Cheryl's Bunnies

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I just gave Charlie her eye drops for the night..and i just gotta express what an absolute good girl she is..i don't even have to get my son Jeremy to hold her...she will just sit there and let me do hopping away... nothing.

It's 10:15pm..i have to go to bed soon...gotta get up for work in the morning.
Those little perks always makes the job nicer. I was talking to a Mars rep last week who said their Pedrigree office in Nashville, TN actually allow employees to bring their pets into work. How wonderful is that! I'm now trying to convince hubby to apply for a position!

You're lucky Charlie is a great patient. Need to tell me your secret!
Helen..i would love to be able to bring one of my bunnies to awesome would that be..i envy the people that can take their pets to work...i do have a funny little secret though..while i'm at work,i will often picture my bunnies being there with me and how much fun they could get up to lol..if only the other workers knew what i was thinking lol...

Haha Charlie is just a good little girl..i'm glad she doesn't put up a fuss when i'm giving her..her eye just makes it so easy...but not all of my bunnies are good like that though..i do have a few naughty ones lol.

Thanks Nummy..yep they sure are happy and very spoiled..i seem to worry about their needs more than my own..

Hi April! bunnies are doing good..getting into mischief as usual..Zak pulled out the rubbish in the rubbish bag today when i came home from was scattered all over the floor,lucky it was just mainly papers in there,but i think he could smell the chocolate wrapping lol... Charlie has been having watery eyes..she goes back to the vet thursday to try another flushing...fingers crossed Dr Lee can un block her left eye..if not then she has to have an xray to see if anything is going on.

Chocolate Bunny is still the sweet princess as's funny when i catch her getting into mischief as well cause she has such an image to up hold..she keeps demanding me to post pictures of i guess i'm going to have to obey her weekend is dedicated to take a bunch of new pictures of the bunnies.
Hi Cheryl, I need to catch up a bit, and I will, this weekend! Thanks for updating, I can't wait to read it all, I read parts, Yay!:biggrin2:

Love ya Cheryl!:hug:
Ohhh will be looking forward to pictures of Chocolate Bunny! :D Hopefully the weather is as gorgeous for you then as it was here today! Pity you didn't have the camera with you when they were tip-toes and in the bunny food, what a hoot that would be!
Yeah i didn't get around to taking any pictures today but will tomorrow which will be sunday.

The weather has been quite lovely here as well was quite nice....a very nice day for taking pictures but i got busy doing other things though.

Haha Chocolate Bunny is such a special little girl....she's da bunny!...but she's a little fatty though...i have cut down her food even more so i don't understand why she is still pudgy...and the others as well...if only i could put them on a treadmill or something lol...but really i don't know how to get them to lose some weight.

Oh boy yeah..i really wish i did get a picture of Chocolate Bunny and Zak that really was funny.

Well i had taken Charlie back to the vet thursday night..her appointment was 6:20pm...we had to wait around for just over an hour though as there were a couple of couple walked out crying and i knew they had to get their pet PTS...another lady was sitting in the waiting room crying also...oh man i felt like crying with her...she was telling me she had to get her dog PTS also.

We finally got in to see Dr Lee and he was soapolegetic for the wait...he picked up Charlie and just hugged and kissed her...he said he just needed that...gosh what an evening at the vet.

Dr Lee had a bit of trouble inserting the catheter into Charlie's tear ducts...he got it and tried to flush it but it won't unblock...and i hate it cause her eye goes all she has to go back next week to try to flush it again...after that he'll probably do an xray.

Oh well i will hopefully get some new pictures posted tomorrow.
This picture of Chocolate Bunny was taken around a year and half ago..

I love this picture cause it's just her to a tee...her attitude,she's poking her tongue outlol


Hi Rebecca,

I missed your post in the infirmary about D.C...i just went and checked it out.

I hope the flushing has made his eye feel much better....i just wish Charlie's eye would i mentioned in my earlier posts she has to go back again next week for another flushingand if that doesn't work well she has to have an xray...i really didn't expect this to happen..i thought she would have the flushing and things would be good..but nothing is happening.

And yeah Charlie is so good about taking her eye drops..i'm glad to hear that D.C is a good boy as well.
Continental cup a soup has this promotion thing going on at the moment where you buy six boxes of cup a soup and then go on the website and post the receipt number and you can get your name on the's nothing exciting really but i want something to do with bunnies but i just don't know what at the moment...but i guess i have to think fast before it ends.

Ihaven't worried about doing things like that in the past but i thought i may as well this just to think what i can get written on it.
I know Myia..i just love bunny tongues as well...they are just the cutest little things...and i just happened to catch Chocolate Bunny doing it at the right time just seemed so appropiate if to say 'this is what i think of you putting those hair ties on my ears' lol.

Actually i didn't even know i got that picture at the time,it wasn't until i went through them the same night i took those pictures and i came across that picture...Chocolate Bunny is just the most cutest little thing.
I still thinkyou should submit the picture probably to Disapproving Rabbits.

"You wanta picture? Take this!":biggrin2:
Hey Helen..i went on Daily Bunny when you first mentioned for me to post Chockies picture..i tried but i don't know how to find the url for her pic :p

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