CrystalBalls Babies

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Crystalballl wrote:
Awesome!I hope you find what you're lookingfor! They are definately addicting. I've noticedthat really quick hehehe

I swear, I cannot get over Holly's cuteness!!! Be warned, she might not be there in the morning! *Evil laugh*:witch:

hahaha Thanks Michalea. I'll keep an ear open through the night for intruders :)

And thank you Snuffles. She definately is gorgeous.Yes she likes to snuggle, she's a little nervous when I first go up inher cage (since I've only had her 24 hours hehehe) but once I pick herup she's fine, snuggles right in! Hopefully she stays thatway hehehe because Bandit does not like to be held. I wanther to be my snuggle bunny :)
Holly is adorable.

They will make a very good looking couple. I can hardly waitto see pictures of them snuggling up to each other. Their isnothing better than seeing two Bunnies in Love snuggling. Ican stand and watch Wilbur & Jackie for hours groomining eachother.

Look forward to many mpre pictures.


Well it seems they like eachother forsure. Last night again, I had the two of them out and Banditjust sniffed her, and let her lay down right beside him. Heeven flopped over on his back a couple times when she went and layedbeside him. I would assume that's a really goodsign?! hehehe

Holly isn't grasping the litter training completely yetthough. She seems to pee in her litterbox, because I onlycleaned up 1 pee spot, and that was the day we brought herhome. But I keep picking up her poops and putting them in thelitterbox. She sure does love the litterbox though, she'salways laying in it.

They are just so adorable!! Holly is going for just a vetcheck on Monday. I like to do that just to be safe.I have no children yet, so I'm crazy over my animals :)

In the litterbox together:


Timmy the Cat, Loves the Bunnies:


Jetta the Cat, Doesn't Really Enjoy the Bunnies (She usually stays away from them)hehehe:


Hanging Out Together:


Great! It looks like it's going really well. Becareful once she hits her teenage years though, she could get reallyterritorial and start fighting with Bandit.

Are you going to get her spayed?
Oh I am so happy. Bandit has beenbeing such a sweet boy. I think the bonding process is goinggreat! I haven't put her in his cage at all yet.Thats when I'm afraid he might get territorial and not like her toomuch.

So Sweet Together:


Be very careful, it's very easy for an adult toget along with a baby but the second that baby grows up and decides tochallenge for dominence, they may not like eachother so much and it maymean separating them for a few weeks months and then rebonding them. Iwarn everyone of this because my boys were happily bonded as babies(inseperable) and one day out of the blue the younger one challengedthe older and it was just luck that I was at home and not at schoolthat day or I dread what I might have found whenI got homethat evening.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a successful bond and they are adorable together!
Yayyyy!! Holly started using her WaterBottle. I'm so proud hehehe. Now I can ditch themessy bowl of water. Bandit and her are still getting alonggreat. Last night when I had the two of them out, Banditactually groomed her. Aww So Cute! First time I've seenthat. But I wasn't quick enough with the camera to get apicture of it.

I had a question though, for anyone who can answer. Iwanted to try just for an hour or so a day, justfor now toput Holly is Bandit's very large cage. (I want to see ifhe'll become territorial or not) Definately supervisedofcourse. Now if they are to get along can she live in therefor now? I am planning on Spaying her, but she's only 2.5months right now. Again, Bandit is neutered!

Oh andanother quick question. What age do you startintroducing Vegetables? I've read sooo many differentopinions and answers on it. Just wanted to know when everyonehere started introducing veggies. Thanks!!

Also (really this is the last one hehe) I've noticed Holly is a chewerand started chewing my carpet and chewing the corner of mycouch. So Bandit has been following suit, by chewing myottoman and dining room chairs. I always catch them and stopthem. But should I just spray them with water when they dothis?? Thats what I did. Bandit did not like thatvery much. Especially when I got him close to theeye. I didn't mean to :(

Her litter training is going okay. She seems to pee in herbox. (Haven't cleaned up any pee spots) But continues to poo in thecage. She does make mistakes when they're out playing in thelivingroom, but I definately expected that. She is always inher litter box. Sleeps in it, eats her hay from it.Everything!

