Cherylleigh's bunnies

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Spring wrote:
I'll keep Pippi in my thoughts, I'm sure he'll make a full recovery

Gosh,i hope he does to

He's very skinny though,i can feel all his bones,he hardly has any fat on him at all

Pippi can no longer stand on his hind legs either,he just falls over,and even when he grooms himself,he loses his balance,it's sad to see him like this.

Also another thing he's been doing is dragging his left hind leg every now and again,i have told Dr Lee about that,but he's not sure what the problem could be there,because he didn't drag his leg when he was at the vet....ugh! it's just so frustrating

When i pick him up it's like holding a very delicate piece of china,he's just so fragile and bony:(

I have also been trying to fatten him up with oates and all sorts of other stuff,but nothing seems to be working

But you know,he still gives me those little side way kisses,he's just the most gorgeous lil thing



Thanks Jess,i appreciate it so much :hug:

Well i never did take Pippi back to the vet last week,i cancelled the appoitment,i kinda got scared,but i know i cannot put it of for much longer,so i will probably take him this week sometime.

There has been no change in him either,i just wish things could start to look a bit brighter for him

He still loves to munch on his oat hay though,which is good,but sometimes he just sits there and he looks so sad,that's when i scoop him up and give him a big cuddle

Pippi is one of those bunnies that will just sit in your arms for ages,you can do what you want with him and he won't fight to get down...he's just so dam cute!

I thought i would just post a few random pictures...

What ya doing mum


Mum,Marley's annoying me


My mum said i'm not much of a lady


Beautiful Maggie


Spunky Wally


Pretty Marley


Marley and Jack


more to come..


I love the photos Cheryl!:bunnyheartAnd Pippi sounds like such a sweetheart, I really really hope you see some improvement soon. (I'm in the same boat with Ruby at the moment- so I know how you feel.:bunnyhug:)
Haha,Lara, Wally is a cheeky little bugger,and so loveable,and thankyou :)

Jess,i hope Ruby is feeling better,she is such a sweet little girl,just like my Pippi and sometimes things are just so frustrating when things go wrong,it makes me feel so sad when the poor little things are so unwell..and thankyou Jess.

Well anyway,i just got back from the vet,and Dr Lee wanted me to leave Pippi there so he could run some tests, so i came home empty handed,i'm really frightened and very worried at the moment,Pippi has not been able to hold his weight for months,but he's still eating though,if he's eating he should be putting on the weight,so really that tells me something is seriously wrong.

I'm really hoping that i will not recieve bad news,because i'm just gonna be so devestated.

Now i just have to wait for that important phone call

Well it's been a week since Daisy has been gone,and i've done nothing but constantly think about her,and i still keep wondering if i should have put her to sleep there and then that day,i just don't know,it wasn't a very easy thing...but i just keep thinking about it that's all :(

Sunshine is doing much better now,she's not sitting by herself any more,that's the good part about having my bunnies in a group...'bunny support group';)

She will sit in the spot that her and Daisy used to always sit outsidewhich is in my garden part..but now she will sit with the others,which is under the trampoline.

Daisy,Daisy, little Daisy flower,i should have talked more about you,tell everyone what a wonderful little bunny you were.

How your owners before didn't want you and your brother,so they just left you two at the pet shop in a box...i just don't know how someone could just do that :(

When i brought you home from the pet shop that day,i drove down the driveway,and my beautiful Daisy bush just glared at me,it was in full bloom,with little dainty yellow i turned to Jeremy who was holding you in a box,and i said 'i'm going to call her Daisy'..and that my beautiful sweet girl is how you got your name.

You were older than my other bunnies,but we're not quite sure how old you were because you were dumped...i'm sorry they did that to you love:(

Tell the others thatmum desperately misses them,and give them lots and lots ofnose rubs for me..ok

Missing you :(

I have also been taking lots of new pictures of the i have a lot to post..have to upload to photobucket first..

So lots of new pictures are on their way :)

Well i just bought a 46 inch tv..107 cm...and of course the box is BIG!

The box is in the kitchen at the moment,i have to take it into the bunny room later,but boy have the bunnies being having lots of fun,running through the box over and over again,and jumping on top of it :)

First here's Ebony..the black beauty...


And Marley...


And of course Chocolate Bunny has to check it out to...



Maggie says..'i wanna go outside mum!'


Maggie outside...That's better


Chocolate Bunny says..'mum am i a bunny or a little furry human?'...


You sure i'm a bunny?...


Sleeping Beauty...


Ahhh woke me up...


Can't you see i'm busy...


Hey mum!..come here and scratch my back..please...


Just for fun...


more to come....

Chocolate Bunny...


Gorgeous girl


Marley says..'hey mum what ya got for me?...


Chocolate Bunny says...'this is no way to treat a lady'...


Still more to come
Hehe funny Binkies

Thankyou maomaochu

Aww and thanks heaps Crystal

You guys are just to nice :)

Well first up i'm going to introduce my houseguest..he/she just arrived sometime today,they're not normally the kind of houseguest that i like having around.

Actually i'm terrified of is just up above my loungeroom if i want to go in the loungeroom..i have to quickly walk in and kinda son giggled at me every time...and says 'it's not going to jump on you' lol........i told him to catch it for me and put it outside...far away....he said he would do it if it was smaller :rollseyes.

There is noone else here to do it for me,so i have to wait for my other son Anthony to come home.i've been keeping an eye on it though...ok i've been keeping both eyes on it,to make sure that it doesn't move anywhere else.

Here is Mr/Mrs Huntsman




A close up..well as close as i was going to get to it anyway lol


They are just so creepy..

Pippi Pictures!...i took these today

if you look at his ear and fur,you will see a bit of nutripet..silly boy..



Pippihanging outin the pipe





In this picture,you can see just how thin he is


And this picture was taken two weeks ago




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