtesy of Yannik.

Here's what the weather's like in Whitehorse:

Haha,snowy head!

OMG!Yannik is still!

Ina ball
Startingto unroll...

Startingto explore.

Here are some not so good pics of Totoro. Iwas trying to get a picture of her crazy ear hair, butmycamera isn't good enough, you can kinda see in in the secondpic. And she doesn't hold still long enough to get goodpictures, I think video's are best for her. I took a newvideo when I put her back in her newly cleaned cage cause she alwaysruns around like mad, but I can't find it! I have no ideawhere it got saved to. *shrugs*

I just want to cuddle Ookpik she is just soadorable, with her big silly floppy ears :DIs she's anythinglike Bangbang however allowing anyone to cuddle you without permissionis a serious serious crime!
You have a blue heeler !! (australian cattle dog)!! In Canada;)that is awesome, my friend breeds them, very intelligentdogs indeed
Thanks Haley, I like that picture too, especially her one ear back like that.
And I forgot to mention that Rocky is actually a girl, I finally got agood look at her underside. So I don't know if I'll keep hername Rocky or change it to Roxy or something entirelydifferent! But theyare definitely uniqueanimals!

Bangbang wrote:
You have a blue heeler !! (australian cattle dog)!! In Canada;)that is awesome, my friend breeds them, very intelligentdogs indeed
Lara! You just noticed Daisy?!

ACD's are indeed intelligent dogs, smarter than mostpeople, IMO, hehe. They're definitely my breed now.Yannik is part ACD too, but not much, just a quarter I think, hedoesn't even heel!
Daisy has outwitted me on more than oneoccasion, and she's not shy about making her opinions known!Like if I leave her at home and she thinks she should have gone withme, she'll scratch up the mats in front of the door so I have to reallyheave to get back in the house! She doesn't do it when I gotto work, only when I leave at a time that she thinks she should beallowed to go too!
She also reads my mind, seriously. Like if I'm thinking ofgoing outside, or something else she'd like, she'll start staring at meand sitting up and generally buggin me until we do what I (I guess"we") were thinking! I've had her since I was 12, so I guesswe have a connection.

And no cuddling Ookpik, she's too tough for that, you'll ruin her image!
maherwoman wrote:
Awww !!!!! CUTIES!!!!!

I'm so in love...

Are hedgehogs fun? I wish they weren't illegal in CA...:(
Thanks Rosie,

Hedgehogs are freaks! Especially mine,she's rather shy and balls up a lot. But once they're used toyou and comfortable, they'll lay their quills flat andcan becuddly and playful. They're certainly odd little creatures,though!
Rocky'snew C&Ccage is done! Rocky is getting better with me now, I let herout on the floor too. The other critters areenthralled. She even self anointed with the carpet,lol. And Rocky is a girl for sure now, but I'm going to keepher name as is. K, here's the pics:




What the deuce?
Where am I?
What's this in front of my box?

I'm going back to bed

Here are some video's of Totoro, I changed her cage. Thewheel in the habitrail was too small (obviously) so I got her a comfortwheel. I took the whole habitrail out so now she has more floor space.Only problem is how to get a water bottle in there. I have her water ina dish for now, I don't know if I'll be able to attach a bottle. Anyideas? She's in a rabbit cage, so the holes for a bottle are high up,and I'd need quite a large bottle to fit. I don't know if my Totorowould be able to handle a rabbit sized bottle. Also the walls aren'tflat, they're kinda concave, so I don't know if a hanger type wouldwork. I'll have to shop around and see what I can get in this town.Anyways, here's the videos:



Her cage looks so bare now! I'll have to find some more toys forher. See her climb the walls? Silly girl, good thing I didn't walk awaywhile the top was off! In the second video I was saying "hi Totoro" andshe jumped up the wall, such a friendly girl!

Here are some not so good pics (too dark w/out flash,too bright w/ flash) of her layed flat out in her wheel and a video ofher running to beat heck and swinging in it.





~Diana & Ookpik
Rocky cracks me up!! Is it a rock... is it a pawpaw NO ITS AHEDGEHOG!
All these unusual creatures its not fair :(I want a hamster,we're not allowed them in Aus... I love their little bottoms its socute, like a corgi!
Pawpaw is a fruit,I actually meant to say Durian!


I thinks it because of the risk they could potentially have if theywere to get free and breed. They would compete with nativemouse/rats/marsupials... well i presume thats the reason. We have rats,mice and ferrets (excluding queensland where ur not allowed to own aferret or a rabbit)...
Ferrel mice, rats and rabbits have all caused problems u see;)
Ah, ok. I knew what a durian was, never heard of a paw paw before.
I figured that's why you weren't allowedhammies. Seems silly to me though, but I guess they wouldsurvive quite well in your climate.

Stay tuned for pics!
Here's pics of my sweet littlebunny. She's been sorta moody lately and boxed me while I wasfeeding her and knocked the food all over.:X
The nerve, I tell yah! She's ok now, though, resting in the bunny loaf position.
She also does bunny 500's now, I will have to try and get pics, but they'll probably turn out a grey blur...


Havinga rest after trashing her cage, that I *just* cleaned lastnight.


"Thisbed is NOT to my specifications!"

Dead Bunny Flop!

Here is Yannik and the back of Daisy's head:



~Diana & Ookpik
Thanks Binkies & Michaela!!!

Here are a few more pics of my bunny bunny during her mid-day quiet time/nap.




Bunnyloaf! haha!

Here's Kagome in the basket house. Cute? Yes.




~Diana & Ookpik
Dear Ookpik,
Bangbang here, how you going mate?
Your cat looks awesome, it was nice of your mum to buy you your owncat. I have my own cat too, I was mean to her last night, I was alsomean to Lara. But today Lara had, had a bad day so i decided to bereally nice, thenI felt bad and was nice to the cat too.
Are you ever mean to your cat?
I like your new pictures, you look like me when I sleep... anyway Ibetter go before I get caught out, don't want to push my luck!
Post more photos soon,
From your bunny counterpart,
Oh, Ookpik, you're so cute!! I just wanna hug ya and mush my face into your soft fur! :D

And your kitty....I love pink paw pads!! :D It'swhy I take so many pictures of my Hobbes' paws...he has some pink, someblack...it's adorable! :)

Anyway, wonderful pics...love the flopped-out Ookpik...wonderful!!


Rosie & the Herd :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Hello Bangbang &Rosie! Thanks for the notes. I *finally* got my ownaccount, hopefully the woman won't notice.
I actually have two cats, I don't know if that's good or not.I'm mean to them all the time, especially when they come into mycage!!! I like to chase them, they always run away likescaredy cats. I'm mean to Diana sometimes too, I boxed herthe other day because she blocked off my hideout under thetub. I mean, how rude is that? Now I have to findother places to hide. I found a good one, it's in the sparebedroom where the hedgehog lives, my woman couldn't find me for awhile, it was great! The hedgehog lives in a pretty big cageand Diana couldn't catch me because I kept running around it!Haha!
I've been telling her I need more pictures and a video, but she doesn'tlisten to me, she says I hide too much, and we need pictures of me outin the open. Well, I better get back into my cage, no needfor Diana to find out I can get out and onto the computer bymyself!
