Well-Known Member
Thanks Recycling Goddess
I love them very much!
And yes my vet said she can spay about about 3.5 monthsaswell. I've gotta phone in the next week or so and book theappointment. I'm so nervous to have her fixed! ButI know it needs to be done.
Also Thanks BangBang! They did love eachother. NowBandit doesn't like Holly so much right now because she is becomminghormonal and keeps mounting him. And he DOES NOT like thatone bit!!! He actually turned around and snapped ather. So we're gonna phone in the next week or so to get Hollyspayed. Hopefully after that, they'll go back to the way theywere, because they were inseperable!
Crystal (Bandit & Holly)
And yes my vet said she can spay about about 3.5 monthsaswell. I've gotta phone in the next week or so and book theappointment. I'm so nervous to have her fixed! ButI know it needs to be done.
Also Thanks BangBang! They did love eachother. NowBandit doesn't like Holly so much right now because she is becomminghormonal and keeps mounting him. And he DOES NOT like thatone bit!!! He actually turned around and snapped ather. So we're gonna phone in the next week or so to get Hollyspayed. Hopefully after that, they'll go back to the way theywere, because they were inseperable!
Crystal (Bandit & Holly)