Cherylleigh's bunnies

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I have much the same thing in my rabbitry withmy mild-mannered does (when they've not been bred). I have open cageson the bottom they can go into and hide if they want or if they justwant to be alone. Miss Bea has at times gone in a cage and shut thedoor behind her....then at supper time she opens the door, comes out toeat and may decide to stay out for a while.

The neatest thing about it though - is seeing the interaction and howsome just are naturally friends with others - and don't really careabout some others.

I rarely have any tussles - but all I have to do is raise my voice andthey usually stop. I do have two girls that will at times chase eachother and I've put them in carriers for "time out" for a few hours oran afternoon and then put them back in and they get along fine.

The does have learned though (I know - you'll say I'm crazy) that thisis a privilege and if they start to fight - they WILL be caged.

My mamas also get let out of their cages for playtimes with the girls.Unfortunately - well - not a bad thing - but earlier this week I letRomance out and her cage didn't get shut tight - so all the girls werecrowding in to see the babies in the nestbox. The babies started comingout earlier than usual because there were so many bunny-sitterschecking on them and waking them up...and now Romance is frustrated. Iwas joking about how their mindset is "It takes a village" for thisparticular litter.

But babies and mama are fine - and there are three or four does thatnow take turns jumping in the cage and being with the babies whenRomance has play time.

And are you ready for this? Its almost like they've assigned themselvesshifts because I can almost predict who will be there at various timesof the day...consistently.


Haley wrote:
Wow! 15 together?! Thatsawesome. They must be so much fun to see all running around.
For some strange reason, I've never been through your Bunny Blog!! :shock:

So, now I'm going through it, and can't help but say how adorable Ithink this picture is (before I even reach the end of the blog,hehe). Your Marshmellow is so cute!!

Heck, ALL your babies are adorable!! :D



cheryl13 wrote:
this is marshmellow,

she had dug a very shallow hole in my backyard,and as soon as she wasfinished she rolled in it a few times and then she just layed in itlike she is in the picture,she was sooo proud of that hole..

cheryl13 wrote:
this is marshmellow,

she was sooo proud of that hole..


Too beautiful for words. :bigtears:

I am banning myself from looking at any more of your pictures.

Give me Marshmellow and Chocolate Bunny and I'll go away quietly.
Alicia..just don't give up hope,because anything is possible

Carolyn..No,i think you should put Cali on the plane first,don't youthink she deserves a holiday to Australia!,oh and then you may aswellsend Fauna and know!,to keep Cali companywhile she's on her way here..mwhaaaaa.

Peg says..The neatest thing about it though - is seeing the interactionand how some just are naturally friends with others - and don't reallycare about some others.

Peg..this is so true,they all get along great together but i still findthat the bunnies have their favourite's who they cuddlewith,they can pick and choose lol

Ohh and i just loved your story about Romance Peg,and how the other bunny sitters will check on the babies..that's so sweet

Peg says..And are you ready for this? Its almost like they've assignedthemselves shifts because I can almost predict who will be there atvarious times of the day...consistently.

Oh my adorable!..this is why i have always loved readingyour posts,your bunnies are sofull of character,and i alwaysget a smile from your posts.

Haley,i love watching them all interact with each other,it's somehowvery relaxing,but the worst bit is at feeding time,oh my, i getbombarded with bunnies all standing on their hind legs surrounding meso much that i cannot even move.

You know how you can hear bunnies munching on their pellets,imagine 15 bunnies!

all you hear is..crunch..crunch..crunch lol

Rosie..that picture of Marshmallow is one of my favourites,i stillremember that day and that proud look on her face,she was so pleasedwith herself,silly little girl

Carolyn says..Give me Marshmellow and Chocolate Bunny and I'll go away quietly

Marshmallow is just the most sweetest little thing,she is what her namemeans,she has the most sweetest and softest little centre,that's why wecalled her Marshmallow,oh and she is Chocolate Bunny's mum too!


Aww...I would just LOVE to see them all out and about in your house at once...

BUNNY SWARM!!! Hehe!! :D

I think I'm in love with all of them, to be truthful...they're each so special in their own separate little ways.


