Cheryl's Bunnies

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hln917 wrote:
cheryl wrote:
We are not inclined to think it's her teeth cause she eats everything...
Apparently she also like the doctor's instruments!!:biggrin:

Yes more pictures!!

LOL!...yeah she did...i did feel bad about Charlie biting the thing in half though...but hey...she's a bunny lol.

Today at work we had a meeting and cause it's Palmer's 10th anniversary..we were told theyare going to hold a work party at a very fancy restuarant called The wine have to be totally dressed up to be able to get in this's not until Sept 4th though...i'm very shy and i'm single..the other girls that i work with will probably be taking their partners and well me with just me lol..but they would really love everyone to go cause the bosses son who is from New Jersey will be joining us...i have met him before and he's a nice guy.'s like four month's away..but i'm already worrying about it..i hate being shy,i just never out grew it..but that's just me :p.

Cassidy has taken up with using the hay box as a litter box recently..little bugga..
Today at work we had a meeting and cause it's Palmer's 10th anniversary..we were told theyare going to hold a work party at a very fancy restaurant called The wine have to be totally dressed up to be able to get in this's not until Sept 4th though...i'm very shy and i'm single..the other girls that i work with will probably be taking their partners and well me with just me lol..but they would really love everyone to go cause the bosses son who is from New Jersey will be joining us...i have met him before and he's a nice guy.'s like four month's away..but i'm already worrying about it..i hate being shy,i just never out grew it..but that's just me :p.

Think the boss' son needs a date? I would love to visit Australia to see your buns!

I hate social gatherings! However I like the food part. I'mvery content staying at home with my buns.

How's Jack today?
Gosh i haven't visited my blog for a while i guess it's time to update things a bit..

Dave..i'm not into 'fancy' restuarant's...i'm just happy to gosomewhere simple...and i hate big gatherings...i would rather stay home...but i know i have to go..well i know i don't have to but the boss..well she's not exactly the big boss but she's like second in charge..she does all his work..and she can also be a bit of a witch's like if you don't turn up you will probably be looked down upon..ugh!

Rebecca..i thought of taking Anthony but he won't go..he would rather be with his wouldn't be his thing yeah i'm on my own...but i'll be sitting with Janet and Paula who i work close with...they will just be with their husbands.

Helen..i would rather be home with my bunnies too...i would feel more comfortable and happy.

I know everyone at work..even though a couple of the guys are jerks there..but i just don't like big parties with lots of people..i'm shy!..but i know i'll get over it and i know when i get home that night i will be like..thankgod i'm home! lol

Vivian..thank's for the lovely comment :)

The bunnies are all doing great...Maggie was feeling unwell for two days last week was quite strange cause during the day she was fine...but evening she wouldn't eat and was lying uncomfortably so i picked her up and gave her some infacol and rubbed her tummy...she wouldn't eat anything though....but the next morning she was fine...then that evening she did the same thing as the night before..she wouldn't eat and was lying uncomfortably i gave her some infacol again...but by morning she was fine....i was starting to kinda stress out cause i was getting worried about her and why that happened two nights in a row.

She's fine now was only those two was just very odd though how it happened the way it did....i don't have any idea how old Maggie is as she was a homeless street bunny that i gave a home of course i worry about her.

Miss princessChocolate Bunny gave me a few kisses a few nights ago...she onlygives me kisses when ever she feels i deserve it little girl..

Every morning before i go to work i alway's get kisses from Sunshine as she is my major kisser....i say give mummy kiss kiss and she happily licks my nose and's a nice way to 'hop' off to work lol.

Well it's been three days into the start of winter and boy has it been cold...i hate winter and can't wait for it to end...bring on Spring!....boy another three months to wait.
I had to stop by and tell you that your rabbits are beautiful! :biggrin:I could only wish to be able to have a few more rabbits at one time!. I love this picture...

Love the look on her face! :halo
I love that one too. I want her, she is TOOOO cute! I go to the local petstore here and visit the bunnies and there's a male lop there and I'm just inlove with him :) Lops are very friendly little bunnies. My lionheads are very grumpy, unless it's just mine :p But I love them :)

Oh and Choki all photogenic, How cute :)
Send some of that cool air over this way! Only about 10 degree to cool it down to 70's for us.:biggrin2:

How's Maggie doing? You are so lucky to get your bunny kisses. I'm missing mine from Shades. She's the only one who'll do it but hasn't given any lately.

Okay more pictures please!!
Your bunnies are all so beautiful. I love the plethora of LOPS!!! And I always expect Chocolate Bunny to be brown :)
Nummy wrote:
I had to stop by and tell you that your rabbits are beautiful! :biggrin:I could only wish to be able to have a few more rabbits at one time!. I love this picture...

