Diana's Zoo

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Hi everyone,

It's been a week so I figured I should post an update.

The vet came and saw Daisy. She said Daisy will be all right!!! She found no signs of neurological damage, so Daisy probably had a concussion, but nothing permanent. Her left front ankel is quite swollen, as is her right front elbow/shoulder, which explains the difficulty she's had with walking. It hurts to put much weight on her front legs. :( The doctor prescribed metacam and it seems to be helping her a lot. She's not 100 percent yet, but she's much better than last week. She should be back to normal in a few weeks, w00t!!!

The bunnies are doing well, Ookpik still tries to kill Newt through the bars, but I don't think she's as bad as she was. They're also having quite the chinning war, it seems like everything in the house gets chinned when either of them are out. Newt hasn't figured out that if you go up the hall, you can reach the living room, he just stays here when I let him out. I carried him out to the living room one day, he had a blast and I had a heck of a time trying to catch him so we could go to bed. I also changed his cage, the way I had it was too inconvient as there was only about a foot of space to walk into the room, it's much better now. I should take a picture rather than try to explain it.



Ookpik trying to break out and kill Newt.


Using his litter box, good bunny! (there as also been a poop war going on, lots and lots of marking.)


Little Newt-Toot relaxing.


The new cage set up.

And here's a video of Newt, Missy and Daisy. Not terribly exciting or anything, but you get to see them!

Also, if a mod stops by could you please change my blog title to:

"Diana's Zoo
featuring Ookpik & Newt, the Mini Lops"


Whew! So glad Daisy is okay. :highfive:

And isn't Newt a doll!!I love it when these things work out. :) (Now if Ookpik can get over the 'kill Newt' phase, all will be awesome!)

So glad I had a front row seat!

sas :hugsquish:

Hi everyone,

Not much to report, just posting some pictures. Then I have to catch Newt, who's running around the living room and then go to bed. Poor Ookpik, it seems like she didn't get much time out today, I try to make it even but it's hard. She seems to hang out close by, not out to the living room or the hedgehog room like she used to. Keeping an eye on the interloper, not doubt!

Here's my cute Yannik:



Newt on the couch:

Newt chilling by Daisy's crate:

Oh, and I found a small scab on Newts ear where Ookpik bit him a few days ago. :X
I'm going to have to find something to block the bottom part of his cage.

How did i miss this update?!!?!?:shock2:!!!!!!!!
Congradulations on Newt!!!!!!
Naughty naughty Ookpik! He's your new friend be nice!!!!!!!! See thats why I'm scared to get another Bunny i'm positive Bangbang would be 1000 x worse! She is so territorial even thought she was speyed at 5months.
Ookpik the sooner you make friends the sooner you can double binky, go on do it!!!!
Good news on Daisy, hopefully she'll just keep improving.
Marleys hurt his leg too ! On anti-inflam and stict rest, possible meniscus tear:pullhair:
haha, Lara, I was wondering where you'd gotten to!

I thought Ookpik would be bad and she was, but she's mellowing already. She can actually sniff Newts nose nowwithout boxing or trying to bite it off! She's hasn't completely given in, though. There is still some grunting and nipping going on, but Newt presents himself for grooming and he's all over her, sniffing, when she's pressed against his cage. I don't think bonding them will be terribly difficult. I'm just being a chicken about it. :biggrin2:

Daisy is much, much better. She's not 100% but she's getting there. She's walking around on her own now, before she would stand by you and wait to be picked up. She's still sore, but not as bad and I'm still giving her metacam. Another few weeks and hopefully she'll be good as new! Then I'll have to look into treatments for her arthritis.

Poor little Marley, I hope he recovers quickly! What's a meniscus tear? Is is a ligament? Give him a pat from me.

Here are some pictures:

Daisy, still resting.


But feeling spry!


Missy snoozing with Yannik. Look at his eyes, LOL.


Disappearing Newt!


Newt playing with his drink holder.


"I'm looking at you, looking at me."


