Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
It's been a week so I figured I should post an update.
The vet came and saw Daisy. She said Daisy will be all right!!! She found no signs of neurological damage, so Daisy probably had a concussion, but nothing permanent. Her left front ankel is quite swollen, as is her right front elbow/shoulder, which explains the difficulty she's had with walking. It hurts to put much weight on her front legs.
The doctor prescribed metacam and it seems to be helping her a lot. She's not 100 percent yet, but she's much better than last week. She should be back to normal in a few weeks, w00t!!!
The bunnies are doing well, Ookpik still tries to kill Newt through the bars, but I don't think she's as bad as she was. They're also having quite the chinning war, it seems like everything in the house gets chinned when either of them are out. Newt hasn't figured out that if you go up the hall, you can reach the living room, he just stays here when I let him out. I carried him out to the living room one day, he had a blast and I had a heck of a time trying to catch him so we could go to bed. I also changed his cage, the way I had it was too inconvient as there was only about a foot of space to walk into the room, it's much better now. I should take a picture rather than try to explain it.
Ookpik trying to break out and kill Newt.
Using his litter box, good bunny! (there as also been a poop war going on, lots and lots of marking.)
Little Newt-Toot relaxing.
The new cage set up.
And here's a video of Newt, Missy and Daisy. Not terribly exciting or anything, but you get to see them!
Also, if a mod stops by could you please change my blog title to:
"Diana's Zoo
featuring Ookpik & Newt, the Mini Lops"
It's been a week so I figured I should post an update.
The vet came and saw Daisy. She said Daisy will be all right!!! She found no signs of neurological damage, so Daisy probably had a concussion, but nothing permanent. Her left front ankel is quite swollen, as is her right front elbow/shoulder, which explains the difficulty she's had with walking. It hurts to put much weight on her front legs.
The bunnies are doing well, Ookpik still tries to kill Newt through the bars, but I don't think she's as bad as she was. They're also having quite the chinning war, it seems like everything in the house gets chinned when either of them are out. Newt hasn't figured out that if you go up the hall, you can reach the living room, he just stays here when I let him out. I carried him out to the living room one day, he had a blast and I had a heck of a time trying to catch him so we could go to bed. I also changed his cage, the way I had it was too inconvient as there was only about a foot of space to walk into the room, it's much better now. I should take a picture rather than try to explain it.

Ookpik trying to break out and kill Newt.

Using his litter box, good bunny! (there as also been a poop war going on, lots and lots of marking.)

Little Newt-Toot relaxing.

The new cage set up.
And here's a video of Newt, Missy and Daisy. Not terribly exciting or anything, but you get to see them!
Also, if a mod stops by could you please change my blog title to:
"Diana's Zoo
featuring Ookpik & Newt, the Mini Lops"