And that picture of Chocolate Bunny in your avatar...well, that's just too cute for words...:)
Well, that just explains EVERYTHING...from their obvious sweetness to their cute looks...I'm dyin' here!!! :D

cheryl13 wrote:
Marshmallow is just themost sweetest little thing,she is what her name means,she has the mostsweetest and softest little centre,that's why we called herMarshmallow,oh and she is Chocolate Bunny's mum too!

I have pictures here of bunny swarms at feeding time - I'm just not brave enough to post them on my thread...

But I sure am glad to know I'm not alone...

Rosie,yes you can say it's a bunny swarm lol,and thanks Rosie :)

Peg,i have a few pictures of my bunnies at feeding time too,i will have to post them here

Can I come too????? :wave2:pleaseplease:

I know...we can have a bunny herd party!!!! :D:D:D

jordiwes wrote:
Can I just lie down in themiddle of your family room and let the bunnies wash over me?

This is my dream for a rabbit rescue.
JadeIcing wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Can I come too????? :wave2:pleaseplease:

I know...we can have a bunny herd party!!!! :D:D:D

jordiwes wrote:
Can I just lie down in themiddle of your family room and let the bunnies wash over me?

This is my dream for a rabbit rescue.
Me to! :wave2:pleaseplease:I will bring my six!
Alicia...what's 6 more lol

Stephanie...that's the fun part;)

cheryl13 wrote:
...oh and she is Chocolate Bunny's mum too!

Do you have any more of her babies? Is she stillbreeding? Is Chocolate Bunny going to have babies?

That's a Winner Line you've got in your hot little hands, there, Woman!

Maul them with kisses for me. They're bad for my teethbecause they're so cute, I can't help but grind them when I see thoseprecious faces along with their attitude. It's so easy toread what they're saying with their facial and body language.

Carolyn,no,no,no,i'm not a breeder at all,i wouldn't be strong enough to be one,i would end up over run by bunnies lol

What happened is...I originally had five bunnies,that was enough,theywere five girls,until i visited a pet shop and saw three young bunniesin a very small cage,the cage was very,very small,and my heart justfelt so sorry for them so i asked the girl to sex them for me,she saidtwo are girls and one is a boy,so i took them home

I had Jack neutered at three months old,he was the veryfirstbunny to go to the vet,and to have an operation,and i was just asscared as heck,as i didn't know what to expect

My original 8 bunnies

Sunshine,Lulu,Daisy,Marshmallow,Strawberry,Raspberry,Pippi and Jack

Well i was going to get the girls spayed when they were a little older,i had Jack neutered so i thought everything was cool.

Ha, little did i know that there was a little devil running aroundpretending to be a girl,until my Daisy had three baby bunnies,one diedat a week old though,it was really sad and i cried and cried,i didn'thave the heart to bury something so small,so my son did it for me.

When i found Daisy's babies,i was shocked,my jaw literally hit theground,it was so unexpected,and i remember saying..'but i havegirls,and Jack is neutered.'

Daisy's babies...two girls...Charlie and Baby

Then for some reason i went and picked Pippi up and had a look,and ohmy gosh!..yep there they were,hiding in that fur,that was my firstexperience of looking at little boy parts lol

After finding out Pippi was actually a boy,i felt so stupid because i feel i should have double checked myself

So the next day,i whisked him offas fast as i could to the vets,but.......little did i know,Marshmallow was pregnant!

I only found out when she had her three babies,Marley,Cassidy and Chocolate Bunny.

You know.....i had everyone telling me to get rid of the five littlebabies..but i couldn't do it!,i couldn't watch them grow up and thenhave to give them away,i knew from the moment i laid eyes on thebabies,i knew they weren't going anywhere,because i'm really bad likethat.

Well that was my little bunny family of 13 bunnies, dayin Sept 05,a little netherland dwarf decided he wanted to live with meto,my kids spotted him on our front yard one night,i eventually caughthim the next morning.We named him Tobi

Then a little while later,my friend Leesa calls me and soundingdesperate,she asks me can i take in four young bunnies,who were headingfor snake food,i took them in because i had the room,but i was thinkingabout letting them live with my mum,but they got on well with theothers,so they stayed.

And then last of all is Maggie,she came to live with me in Jan 06,myson's friends mum had asked me if i can take a bunny that was living ontheir front yard and her husband was trying to get rid of it by puttingthe hose on it,but it kept coming back,what could i do,i didn't wantanymore bunnies,but she came home with me because you know why!..on myforehead it says in big letters.................

