CrystalBalls Babies

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Thanks Recycling Goddess :) I love them very much!

And yes my vet said she can spay about about 3.5 monthsaswell. I've gotta phone in the next week or so and book theappointment. I'm so nervous to have her fixed! ButI know it needs to be done.

Also Thanks BangBang! They did love eachother. NowBandit doesn't like Holly so much right now because she is becomminghormonal and keeps mounting him. And he DOES NOT like thatone bit!!! He actually turned around and snapped ather. So we're gonna phone in the next week or so to get Hollyspayed. Hopefully after that, they'll go back to the way theywere, because they were inseperable!

Crystal (Bandit & Holly)
Hey guys. Thought I would put a pic ofa shot I got today. It's of Bandit and I in Black andWhite. Now lets remember Bandit is anti-social and doesn'tlike to be pet or anything, so this is him letting me give him akiss. It's now my fav picture hehehehe


We need more pictures of your 2 Beauties.:jumpforjoy:

I love the new avitar, it looks really good.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Hey! How are Holly and Bandid gettingalong? Is he over the shock of being mounted by a littlegirlie bun? Kisses to Holly and Bandit!


I will definately post some new pics tonight sometime. I'vegot some taken, just haven't uploaded them to photobucket or anythingyet. So I'll get on that :)

Bandit, I think he's over the shock of being mounted. hahaha He suredidn't like that. So they've been seperate for now.I plan on getting Holly spayed in the next few weeks. Sohopefully they'll go back to being good friends again after sherecovers fully from her surgery.

I noticed today, Holly has a little scab on her ear. I wassitting on the couch watching her in her pen and noticed her one earlooked a little there wasn't a lot of hair onit. And I got in her pen and looked and it has a littlescab. I think she might be scratching that ear a lot more orsomething. Any ideas on that one??

Other then that, they're great! Bandit has finally gottenused to his 1/2 cup of Pellets a day. He was such a littlepiggy before. But now he makes it last him pretty much untilI fill his bowl at dinner time every evening.

I did however order a 12lb Box of Hay from a farmer in NY on Ebay andit came, and they LOVE it. Bandit is not a big hay eater, butever since I've gotten this stuff he eats soooooo much more of it. It'sgreat. And it was a pretty resonable price. I'dhave to find a farmer around here or something. Anyone aroundhere know of any, or get from any??

Well I will post pics after dinner!!

Oh and I love the Avatar too. Michaela made it forme. She's willing to make another one for me too with my twokitties in it. Gotta get some pics together for her :)

Crystal (Bandit & Holly)

Hahahaha alright, sorry didn't get them up last night, ended up havingcompany over for a while. So here are some newpics.

This is Bandit, doing what he loves to do best (excuse the hair all inthe cage, I took this just before I vacuumed the entire thing out, hesheds so bad I have to do it a few times a week):


This is Holly playing her pen:


Just Bandit, so Cute!!:


This is Bandit's new hiding place...Under our Bed (he was under there on Friday for like 5 hours):



Holly In her Pen again:


Holly Still Loving her Litterbox, but still Pooping everywhere...grrr:


Well there ya go! Hehehehe

Anyone have any suggestions or anything on my comment about Holly's earin my entry above?? Let me know! Thanks :)

Crystal (Bandit & Holly)
Great pictures, I really am going to come andBunny Nap both of them. They aresoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocute.

Susan and the Gang :bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart

I think I remember someone saying that it's ok to use mineral oil ondry patches, however as hers is a scab I don't know if it would help. Ialso remember someone saying polysporin is good too, but just theregular one not the one with pain medicine in it. I wouldmaybe wait till someone with more knowledge answers you.

Awww, more adorable pictures - what else could you expect though from such an adorable pair of bunnies!?!:bunnyheart
*snugglies* to Holly and Bandit! I didn't see your last set of pics - they look great!

As far as the scab... make sure she doesn't have any kind of crustystuff on the inside of her ear (that could be mites), otherwise if it'sa dry area, I would put a little Mineral Oil on it like sooskasuggested, and watch for her scratching a lot. If she'sscratching a lot... might have to get her checked for mites?Also - does it look like a scab like she got it caught or hurtsomehow? Love bites from Bandit?


Hey Nadia, Thanks :)

I've been keeping an eye on Holly's ear. She doesn't haveanything (crusy stuff or anything) inside her ear. And shewas vet checked about a month ago and she was fine. The scabis still there, it's small but I think it's getting better.She did scratch that ear, but I think it's dry skin or something, Idunno can rabbits get that? lol

I don't think she got hurt, cause her and Bandit haven't been hangingout together for a while now. I'll have to get some mineraloil and maybe try that. Where would I get that?

Your babies are adorable! I somehow missed all the most recent pics.

I wouldnt worry too much about the scab unless it really spreads. Myboy Basil gets dry skin, you can put some neosporin on it (orpolysporin) and that should help.
Yeah, Cookie (my parents bun) used to get dryskin on his ears a lot - a bit flaky, but it wasn'tmites. We got Mineral Oil from Shopper's Drug Martalthough, if it's not bothering her, don't worry about it. Myvet said don't use it too much as it can also clog theirpores. High maintenance bunnies.

I've never tried the neosporin/polysporin. Can't hurt either - just use the one without the pain medication in it.



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