Cheryl's Bunnies

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Here in Brazil, whenever children don't do their homework (out of being lazy), they tell teachers "dog chewed my homework". It's an old story every teacher knows it's a lie. People in general may use the same excuse for other things, too.. it sounds even worse when we have to say a RABBIT did it!!! LOL
Rabbits aren't common pets here and people don't know they like to chew paper. Mine, besides paper, chews phone cords, laptop chargers, mouse cables, remote control buttons (a delicacy), etc.....
Hey Cheryl, haven't looked at your blog in a while. Love the stories of your naughty boys.

Vivian, My first 3 bunnies chewed numerous phone cords in my parents bedroom since it was so accessible. lol

I've almost lost a phone charger. I have 1 remote with missing buttons, my parents tv remote is missing a lot of buttons. oh yah my boy Snnokium pulled my ESC key off my laptop :(
Haha Dave..i wish!

Vivian..yep,i think that excuse is used world wide..well mostly lol...that's what i said to Jeremy that day it happened...i said oh how am i going to write a note explaining that a bunny ate your homework LOL...i wish i was there to have seen her reaction,that happened a while ago now.

I cannot tell you how much stuff i have lost..clothes,my kitchen table has teeth marks engraved in the legs..umm phone chargers..they got hold of my eldest son Anthonys phone charger and chomped it in half..umm they have chewed the wall up to bunny level where they have stood on their back legs to reach higher..umm my laptop charger has chew marks in it..ohh the list is endless.

A few years ago now,my mum came to stay with me for a week and of course where my mum goes her knitting goes...i told her do not leave her bag on the floor unattended..well we went out the back for a while and when we came in we caught Marley sitting in the bag and Chocolate Bunny was up on her hind legs with her two front legs on the bag..she wanted in on the action..umm a ball of wool had rolled across the loungeroom floor whichCassidy was sniffingand a few stitches had been pulled off her knitting needle...well well well my mum had lollies in there didn't she!and the bunnies were trying to get at them LOL.

Rebecca i cannot believe Snookiums pulled the ESC key right of the laptop..what a lil bugga lol.

Bunnies huh!..just what would we do without them lol

Oh yeah..not about bunnies this time but rats...sometime in 2004 we had our first pet rats...Sleepy..Missy and Poppy..well one day without thinking i had taken my brand new jumper off and just plopped it on top of the rats cage and didn't think no more about it..well hours later i happened to walk past their cage and oh my gosh..somehow the arm of my jumper had been pulled in as far as they could get it and ripped it to shreds..i learned my lesson that day lol.

Well it was my birthday today 16th...i think it should be compulsury that everyone should stay home from work on their birthday :nod..Janet the lady i work with surprised me with a pair of bunny slippers..everyone there knows i'm bunny crazy and i'm known as the bunny girl lol.
Happy birthday!!! I hope you're having a great day!
I agree people shouldn't have to work on their b-day.

:toast: :party0002: :birthday

I thought I was the only person on Earth who has lots of furniture and stuff eaten by rabbit. I have 2 kinds of clothes. One for going out and one for staying at home with MILU. These have holes, made by MILU, of course. I always hope nobody ever sees me dressing them.
Every time I replace a piece, let's say a shirt, it immediately gets bitten by him again, so there's no point in wearing new clothes every day. He bites shirts, sweatshirts, pants, socks, shoes, sandals, etc... whatever he can get. I don't recall if it was MILU or my other bunny Fedorento who, as a baby, entered in the bathroom, reached the toilet paper biting a tip and ran all over the hall with the toilet paper in his mouth, forming a "trail" of t.p. across the bathroom and hall. That happened about twice - then I learned that my rabbit isn't afraid of the bathroom as he is of the kitchen, and that it's a good idea to ALWAYS keep the bathroom door closed.
He was in such joy though, as if he conquered a trophy running all proud of his loot all over the hall and seeing how that weird thing made a white path after him... hehehe. It's likely that the looter was Fedorento - he looked like Milu.
Sorry everyone i have been meaning to reply for a while now...i just didn't get around to it.

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone...lets just hope next year comes a little bit slower...somehow i don't think it will seems like when you hit a certain age then that's it the years just start to fly by really fast lol.

Sadly Dave i didn't do anything for my birthday...hehe 30..yep ;)

Vivian...i giggled at what you wrote..i always find it amusing when my buns get into mischief cause it's a know what i just wouldn't expect a bun to get into mischief...silly lil things they are lol.

Well to start off,i just have to say how beautiful the weather has been the last couple of has been feeling like spring here...not bad for it being the middle of winter here..kinda's mean't to rain again in the next couple of days anyway.

My mum and Jeremy came back from Queensland last wednesday...i missed Jeremy so much..i didn't see him for three's good to have him back it's back to school this week..he's happy to see his friends again.

All the buns are well..everybunny is all happy and hoppy..

Jeremy and me was sitting in the loungeroom last night watching tv..then Jeremy said 'mum look at Cassidy' i looked over and he was sitting in the shoe box..i giggled at his cause he just looked so cute in there...i was able to get a few pictures of him befor i disturbed him and he hopped out..

you can just see Ebony in the background..




And just a picture of my son Jeremy with Jessy...they were staying with Jessy's mum in Queensland..