Cheryl is a sucker!!


Hi Cheryl, I just re-read your whole blog, youtruly are amazing to have all those bunnies. I'd love to see picturesof all of them together, well as many that would fit into thepicture.LOL

I'm curious do you grow your own veggies for the bunnies? If not whatkind do you give them and how often do you shop for them. Ihave 4 bunnies and I seem to go shopping every 2 - 3 days forthem. They get veggies for breakfast and dinner and pelletsalso in the morning and in the evening.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
I loved your story :D...
But how can you say no to a bunny in need.... there so adorable and quirky...
Any bunny that crosses your path really is a lucky bunny!
I second the group photo plea!! That would be a site... to see all those bunnies together!!!
How to you house them? Do they have one giant pen or seperate ones? Do they all get along?
Bless Your Heart, Cheryl!

You're not a sucker, you Must Be St. Frances's (Guardian Angel of Animals, I believe) direct decendent!

Your story should be published. I can't think of anyone thatwouldn't love to read about those trouble bubbles antics as they workedtheir way into your heart - and then how you stepped up to the plateevery time. Bless your heart!

You are, indeed, a very special woman. No wonder whyMarshmellow and Chocolate Bun are such mushes! They have youfor a couldn't get any softer or more comfortable, secure inthe fact that they remain safe, protected, and deeply loved.

You're an inspiration. I admire your tenacity, strength,sacrifice, loving nature, unselfishness, and generosity. Now,if only we could duplicate your heart and personality.

Have to admit, I was astonished at the amount of times you found babiesin your 'nest'. It's amazing you kept them all. Icouldn't imagine giving them away after raising them, but I also knowthe work and worry involved.

Well, as Buck Jones (the gentleman in my avatar) would say, "What goesaround, comes around." You are to be rewarded 10x over foropening your heart and home. It seems that those little onesare madly in love with you by their expressions from the pictures youtake. If you ever have a doubt you're cherished, all you haveto do is look at your pictures. Those bunnies are head overheals in love with you, as so deserved!

I've got to say it again, Bless Your Heart!


P.S. I'll have to borrow a digital camera to get morepictures of my babies. Bear with me. I'll try toget one soon. It might be a bit of a challenge to get a newpose from them because I've posted so many pictures of them in thepast, but I'll see what I can do.

Take good care, and please go give a cuddle to Marshmellow and Chocolate Bunny for me.
Hey Susan..yeah my bunnies get veggies everyday,it does get pretty expensive but i have been going to the sameveggie shop for just a little over 3 years now,they have gotten to knowme and my bunnies,so i get a discount on what i buy,i spend so muchmoney in that shop.

When i first started going there and buying veggies,i noticed the looksi was getting until a few weeks later one of the girls says "you mustreally love your veggies",hehe how embarrasing :embarrassed:

I giggled and said "no these are for my bunnies".i'm sure i heard her jaw break when it hit the ground lol group of 15 are together,but they are not all in lovewith each other though,they do have their favourites,and my other 3 aretogether in another room.

Carolyn...Having all these bunnies is a LOT of work,my boys do helpout,which every little bit helps i suppose,but other than that it'sjust me who takes care of them.

Hehe,having all these bunnies means i need extra hands,i couldbepatting one bunny and then they all come overtrying to squish in so they can get a pat to!

Geez..i have never ever smiled so much,i think i started to's just amazing howwonderful these little creaturescan be,but even when they are being naughty or mischevious,orwhenthey have chewed holes in my clothes,they will never knowhow much they have brought to my life

Carolyn says...You're an inspiration. I admire your tenacity,strength, sacrifice, loving nature, unselfishness, andgenerosity. Now, if only we could duplicate your heart andpersonality.

OMG! you summed me up all in one,i have sacrificed my 'whole' life formy children and now my bunnies,i lost a lot of things for thosesacrifices as well,my mum says that my heart is to big for my own good.

Hehe,i don't know about the inspiration part..i'm just a very,very shyand softly spoken 33 year old,who's nana still calls her little petiteCheryl...she is so funny sometimes.

Oh and Carolyn..i will be waiting for those pictures of your fur babies;)

And thankyou :hug2:

