Cherylleigh's bunnies

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lol pet bunny

laura,chocolate bunny really is the sweetest thing

jordiwes,i was joking to my kids that i was going to get a sign out thefront door that says welcome to bunny heaven,but my son says tome,"mum,dont be a nerd"lol.

ok i just have a picture of pippi,hes the little trouble maker who madeout he was a girl until i uncovered his secret and found out he was aboy,but not before he became a daddy to 5 unexpected babies lol...


this is marshmellow,

she had dug a very shallow hole in my backyard,and as soon as she wasfinished she rolled in it a few times and then she just layed in itlike she is in the picture,she was sooo proud of that hole..


this is another view of her famous hole,you cansee that she doesnt really fit in it but she was happy of herachievements anyway...


yeah she really did look cute that day,i had toquickly rush inside to grab my camera,i was so worried that she wouldhave moved by the time i came back but she was still there basking inall her glory lol.

this is sunshine,sunny bunny just relaxing out the back...

she is like the mother bun around here,shes so bossy she really doeshavea attitude but i guess someone has to put the buns in theirplace,especially when old mother bun is around..i call her my littlekissey girl,i say give mummy kissey kisseyand she licks myface,she is such a bunny lol.


Hi-Just stopped by to meet your brood. I am in love with Jack & Marshmellow!They are too cute for words.

Am thinking of getting our boy some company. Any tips on introducing a new one? Seasun
Hey Cheryl :)!

I'm new here and I just wanted to say all of your bunnies are absolutely beautiful :)!!

We have a year old lop who looks exactly like jack and marshmellow! Meand my dad have just built him an absolutely massive cage and we're inthe middle of building him a big run for outside too!

We recently found a breeder, and we'll be going to get a new bun fromher in the next couple of weeks. I was wondering do you know whatcolour jack and marshmellow are?? as I would love to get another onethe same as ours :)

Also, I know she has some orange lops, are chocolate bunny and marleyorange lops? If so that would be fantastic as your ones are the colourI originally wanted :)!

forgive me if im being stupid by asking these questions, just we cantget up to see them till next week and I'd like to know what coloursthey'll be and if orange means they'll be the same as yours :)

thanks a lot!! please someone let me know soon :)

sorry guys,i just seen this or i would have responded sooner

luvabun...thankyou :)

seasun...thankyou,jack and marshmallow are such squishy little bunniesthey are both really quiet bunnies,jack is my little man he is such asensitive little guy,and they both have such great personalities,i lovethem to bits :)

hehe,im no expert on bonding but my buns just seemed to take to eachother,for some reason i always thought i had odd bunnies that dontfight,but.....i do have 3 bunnies that are seperated because they justdont see eye to eye with the others

jordiwess...i must get my butt into gear and update some morepictures,ohh i still have to post those 4 babies that are growing sooofast

Hey Casey...and thankyou very much for the lovely comment,someone onanother forum once told me that jack and marshmallow look like sablepoints,but myself i have no idea,ummm..i dont know what colourchocolate bunny and marley are,ok im terrible at identifying colours lol

anyway..welcome to the forum:)post pictures of your new bunnies when you get them:)

I had taken 4 little bunnies that were going tobe snake food or whatever else they would have done with them,but itook them in and gave them a home,ohhh boy are they growing fast,theyare just having the time of their life,i originally thought there were3 boys and one girl,but it turns out that two are boys and two aregirls :)

we have..Ebony,josie(who was originally joseph)the girls

Wally,zach....the boys

first is Ebony,she is so black that her eyes are camaflouged,sometimeswhen she looks a certain way,it looks like she has no eyes lol,she issuch a sweet girl,i call her name and before i know it she is at my feet



This is josie,she is also a sweet girl but very timid,but she has abeautiful nature that i just accept her for who she is but she doesfeel confident to sprawl out where ever she feels like it


This one is josie and zach,i had to mark josie's ear with a textabecause i could not tell josie and zach apart lol,still sometimes i getconfused and i will be petting one of them and saying their name untili realize that it is the other bunny lol...


these two arewally and zach,they want to go outside,they cansee all that yummy green grass out the back...such curious littleboys...


this is baby wally,he is such a cutie...


this is Wally just a bit older,i just love thislittle boys ears...


hehehe this is josie lying on top of chocolate bunny...


josie.."can i lay here with you chocolate bunny?"

chocolate bunny.."ohhh i suppose"


chocolate bunny.."hey i said you can lay with me not on me"

josie.."i just want to be close to you"

chocolate bunny.."i want to be close to you too,but not that close,sooo get off me you lump"

josie.."geez,who's a grumpy bun then"

chocolate bunny.."whatever"


Hi, you have very cute Bunnies. Are you going to keep them all?

Will you get them fixed? if not you may end up wit a lot of very cute bunniesLOL.

I take it they are indoor bunnies. How many do you have now? Your avitar Bunnies are very cute too.

Oh. My. Goodness! How do you keep finding suchadorable bunnies? I can't even pick a favorite. But if I had to, itmight be Ebony.

I just LOVE this pic


you should post it in the snuggle buns thread
This is my young son Jeremy,he was just about topoke his tongue out the little bugger,he is holding Tobi who we foundjust hanging out on my frontgarden

This is my eldest son Anthony,he was going through chemo when i tookthis picture,but this was one of his better days when he wasn't feelingsick as much,and just look how tanned they are,thats because they arehalf vietnamese,im an australian and their father is vietnamese,im sojealous of both of them because when i stand next to them i am lillywhite lol



Oh wow. I must have miscounted.. how many bunnies do you have?! With the pictures I counted 17.. :O!

I'm a closet lop addict... I ADORE them! Give them all a HUGE kiss from Pebble's and Pepsi!! :D