CrystalBalls Babies

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Hi Crystalballl

This is the first good look I've gotten of Bandits Mustache and I love it!

He looks like Groucho Marks With that Big Mustache and Thick Black Hairaround His eyes looks like Groucho's Glasses and Thick EyeBrows.:roflmao: I'm not Laughing At your Baby, I loveHim.:heartbeat:

It works For Bandit were it didn't for Groucho!Bandit's Beautiful. :yes:

Wow! I love Bandit's Big Building, Great Job!:great:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
Well I thought I would put some new pictures up :)

This is Bandit with his "Kitty" Brother and Sister, Jetta andTimmy. (Timmy has white feet and belly and Jetta has theblack ended tail)


This is Bandit garbage picking hahaha. There's nothingharmful in that garbage can, just some paper, some Hay I picked up offthe floor and ofcourse (what I'm sure he's after) an empty bag of histreats


Bandit Comfy after making a mess with his litter box on my livingroom carpet hehehe


Well I haven't updated in a while.Right now I'm bunny-sitting my friend's (the one who gave me Bandit, soBandit's brother is here) bunnies for two weeks. So I thoughtI'd post some pictures.

Here's Bandit checking out our ChristmasTree we brought home tonight. I'll have tokeep a close eye on him because he seems to like it and I'm not sure ifit's safe for him or not, so better safe then sorry.


And this is Bandit's brother Smokey. He's looks just likeBandit (a little smaller) but he's gray instead of the Black.


This is her other little bunny Petunia. She's so small hehehe


Bandit Checking out Petunia


That's all for now. Have some more pictures in the next dayor so. Getting Pictures taken with Santa this weekend (Myfather in law looks JUST like Santa, he's putting on his suit and we'regetting family pictures hehehe)
Thanks fj.

Well I posted these on the Christmas section, but I"m going to put them in Bandit's Blog too!

These are Christmas Pictures with Santa we had done at our house. (My father in law is Santa) :)

First is just the two of us with the cats because Bandit decided he didn't want to come out for pictures.


Then with Bandit in my arms with his towel. He was in a terrible mood lol Unfortunately kind of blurry



Then just Chris and I :)


Hi, I read in one of the other blogs that youare getting another Bunny next week. How exciting foryou. What kind and where are you getting he/she from.

Do you have any pictures yet?

Hey Soooska!

Well I haven't got a date yet when I'll be bringing the new additionhome. But I'm definately getting a Holland Lop.Always wanted one of those! But I have my heart set on theTort colour, so I'm waiting for the breeder to get back to me to seewhat she has and when they're ready to go etc. Because I wanta doe. Bandit doesn't like boys lol

I'm really excited. Can't wait! Hope the bonding goes well though lol
Well it's official. This is Bandit'snew Friend! She's almost 3 months. She's aHarlequin Holland Lop. And I think she is the cutest thingI've ever seen! Let me know what ya think everyone.CAn't wait to start a new blog about her. We'll probably bepicking her up on Monday! *crosses fingers* I'm SoExcited!!


Congrats Crystal!!! She isbeautiful! I wonder if she is related to my Rupert?We'll have to compare pedigrees after you get her!
OMG, she's beautiful. Is she a rescue or from a breeder?

I can hardly wait to see more pictures. They will make a beautiful couple.

Thanks guys!!

I am getting her from a breeder. I had my heart set on a Tortcolouring, but she didn't have any, but then sent me this picture andit was love at first sight. hehehe So we've decided to gether. I did phone the Rabbit Rescue, but there was no answerand no one phoned me back. But ya never know withme. I've got the bunny fever, I would definately rescue onetoo. Hopefully my bonding goes well *crosses fingers**touches wood* hehehehe
