Well it's been a week since Daisy has been gone,and i've done nothing but constantly think about her,and i still keep wondering if i should have put her to sleep there and then that day,i just don't know,it wasn't a very easy thing...but i just keep thinking about it that's all
Sunshine is doing much better now,she's not sitting by herself any more,that's the good part about having my bunnies in a group...'bunny support group'
She will sit in the spot that her and Daisy used to always sit outsidewhich is in my garden part..but now she will sit with the others,which is under the trampoline.
Daisy,Daisy, Daisy..my little Daisy flower,i should have talked more about you,tell everyone what a wonderful little bunny you were.
How your owners before didn't want you and your brother,so they just left you two at the pet shop in a box...i just don't know how someone could just do that
When i brought you home from the pet shop that day,i drove down the driveway,and my beautiful Daisy bush just glared at me,it was in full bloom,with little dainty yellow flowers...so i turned to Jeremy who was holding you in a box,and i said 'i'm going to call her Daisy'..and that my beautiful sweet girl is how you got your name.
You were older than my other bunnies,but we're not quite sure how old you were because you were dumped...i'm sorry they did that to you two...my love
Tell the others thatmum desperately misses them,and give them lots and lots ofnose rubs for me..ok
Missing you
I have also been taking lots of new pictures of the bunnies..so i have a lot to post..have to upload to photobucket first..
So lots of new pictures are on their way