Both of my boys have a vietnamese dad..i'm aussie(i know i have mentioned it a few times before and no we are not together,i left him)..that's why they have such beautiful tanned skin..i'm so jealous of my boys lol

Jeremy is 14 years old and will be 15 on Nov 27th...Anthony is 19 and will be 20 on Oct 4th :shock:..boy times flies



Happy Belated Birthday Cheryl!

Cute picture of Cassidy, can you just pack up the box and ship it to me?:biggrin2:

You're lucky you're having nice weather there. We've been having a heat wave here. I don't mind the hot weather so much, it's the concern for the buns. I'm always rushing home just to make sure they're ok.

Your son is very handsome!
Thanks for the lovely comments Helen....and no..Cassidy stays right here lol..

Anyway i have a bit of sad news...I lost my little rattie girl Macey on Thursday the 5th...on tuesday i took the rats out of their cage for their eveningrun around time and i always hold them for a bit before i put them down well thats when i noticed this little tiny lump near her ear...i'm like aww man not a thursday it was really big...i couldn't believe how fast it grew.

So as it was affecting her eating and drinking...i had no choice but to take her to the vet and get her PTS...the vet agreed that it was probably a cancerous tumour especially since how fast it grew...a few tear drops fell as i said goodbye to her....i got the vet to wrap her up in a blanket that i bought especially for her and we buried her under the apple tree..

Looking back at Maceys pictures and that..i can see that her right eye always looked 'different' i thought it was just just looked more red than the other eye..she had no lumps or anything i'm thinking she probably had it underlying there since she was little cause i have had them for around two and half years..they are both about three years old or just a bit older..

I gave Macey and her sister Violet a home as my niece Samantha friend was looking for a home for sister was going to take them but then she changed her mind so she asked me so of course i agreed....i didn't really wan't any rat's cause we had three beautiful girls a few years ago and they all died of tumours..and their short little lives are heart breaking..

But anyway i agreed to take them...whoa it was hard to handle them cause they would bite..and hard...the poor little things were scared and they didn't really get any attention from their previous it took a lot of patienceand band aids lol...but after a long while they both gained my trust and they both slowly stopped biting and became loveable little girls...Violet is the shy one..she such a sweet girl..when i give her a piece of food she takes it very gently from my hand...where as when i would give Macey something..well i had to watch my fingers otherwise i would definitely had lost them...she was no lady at all lol

I think Violet is missing her as she seems to be hanging around the front of the cage...she doesn't usually do that...yesterday she was just lying in her blankie with her little head sticking out...she looked very lonly...poor girl...i hate seeing her on her own...she doesn't understand where her little friend has gone..

Is this your tail or mine...

Macey is the white one..





Missing your cute wriggling little nosey..


Cheryl, I'm so sorry to hear about Macey... she was a beautiful rattie girl for sure! RIP Macey... :angel:
How are all the other cuties? It's good that you have them to make you happy. Nobody can give us joy as they can, don't you think? They make us smile even when they fool us or act naughty... keep posting pics and stories of your buns and Violet!
Hi guys..sorry i hadn't replied sooner..

Thanks guys i appreciate all's been just over a week now since violet lost Macey...she seemed a bit lost for a while..wondering where her sissy went....which is natural i know...but it's just sad when one of your pets loses a's sad..

She is doing ok though...boy the cage has never been so tidy since i took the both of them in lol...they used to love playing with each other....i just could never keep their cage clean as in their blankets and stuff...i would always make it look nice while they had their nightly free run time..but by morning it was always trashed..they wouldpull their fleece blankets of the shelf..goodness they wouldeven roll their wooden tunnel thing of the shelflol..haha i could just imagine that..Macey and violet pushing it off the edge rattie girls are definitely not girls yeah..the cage is tidy now.

I was thinking of getting her a friend..but i'm not going to as when Violet goes that's it no more rats..but i will keep the cage just in case something comes up again.

I love rats..i really do..they are such sweet little creatures.

I still haven't gotten around to uploading any pictures of the bunnies yet..haha i'm slack...well tonight when i came home from work..i let the bunnies outside to play i was busy tidying up and stuff when i notice Chocolate Bunny digging in the dirt..i go over to her and she looks at me with all dirt over her nose little princess had a dirty could that be? lol..not my little lady..well she i quickly ran inside to grab the camera and guess what?!..i couldn't find son had taken it out with him...ugh just when i had a great picture of the most beautiful girl..

Well speaking of Chocolate Bunny...Chocolate Bunny was just hanging out in the kitchen,so i layed down beside her and started patting her..i got near her tummy when i felt this small lump...i could not tell you just how fast i sat up to check her properly and i panicked..but guess what it was..a bit of poop was stuck in her fur LOL!...oh my gosh i was so relieved lol

All the bunnies are doing good..i really must get some updated pictures of the buns though.

And Vivian i do agree with you 100%:)

cheryl wrote:
I still haven't gotten around to uploading any pictures of the bunnies yet..haha i'm slack...well tonight when i came home from work..i let the bunnies outside to play i was busy tidying up and stuff when i notice Chocolate Bunny digging in the dirt..i go over to her and she looks at me with all dirt over her nose little princess had a dirty could that be? lol..not my little lady..well she i quickly ran inside to grab the camera and guess what?!..i couldn't find son had taken it out with him...ugh just when i had a great picture of the most beautiful girl..
Thats too bad, but I bet she knew that so you couldn't document her having a dirty face!


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