CrystalBalls Babies

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Awww, Bandit looks lovely :D- his cage is fantastic! :bunnydance:

It might be my new bunny, Bandit, that you noticed with the same name:D- mine is an opal butterfly French Lop:colors:.

We bought Indoor/Outdoor carpet for boat decks from HomeDepot and it only cost $16 for a 12 feet by 3 feet peice, you can alsoget it in 6 feet wide sections.:yes:

The great thing about this carpet is that it has a rubber backing sothe carpet underneath doesn't hardly get wet at alland whenit gets really nasty you canjust pull it out, take itoutsideand wash it off with a waterhose. :great:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Oh Good Suggestion about the carpet! I'll look in to that.

Only thing I'm worried about is my 2nd level bows a little bit whenhe's on it. But I haven't got the peg board for it yet. Doyou think that'll stabilize it more?

Thanks Rogue. Yes it must've been your bunny with the awesome name :)
Hi Crystalball,

Have you thought of using dowels in your cage. Check out thepicture. We have them in both of our cages for Wilbur andJackie and they work well. Our two little ones probably weigh 6 poundseach and we have no problem with the cages.

Oh thats a great idea. Maybe I'll go pick upsome dowels then! Just to make it more stable.Don't want the thing to collapse on the little guy. Thanksfor the tip!
Or an alternative to the dowelling is L shelf brackets.

Two of those brackets near the front of the shelf will make it rocksolid! You have to use zip ties that are slightly smallerthan the normal size to fit through the holes.

I use it to hold up the shelves in my cages, and even with a standard Rex, and her eight babies, it doesn't sag at all.

Wow you have one very spoiled (and very lucky) bunny!!

You got some great suggestions for the second level. I use the dowelrod and just zip tie it to the front underside of the shelving. Itworks great and you can cut it to size! The L-brackets work great ifyour cage is zip tied completely. I notice you used the connectors thatcame with the shelving (which I did as well). Because of the gaps wherehe connects are, Ive noticed that the L-brackets dont work as well. Youcould always use both so you have extra support.

Looks great though!! Nice work!

PS..Soooska, those tunnels you can find at Target also. I justsaw a really nice one there for 10 bucks! Im going to get it for theboys for Christmas :D

Thanks for the info Haley. I'lldefinately get dowels. I got the peg board for the floor ofhis second level today. And my mother in law bought him morecage pieces to make it even bigger. He definately is aspoiled little guy. I think my kitties are jealous, I mustfind them something to buy soon before they run away from home. Hehehehe

We found we didn't need the dowel's oncewe put the pegboard on and tye wraped it but Mongo weighs less then2lbs :shock2:


Your Idea of the dowel rods is why I bought them and will still usethem when Mongo's girlfriend and him bond and their both on the toplevel together and alittle bigger!:hug:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Well we're changing Bandit's Pentonight! Bandit's Nana bought him more squares to add on andit needs to be changed a bit because I can't get at him to even pethim. We also bought the peg board today. I'll postpics when we're done :)
Bandit's Big Building! I changed hisCage. It's not finished. Still putting in the floorand everything else tonight. I'll post a picture ofcourse when it'scomplete! Just thought I'd give a sneak peak :)


Tada!!! Bandit's BigBuilding! And he loves it. Yes, I changed his cage.The other one wasn't working for me, so I made this one moreaccessible, and yes larger. He has a penthouse suite on tophahahahaha



Let me know what ya think :)

Here are just a couple random pics I took today. Lazy little guy he is, isn't he?!


