Cherylleigh's bunnies

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I am in total cuteness overload.

Oh when I was looking at all the pictures some of the bunnies were sending me secret messages.

Jack said Apollo's Acres looks like a good place to callhome.

Miss Lulu saidif Jack comes she wants to come too.

Last but certainly not least Rasberry said she just has to comeif Jack and Lulu are. She said she can almost smell the craisins.

So just let me know what their favorite things are so I cansurprise them when they come home. I'd ask them but don't want to ruinthe surprise when you say yes.

doodle thankyou:).pippi is such a sweet littleguy,but he can be a little bugger sometimes,he likes to bite ourfeet,usually when i am doing my washing,pippi comes along and bites myfoot ,telling me to move it.hmmmm...ok i have been told by a bunny:)

carolyn and guys are just to much,behave yourselves:)

well im not finished with the pics yet,still have a few more buns to show

this little gal is chocolate bunny,she is one of the babies.

chocolate bunny is such a sweet little thing,she loves to be fussed over,she just takes it all in:)


Oh my goodness! I didn't think itcould get any cuter, and then there's chocolate bunny. I wanther. mine mine :heart:

this little guy is cassidy,he is chocolate bunnys brother..that is jack in the background

cassidy is such an adorable little fella,he loves to be petted,he lovesto be talked to like a baby as well.a few months back he endedupwith gi stasis,i thought i was going to lose him, his tempdropped right down and he was cold all over even his earswere freezing.i rushed him to the vet as quick as i could,he gavecassidy two injections,and i went home and force fed him as much aspossible of the baby food that i bought him.he was fine the nextday,thank heavens:).he has also been desexed,nooooo more babies.


and this young lady is marley,she is chocolate bunnys and cassidys sister:)

she is such a precious little thing...


cheryl13 wrote:

Ok The whole lot of ya back off!! Chocolate bunny is for me, and I stand a better chance than any of you getting this bunny LOL.

Cheryl, check your alarm system luvvy, I am but 10 hrs away from you:brat:.

Oh I wish I could pat this beautiful bunny.

She is gorgeous:love:
ariel wrote:
cheryl13 wrote:

Ok The whole lot of ya back off!! Chocolate bunny is for me, and I stand a better chance than any of you getting this bunny LOL.

Cheryl, check your alarm system luvvy, I am but 10 hrs away from you:brat:.

Oh I wish I could pat this beautiful bunny.

She is gorgeous:love:
I got a friend of mine from Auzzie too and she can get her for me.
SweetPeasMommie wrote
I got a friend of mine from Auzzie too and she can get her for me.

Don't even think about it SPM :nonono:.

Chocolate Bunny is an Aussie:Australia: and she NEEDS to stay an Aussie:Australia:

Besides, she wouldn't understand you with your funny:USAflagwaving: accent you have!
ariel wrote:
SweetPeasMommie wrote
I got a friend of mine from Auzzie too and she can get her for me.
Don't even think about it SPM :nonono:.

Chocolate Bunny is an Aussie:Australia: and she NEEDS to stay an Aussie:Australia:

Besides, she wouldn't understand you with your funny:USAflagwaving: accent you have!
Some one here is causing trouble . Trouble bubble :brat: :hug:
AHEM. :mad: I am usually not an aggressive sort of person, but . . .

Let the record show . . . I claimed Chocolate Bunny first!

All the other bunnies are beautiful, so y'all just get in line for them
'cause Chocolate Bunny is mine.
doodle wrote:
AHEM. :mad: I amusually not an aggressive sort of person, but . . .

Let the record show . . . I claimed Chocolate Bunny first!

All the other bunnies are beautiful, so y'all just get in line for them
'cause Chocolate Bunny is mine.

Sorry luvvy, but Chocolate bunny needs NO passport to come visit me,but you,,, wellll she needs one, So I say Chocolate bunny visits mefirst. And maybe she might like it here, ya never know, or maybe I cango visit here and she can still live with her mummy but I can see her!!

****Going to fill car with petrol and head to Adelaide****:dragster:Ohhh that's right my car has Autogas as well, so no need for stoppingalong the way:brat:

:shock2:Oh my goodness, Cheryl. What a herd ofbeautiful bunnies you have there. No wonder you kept all the babies - Icouldn't have let them go either. Too adorable for words!


ps - Oh, and I want and need them all!!!!!
hehehe,*checking the security,making sure the electric fence is working*:wink:

hey everybody,these bunnies are minnnnne:D:D

just look at this cute girl,this is charlie.when she was younger ichecked her to see what sex she was,i really thought he was a boysooooo,i had taken cassidy and charlie to the vets to be desexed.abouthalf hour later i get a phone call from the vet,and i was thinking ohhhnoooo somethings happened.but the vet goes,ohh sorry we can not docharlie today as he is a she,my mouth literally hit the floor,i was notexpecting that.ohh i was soo embarrased,i really thought he was aboy,hmmmm..i dont know what i seen that day.but charlie was not veryhappy with me when i picked her up,she had her back to me the whole wayhome,that is so funny,i got snubbed by a bunny hehehehe,well if thatwasnt enough when we got home,i let her on the floor,she hoppedoff,then stopped and looked back and glared at me,then she thumps herfoot and hops off if that aint a bad attitude,well i dontknow what is hehehe,the little bugger.


this little sweety is Baby,the name just stuckwith her.thats what i always called them when they were young but ithink the name suits her is charlies sister.


omg,i havnt even posted all the other bunnies yet,i better get hoppin to it.

there are still a few more to come:).
Well I can't wait for you tofinish posting your pictures. Baby is so cute aswith the rest of your bunnies. I am sure Pebbles wouldn'tmind having anyone of your bunnies as a friend.

So I will teleport myself to bunny nap one of thebunnies, so I will beat the rest of thebunny nappers who are on their way.:D No electric fencecan hold me back. :zoro:

And don't worry about the accents.... :Australia:,and:USA:. :Canada: will do just fine.

slavetoabunny wrote:
:inlove:Everytime I think I've seen the cutest bunny, youpost an even cuter one! It's not fair for one person to haveso many gorgeous rabbits!
I agree wholeheartedly!

Chocolate Bunny isthe most adorable thing I've EVER seen!!!