Resting against Newts cage = Photographic proof that Ookpik's a softy!!!!! (don't tell her I said that.)

the meniscus is cartilage in the knee, he's being so naughty, he escaped today and was running down the street so i can the opposite direction, he was not impressed and came running after me muahahaha evil puppy but at least i caught him.:grumpy:

That picture of Missy andYannik is hilarious hahahaha, Yunniks like "ARUGH GET IT AWAY"

Good news about Daisy, little trooper, it will be wonderful when she's back to her old self :biggrin2:

As for Ookpik muahahahahhaha I knew it under that facade was a big softy... just don't let her know your onto her...
Better to be safe then sorry, I’d be VERY cautious myself!!!!;)

Haley wrote:
Bangbang wrote:
I guess it would be like me having an echidna :ponder:... Iwould love to have a wombat they are so ...HUGE andhave suchcute noses:wink!!
Me too!! Your hedgehog is adorable! Another one of our members has oneand she told us the funniest story about how her hedgehog got hislittle hands on a piece of bunny poop and was all exciting, foaming atthe mouth and rubbing it all over himself or something! It soundedadorable :D

Ookpik is looking beautiful. You have quite the full house there! Im jealous :D
Boy did I just laugh at that image!
Naughty Marley! No running away! I guess his leg isn't bothering him too bad, then, eh?

My poor Daisy, I talked to the vet and she said I can try her without the metacam to see how she does. So I didn't give her any yesterday, and this morning she seemed rather stiff and sore. She's limping around. :( So she's back on her meds. The poor thing, the joints that she injured still look funny, kinda at odd angles, I wish I could describe it, maybe I'll get some pictures.

I think I may set up a pen in the kitchen and put the rabbits in it. I don't know how that will go, Ookpik's still pretty mad about Newt. She's ok with him while he's in his pen, but when she's in her cage and Newt's out walking around, she goes mad! I've been reading in the Nutrition & Behaviour forum about holding them together side by side, maybe I'll do that. But I'm such a chicken! I'm always so nervous about handling rabbits, I don't know why, I can manhandle everyone else just fine. Maybe it's all the reading I did about how fragile they are or because they're not the same kind of tame as cats and dogs. I'll get over it.

Hehe, Leaf, Hedgehogs are definitely weirdo's, very strange. I still have to do a photo shoot for Ali, she asked for hedgie pics a while ago. I haven't forgotten!

Hello, hello

Not much to report, just posting some pictures.

Here is Daisy back when she was still feeling pretty crappy

Did you notice Kagome Chan?

Here's my Totoro:



One of my Black Moor goldfish has decided to turn orange. :grumpy: Like wth??? So now he's orange with a black tail, back and eyes:




I really need a better camera! I miss being able to take pictures of my fishies. Here is a video of them:

And I guess that's all because photobucket is being a curmudgeon now.

Eww, no thanks! I'll keep the snow.

And now, for Ali... drum roll please!

New pictures of Rocky, taken with a good camera, no less!


I'm not coming out!


Her hobby, carpet chewing.


"What's over here?"


Look at Missy. LOL!


She still doesn't know what to make of Rocky.


What she does when I hold her.


Her lovely clean cage.




Inspection complete, I approve of the cleanliness


*lap lap lap*


That's all folks! I still have the bf's camera, so expect more pics of the other critters!

Yay! Good pictures of my fish! They're so beautiful.

First, who's who:

Dorie, my oldest fish, he's a Fantail

Dot, he's an Oranda

Jacob, my Halloween fish, he was a Black Moor, now I think he's going to be a Telescope Fantail.

Sammi, my newest fish, s/he's a Black Moor.







I find that the pictures come out best if you point the camera down at them.
Ookpik and her craisins...




Then she binkied around and came to rest under the futon. Right now she's in her cage stuffing her face. Newt's turn is coming up!

Great Pics!

I love your hedhog! The teeth pics are the best! Can you snuggle/play with them at all?

The last picture of Ookpik is just adorable! I love her wittelleee cchinnn :bunnyheart
Yay lot's of pictures!

Our first snow was yesterday too:biggrin2:it didn't stay long though. But it definately feels like winter out. You should've seen the glee dance I did when I walked down the stairs and saw the snow out of the window, my boyfriend started laughing at me:p

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