CrystalBalls Babies

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It's official we pick her up tomorrow.At around 1ish. I'll never forget the day we brought her homenow. Jan 1st!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year! I can't wait tostart a blog. I think we're going to name herHolly. Holly the Holland Lop, and our Holiday Bunny :)

Oh my goodness, Holly is gorgeous. Ilove harlequin lops and her markings are the prettiest I'veseen. I am so jealous!

Congratulations. We need LOTS of pics! :)
Oooh Holly is so pretty! Of course, I'm biasedas I love harli's and have 2 of them. One of mine is also a lop and isthe same color as well, mine is just a lot lighter colored than yours!

*Adds Holly to her bunny napping list.*
Well I thought I would start a new blog andincorporate Bandit's original blog in to this one because we've addedan addition to our family.

Her name is Holly. She is a Holland Lop. She is sobeautiful!! Bandit sure does look like a giant next to herthough hehehehe

I will take some pictures tonight to post!
Thanks for combining my blogs, Haley!

Well we had the two of them out for the first time tonight. Iwas so nervous. Bandit mounted her a couple times, but I madehim get off. Any suggestions or comments on bonding willdefinately be welcomed! I didn't have them out together forvery long, Bandit kept burying his face in her fur, I didn't knowwhether he was gonna bite or he was just doing that because that's whatthey do?! I've never bonded bunnies before so any help willbe greatly appreciated.

But anyways here some Pics :)

Here She Is:


The Two of them:


In the Litterbox, Me Telling Bandit to be a Nice Boy hehehe:


Hi! Your new Baby is Beautiful and it looks like she's got Bandit's Hormones in overdrive!

If Bandit isn't neutered yet, Now's theTime to get himfixedbecause it only takes a second when your backs turnedfor him to do his Business! Since he tried to mount her once he'll justkeep at it. :pullhair:I wouldn't let them out together againtill he's been neutered.:no:

You can do a search on bonding and you'll be reading all night, there is alot of Great info here on RO.:yes:

:goodluck I'm sure you'll do fine, it just takes Patience and time.


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"
She's adorable!!! It sounds like itdidn't go too badly for a first bonding session. They make acute couple :)
Hi! Crystalballl

I went back and reread your thread andseen that Bandit is neutered :embarrassed: So he was probablyjust tryng toestablish his dominance over herandletting her know he's Big Bun around the House.:roflmao:

Keep doing the sessions in a neutral room for short periods at a time and he'll soon come around!

Mongo did the same thing with pebbles when theyfirstmet, he tried mounting her like 3 times then he juststopped and now they just run around the same room ignoring each otherfor the most part with sniffing a nudging now and then.

Daisy has groomed Mongo's Head a couple of times but he actslike that's what she's supposed to do :muscleman:Of coarse hehasn't bothered to ruturn the favor Yet!:foreheadsmack::laugh:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Holly is so cute!:bunnyheart I'm not normally alop fan, but she is definitely up there with the cutest bunnies on thissite! The harlequin colours are beautiful, that's my new favouritecolour!

Will have to get me one of them...:idea
Thanks, Michaela. She's a real sweetheart!

So is Bandit burying his face in her fur a normal thing? I was just so nervous he was gonna chomp down hehe

I figured he was just showing his dominance though.

I don't think him pushing his head into her furis anything to worry about, my bunnies occasionally do this, as long ashe isn't biting her or pulling her fur out.:)
Yea thats what I was hoping, it didn't look likehe was biting. He definately wasn't pulling her furout. I just really want them to love eachother hehehe

Oh and Michaela she's actually a Japanese Harlequin. Well thats what my breeder told me anyways :)
Will have to look out for Japanese harlequinsthen!! Hopefully I'm getting to more bunnies later this year, I have noidea what breed, just that I know I want a small breed, but I'm sure ofthe colour!:D

My mum knows someone who's sister breed rabbits, she doesn't know whatbreed, but she's going to find out for me, hopefully either she willhave some or know somebody who does.:colors:

I understand that you want them to bond, I was so happy when things worked out for Berri, Ebony and Pebble.:)
Awesome!I hope you find what you'relooking for! They are definately addicting. I'venoticed that really quick hehehe

Bonding seems to be going well. Bandit just keeps sniffingher and even chinned her this morning. Only thing is he keepspeeing now when he's hopping around after her or around her.I guess this is normal? He's marking? It sure isannoying hehehe

Bandit and Holly:


Holly checking out the Couch:


She's VERY pretty!! I love when they have thestripe down the middle of their face. Do you mind me askingwhich breeder you got her from? I'm in Ontario too - soalways interested in breeders. You can PM me if you don'twant to post.
