Well-Known Member
Spring i have 19 buns,i originally had 8 thenone of those 8 turned out to be a boy who gottwo of my girlspregnant before they weredesexed,one had 3 babies and theother had 2 babiesand i didn't have the heart to get rid ofthem i seen it as my responsibility to take care of them,then i rescuedtwo bunnies of the street and then i took in 4 babies that weredestined for snake food,so many people say i have a big heart,but ihave a great success story out of 19 bunnies they are all bonded exceptfor 3 which have to be seperated due to fighting,so i have 16 bunniestogether,i have worked so hard with all my buns to get them together iwas a bit dissapointed when i had to seperate the other 3 though,but nomore for me at the moment 
i just thought i would post a picture of both boys together...
This is just another picture of Tobi
ps..i will have to try to get a group photo of the buns alltogether,but i think thats gonna be a bit hard cause they wont sitstill long enough lol
i just thought i would post a picture of both boys together...

This is just another picture of Tobi

ps..i will have to try to get a group photo of the buns alltogether,but i think thats gonna be a bit hard cause they wont sitstill long enough lol