Anyways, ofcourse here's some pics :)

Holly Loves her Litterbox:


Holly Taking a Break:


Bandit saying "What Mom?":


Holly Getting Up For More Fun:


Crystalballl wrote:
I had a question though, for anyone who can answer. Iwanted to try just for an hour or so a day, justfor now toput Holly is Bandit's very large cage. (I want to see ifhe'll become territorial or not) Definately supervisedofcourse. Now if they are to get along can she live in therefor now? I am planning on Spaying her, but she's only 2.5months right now. Again, Bandit is neutered!

Oh andanother quick question. What age do you startintroducing Vegetables? I've read sooo many differentopinions and answers on it. Just wanted to know when everyonehere started introducing veggies. Thanks!!

Also (really this is the last one hehe) I've noticed Holly is a chewerand started chewing my carpet and chewing the corner of mycouch. So Bandit has been following suit, by chewing myottoman and dining room chairs. I always catch them and stopthem. But should I just spray them with water when they dothis?? Thats what I did. Bandit did not like thatvery much. Especially when I got him close to theeye. I didn't mean to :(

Holly is SO cute!!! And I'm not biased at all ;).

Ok, so I would not have Holly live in the same cage as Bandit until sheis spayed and you are sure they are bonded. One day out ofthe blue, she and Bandit may stop getting along when she becomes moremature and starts becomes hormonal and territorial.Naturestee's Fey and Sprite were like that I think - great one day,enemies the next....

It's better to keep them in separate living areas when they areunsupervised I think. I don't think there is a problem intrying her out in his cage - just be prepared for him not to like it,although they seem to be getting along really well, so many not be anissue.

I started Charlie on one sprig of parsley or dilla day whenhe was about 3 months - although I know other people wait till they areway older. I only gave him a tiny sprig as a treat thoughuntil he got used to it and then I bumped him up toa couplesprigs when he was about 4 months.

Charlie started the chewing too!Misty never chewed untilCharlie and now one of my sofa's is ruined. Making a loudnoise when they do it, spraying them with water, all goodideas. I also make sure I give them a chewingoutlet. I give them lots of grass mats and willow balls,baskets, cardboard boxes etc, so they know what they should and shouldnot chew on. I keep a cardboard box in my living room so thatthey know they can go over and chew that if they want. Thechewing furniturehas really tapered off as long as they havesomething of their own to chew.


Hi, Holly blends in beautifully with your sofa/chair, in one of the pictures.

Both your bunnies are so darn cute.

Note to self, go to Oshawa during the night to "Bunny Nap" both of them.

Thanks Nadia!!

Alright, thanks for the suggestion about their livingarrangements. I think I will wait then. I maybe puther in to see his reaction though just for a bit. Idefinately would not stick her in there and just leavethough! I'll keep a close eye on them.

I thought it was about3 months I could start her with alittle bit of veggies. I'll wait till around then to starther with a tiny bit.

They do have a box and stuff I have in the livingroom for them to chewon, but they don't seem to bother with it.Bandit hascardboard and woodand stuff in his cage and he doesn'tevertouch it. I gave her some paper towel roll tooand she hasn't touched it either. Wherecan I getthem Grass Mats and stuff? I could try those and see ifthey bother with those.
Hahaha Thanks Susan.

And yes Holly does match my couch quite nicely hahahahaha. Inthat picture you can see the corner she chewed so verynicely. We were planning on buying a new couch, but we'regoing to wait until we move. First off that couch is the mostcomfortable thing ever, and want it for a Rec Room or something and thenew found Bunny chewers hehehe
I LOVE the harlequin pattern and I've never seen a harlequin lop before - how precious!

BTW, you and I have the same couch I think!

Well Holly is going to the Vettomorrow. It'll be the first time I meet the vet so I'll beasking some questions to see how rabbit savvy they reallyare. Because I do plan to spay Holly.

Hope everything turns out Good at the vets!!
I thought I'd put a few more pics I took of thebabies tonight. They are getting along so well.They sure have become partners in crime real quick hehehe

Bandit and Holly Playing:


Bandit Grooming Holly:


Just Hanging Out Together:


"Do You Think Mom Will Notice If We Chew This??":



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