Love the look on her face! :halo
I just want to kiss her luscious little bunny lips!
Oh that picture is actually of Jack..he was such a little character...i love that picture too..

The bunnies say thankyou :)

Maggie is doing good Helen..i still don't know why she was like was kinda odd... just gladshe has been her normal self ever since..

Oh and you can have all thecold..i'll gladly share with you..cause as of right now it's blowin' a gale out there and it was pouringnot long ago...i hate this weather..

I just hate the cold..:pssd:

On another mum is taking my son Jeremy to Queensland to see my brother..Jeremy has his end of school term holidays then so they are going for two weeks..they're going by plane as it will only take about two hours or so where as if they went by bus it would take three days.

Jeremy is looking forward to going as he has never been on a plane before..i haven't he's quite eager to go.

Well it's past 11:30pm here and i gotta get to sleep..gotta get up early for work..

pictures of the bunnies to come..
Well it's a lazy sunday morning here..almost 9am...the weekend has been very quiet cause both my boys have gone away for the long weekend..Queens monday is a public holiday yay! this morning i turned on tv..i knew there was nothing on anyway..never is on a sunday morning...and channel 7 and 9 have the morning news andon channel 10 is video hitswhich i have not watched for many years now...i just couldn't stand the quietness any longer...and some of the music is just crap lol.

Well i was sitting here on the lounge on my laptop browsing the forum when Ebony hopped out of the loungeroom and went down the hallway to visit Josie,Sunny and Charlie cause that's where they were sitting...after a little while i hear this noise..Ebony comes hopping down the hallway and back into the loungeroom flicking her feet and hopping at the same time lol...she had this really long piece of sticky tape stuck to her foot lol...she was trying to flick it off...i laughed out loud cause she just looked funny cause she had this look on her face like something was after her...i went and took it off her..she was happy after that....silly girl.
Well my car registration was due friday on Thursday i got the registration papers out of the drawer and put it on the kitchentable so i wouldn't forget about it.

So friday morning i get up and get ready for work and after i did all that i went to go and get the rego papers..i couldn't find wasn't there...i then looked under the table and there it was..all chewed!:shock:..oh my gosh they chewed a lovely pattern all around the edges and there were a few holes in the middle of it and it was crumpled..oh man i was like..little buggas...which one of you bunniesdid this....i was eyeing them each going was it you...or was it you..or you lol.

Before i went to work i asked my son Anthony if he could go pay for it for me as i know i was going to be embarrased to pass those papers over lol...Anthony says 'no way..i'm not gonna get looked at strange'..i said 'gee thanks' lol

So i stopped at the post office and handed the rego papers over to the guy...he looked at itand then said 'a bit hungry were we?' and laughed....hehe i said was one of my bunnies..i was so's not the first time though...the bunnies have gotten hold of other papers as well :rollseyes

Well i couldn't even see how much i was to pay..i couldn't remember who ever chewed the paper..chewed the bit that said the amount.

Bunnies!..such little buggas lol
At least these episodes make beautiful stories. Same thing happened to me a number of times. I have some friends who always want me to read their books but I never take them. I know what's gonna happen....
I know Vivian...i have lost a lot of day my son Jeremy left his homework on the coffee table...umm some little bunny reached up and dragged it off the table and chewed it :shock:...

Well talking of bunnies chewing's monday here..and it's a public holiday so nothing is open except my local supermarket which is just a small one..i needed some milk and other stuff so i went and had a shower and got dressed and i went to put my good jacket on cause it's cold here..winter sucks...well lo and behold what did i find in one of the sleeves...some little bunny had chewed a little hole in it..i was like 'oooo those bunnies' was either Wally or Riley as they are in my room...i know it was my fault cause i left it on my bed :rollseyes..but luckily it was just the sleeve..i can roll that up just a bit as it's a little long in the arms anyway.

It was like another time about two months ago i was wearing my jeans and i just happened to look down and i noticed little bunny teeth had been at my jeans...ugh..again it was either Wally or Riley.

I'm just now relaxing with a nice hot milo :)
Well this is the end of my long weekend:(,it's just after10pm..i'm in bed on my laptop for a bit...four days with no boys at home...Jeremy had friday off as it was a pupil free day from school...i missed them both all weekend.

So it's back to work tomorrow..which will be a i hope my week goes by quick.

Oh i was thinking that i must take some new pictures of my rattie girls..i haven't taken any for a while...they're just the cutest lil girls..i may do that after work tomorrow if i feel like it...or i might wait till the weekend...dunno yet...i must also get pictures of the bunnies posted as well...i'm slacking off :p

I just heard Chocolate Bunny telling the others that she cannot wait until spring time...she hates the cold weather and winter has only just begun....then i heard the others mumbling a bit..they all hate the cold LOL!

Goodnight bun buns :big kiss:


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