Cherylleigh's bunnies

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Spring i have 19 buns,i originally had 8 thenone of those 8 turned out to be a boy who gottwo of my girlspregnant before they weredesexed,one had 3 babies and theother had 2 babiesand i didn't have the heart to get rid ofthem i seen it as my responsibility to take care of them,then i rescuedtwo bunnies of the street and then i took in 4 babies that weredestined for snake food,so many people say i have a big heart,but ihave a great success story out of 19 bunnies they are all bonded exceptfor 3 which have to be seperated due to fighting,so i have 16 bunniestogether,i have worked so hard with all my buns to get them together iwas a bit dissapointed when i had to seperate the other 3 though,but nomore for me at the moment :)

i just thought i would post a picture of both boys together...


This is just another picture of Tobi


ps..i will have to try to get a group photo of the buns alltogether,but i think thats gonna be a bit hard cause they wont sitstill long enough lol


:shock2:19!?! Man, I'd love that many bunnies.Do you ever feeel a bit.. overwhelmed?!! With two sometimes it feelslike the work load is driving me insane.. I can't even picture 19!

I found a rescue group about an hr away from me who had adopted outthree bunnies that look idinticle to Tobi. Here's the site if you wannatake a peep! :)

Youryoungest son is so adorable! :wink:
Spring,i went and had a look at that sight andthere were a few that did look like Tobi they were all so adorable,idon't usually visit sites like that as i feel sad when i look at allthose unwanted bunnies,how can people just abandon or neglect theirpets.

Hehe,having all these buns is a lot of work and yes sometimes it doesfeel over whelming but i soldier on cause i know what has to be donehas to be done,it is like having 19 babies but i do love it though,i gothrough heaps of litter and pellets and veggies,but i was prepared totake on the responsibility though,when two of my girls had babies itwas a bit of a shock at first,but i just couldnt give them up,i did notwant my babies to be neglected by someone and i would have beenwondering how they were doing in their life,my mum keeps saying that myheart is just to big for my own good,but i just could not imagine mylife without them now:)

you know what the best part about having them all together?is just tosee them interact with each other,of course they have their favouritebunny that they would rather sitand snuggle with but im justsoooooo happy that igot 16 buns to bond with each other.

This is the little guy Pippi who got the two girls pregnant,yeah helooks like a boy now but when he was younger he looked like a sweetlittle girl lol,i used to say to him "Pippi my sweet baby girl,you arejust a gorgeous little girl" and he would give me this evillook,hmmi soon realized why,because he was aboylollollollollol



The rabbits on the wesbite all got adopted out and have happy little homes :D.

Pippi is a sweet little boy. I could imagine the look he gave youcalling him a girl.. hehe. What a proud little Papa! :D. Justwondering, who are the three little ones that don't get along? :D

How do you house 19 bunnies? :shock:
All your bunnies are so adorable. :inlove:I think I have some bunny napping to do tonight. ;)

- Anneliese:bunnydance:
cheryl13 wrote:
chocolate bunny is such a sweet little thing,she loves to befussed over,she just takes it all in:)


I really REALLY want this bunny!

I mean - Really Badly. :pullhair:

Must devise a plan. :zoro
Oh Carolyn,i'm sure you would absolutely fall inlove with this little girl,she's a fun little thing who likes to getinto a bit of mischief,sometimes i have to tell her No,and oh youshould see the look i get,she kind ofcreases her eyes,and itlooks kinda like she's frowning,she's got an attitude,but she is themost loveable bunny who will sit there for ages to be loved on,sheloves attention,and when i don't give it she makes sure that ido,sometimes with the things she does,just amazes me,i'm always sayingto the kids that i think Chockie Bunny was once a human lol

Even when she was a baby,there was just something about her

We took Chockie to my son's primary school once,because they had petsday,and the kids absolutely loved her,hehe my sons teacher even tookChockie to the other classes to show her of to the other teachers,sheloved the attention

Oh and Carolyn,Chocolate Bunny said she would love to come totheUSA to visit her aunty Carolyn,but there is acondition...we have to exchange..lets say..Cali..i'm sure she wouldlove to visit Australia :D

Baby Chocolate Bunny


Pretty little girl



Chocolate Bunny looking out of the loungeroom window


Chocolate Bunny whispering into Wally's ear,with the look on Wally's face,it must be something amusing



omg!!!!!!!!!! I have just entered lop-bunny heaven i am so jelous!!!!!!!!
So cute... too cute... SO MUCH CUTENESS I think i would explode fromjoy If i had all those cute fuzzy faces hopping around my place!!
I see your in adelaide, shame!! I live in perth;)
Bangbang thinks Wally is very cute (and so do i)
Bangbang wrote:
I see your in adelaide, shame!! I live in perth;)
Bangbang thinks Wally is very cute (and so do i)
Hehe,i guess my bunnies are safe then ;)

Oh and Bangbang has good taste too!

