I wanted to update my blog for a couple of weeks now since i came back on the forum,hadn't been on the laptop for over a year wow what a year it was for me..it was quite a mixed emotional time.
So here i am and i'm trying to figure how to start this..i'm starting to feel this pain in my heart at the moment cause i have to update on my bunnies...i'm gonna cry through this as i still haven't gotten over thing's..ok here we go...
I lost all my bunnies to myxi last April..oh my god!!.

I had noticed Marley wasn't looking to well one day and her eyes were red all around her eyelids,so i made an appointment for later that afternoon..after the vet finished examining her..he gave me the bad news...myxamotosis..he told me he has had quite a few people come in the last few weeks with their bunnies all showing the same symptoms...he said myxi is pretty bad this year cause of all the rain we were having back then....and i found out it was pretty bad in quite a few suburbs.
I have had bunnies for over eight years and never had a problem,my bunnies are indoors but they go out to play during the day....
I have dealt in quite a few situation's with my bunnies in the past..like Jack my disabled bunny who i cared for nine months not being able to hop...Josie had her leg dislocated but the vet popped it back in and she was great...then Daisy who had her hip joint removed....then lulu who was blind...Josie had head tilt...I went through a long hard battle with Pippi who had health issues due to EC...
This time a virus took not one but all my bunnies...i couldn't do anything...i sat in the vets office and cried...what was i to do?..i felt helpless...i have anxiety and stress issues and i don't do well in stressful situations...i just cry
My bunnies are gone..except for Cassidy he's my blind boy...he's been having issues with his eyes so he had been kept seperate from the others for quite a while...that is the only explaination the vet gave me why Cassidy didn't get myxi.
It was hard not having bunnies around me..i had been used to it for eight years..they were inside....i miss them terribly my heart still hurts for them everyday...they didn't deserve this at all...no bunny domestic or wild needs to die such a horrific death...i found out they have the virus in their systen for two weeks before they even show any signs at all....so the poor bunny hasn't really much of a chance anyway.
Here in Australia we are not allowed the myxi vaccine...they have it but just won't allow it....it's unfair and many people have signed petitions but it just gets over looked....cause bunnies here are just classed as pests...
Well my bunnies are gone taken from me..the vet even had tears in her eyes as well...goodness it was a heart breaking time...i didn't think i was ever gonna stop crying for the bunnies i lost....they were my everything.
They're in my thought's everyday....and i always tell them that i love them so....if i just could hold each one of them again..oh how that would feel..i miss them
To all my beautiful wonderful special bunnies..mummy loves and missis you all so badly...nose kisses to all...
until we meet again....