More,more..says Wally


Cassidy was grooming himself here until his little sissy came along and expected a groom from her brother



Cheryl, I was just thinking the other day how I wanted to check and see if you had a blog. Ive never seen this before!

Do you still have 19 bunnies? How do you keep up with them all? Im so jealous. I also want chocolate bunny and her sister.

Haley,i now only have 18,Baby who died on the 21st may 06 was my number 19 :(

I had 13 bunnies when i first joined this forum lol,and then my kidsfound Tobi on our front yard one night in sept 05,and then in Jan 06 myson's friend's mumasked if i could take a stray bunny thatwas hanging aroung out the front of their place,she said her husbandwas trying to get rid of it by putting the hose on it,i thought thatwas quite mean,so i agreed to take her,and then omg!,i get a call frommy friend some time later sounding desperate and asking if i could takeon four baby bunnies,which the guy who had them was going to give themto someone else for snake food,i felt sick when she told me this,iwasn't prepared to take any more bunnies as i had enough to take careof,but i just couldn't let them go like that....ummm i wasn't going tokeep them,i was going to find them a loving home,but after hearing thatthey weren't being treated right,i fell in love and kept them,everyonesays that they have never seen such a sucker before.

Looking after these bunnies is like owning a full time child carecentre,it's a bit easier for me though because i have 15 together,andthe other 3 aretogether but seperated from theothersbecause they don't get along with some of the others,iwas really hoping that i could have hadthem all togetherthough

Oh Cheryl, I forgot about baby. I guess shepassed right before I joined. I remember reading her story and it justbroke my heart.

So do you keep them all in some sort of large pen then? Are they outdoors? Im curious how this warrren works!
Haley,i have a huge family room that doesn't get used,the kids both have tv's in their room.

So i ended up turning it into a bunny room,the other 3 are in a different room

Ohh and they all have turns in having free roam of the house as well,i will let 3 out at a time.

When i'm home,i will let the bunnies outside to play,but since whathappened to Baby i no longer put them on that side,after i lost Baby,mybrother in law built a fence that runs along my back yard,i just didn'tfeel safe with my bunnies being on the other side anymore,my otherneighbours are just awesome,thank goodness,but when they're out there itake a chair and a book and i just relax out there with them,but it'sfunny because i never get to read my book,i'm to busy watching thebunnies having fun,i love watching them all interact with each other.

The kids are also great with the bunnies,Jeremy my 11 year old willhelp with cleaning the bunny room,changing the litter boxes andeverything,Anthony my 16 year old will help out as well,but not as muchas Jeremy,Anthony says they're annoying because they get in his waywhen he's trying to clean lol,i just say..awww they love you!

When i took in the last six bunnies,i was a bit terrified that theywould fight,but to my amazement there was no fighting,but ChocolateBunny did chase Maggie around for a bit,and when my kids found Tobi,iwas worried about the other boys,especially Jack because he loves totry to be the boss,i know he did nipTobi's butt because hehad the evidence hanging out of his mouth,Tobi's fur lol,but everythingsettled down after a few days.

I have now told everyone to not find anymore bunnies!'s not as bad as you are thinking lol,most of them havereally good litter habbits,but i do have a few poopers as well,i canhandle that,as long as they wee in the litter box i'm quite happy

cheryl13 wrote:
Chocolate Bunny looking out of the loungeroom window


Oh Goodness, whata wise and wonderful baby girl.The things she must think of. Such a great picture.She looks like a little intellect as she gazes outside contemplatingall things great and small. What a love.

DEAL on the switch. Let's do it this way, as soon as I getChocolate Bunny, I'll put Cali-Flower on the plane to you.Yup, that's the way to do it! :wink

She's such a little doll. The more I see and hear about myChocolate Baby Girl, the more crazy I am for her. :kiss::hug:

Hey - am I reading this right - the bunnies havethe whole room (no cages) and can free roam in that room? And they getalong ok?

Just doublechecking to make sure I understand....because that is what Ido in my rabbitry (somewhat)...on a limited basis (does only).


cheryl13 wrote:
Haley,i have a huge familyroom that doesn't get used,the kids both have tv's in their room.

So i ended up turning it into a bunny room,the other 3 are in a different room
