Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Thumper can jump high, I have seen him but I have also seen him climb over a baby gate even though he could have easily jumped it. I think maybe he didn't want to jump because it is hard wood on the side of the gate he was getting to and he's not crazy about hard wood yet. He's used to carpet so if you don't have a top for the pen that could be what she is doing, climbing.
I went to bed at 11 or 12 and I heard two loud noises in there. And I NEVER usually hear them, but I figured it was due to the thunderstorms... So I think that she was in there all night. I have never seen her even attempt to escape. I wish I had a secret camera! I will have to watch her like a hawk. I won another x pen on ebay! So I have one for them and one for outside fun-time and/or neutral bonding area
I understand about ending on a positive note. Kinda like training sessions. The first time you train a dog you don't want to go for more than 5 minutes even, and you ALWAYS want to end on a good note! And have fun and play a game after. Or an extra special treat like a bone. Do I could incorporate that into this situation by offering Buster a half a baby carrot and offering her parsley (her fave!). I was thinking of our half bath. But then I thought well they could get kinda stuck behind the toilet right? So maybe my bathroom sectioned off would be a better idea.
Oh wow those trouble makers!! Glad to hear there were no boo boos :/ I can't wait to hear how your babies do bonding! :) buster better watch himself because she's one big girl :p

Also, on a side note. Thank you to whoever mentioned me making sure I put water bowls in their cage too, I added them Friday night & even tho they spill them and make a mess I see them drinking out of the bowls a TON :) which of course is absolutely adorable and such a relief!! Any ideas on which bowls would be the best to have for this so it stops spilling? I put a ceramic bowl and that's pretty good but somehow Tucker is still making a mess.
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I got one of those kinds for cats, I think it says 1.5 quart on it, it's the automatic waterer. It's back there by the wall in this picture. She often gets it dirty but they love water from a bowl. Buster doesn't spill his little bowl of water but Phoebe used to spill it so I had to get her the big one.

Yeah one day when she gets 10lbs, he better watch it bc she will be able to beat him ;)

She is a little minx, good job there wasn´t too much aggro if she was there that amount of time. Looks like a good sign for their bonding, hope it goes well.

Houdini is another one who can get out of almost anywhere...making it Houdini proof is fun though and daring him to try is even funnier.
Tucker...another idea is a cat or dog bowl designed to attach to a cage. They won't be able to spill it just make sure it's big enough to hold plenty of water and hung low enough for them to reach.
So yesterday I went to my very first jury duty. Was there for 5 hours just talking and listening to idiots asking ******* questions and being little *****-babies about their feelings. So let me tell y'all what the guy was accused of....first of all I could tell he was full of BS, you could just tell the way he looked nervous and was looking around the room and he kept looking at me and made me feel scared. He was accused of aggravated sexual assault to a child under 14, he "fingered" her you-know-what. And just on a side note...he was black. And omg his defense lawyer attorney guy was like a snake! He had the eyes of a demon and you could tell by the way he spoke that he was a bad guy. Even the judge was a d-bag. Anyway, I was #46 and like half of the jurors were trying to get out of it by Sauk g that they would believe the kid no matter what, that they have personal feelings they can't get over, or whatever their excuse was. I would have believed the kid too, but I know that *SOMETIMES* kids make up things to get attention. This may not be the case here but I am aware of that. So I didn't say anything, but I didnt get picked...the girl next to me, #47 got picked and she was the last one. What was wrong with me? Not like I wanted to drive an hour downtown ever day this week but hey! It feels good to get picked! And I wish I knew what happened. A$$hole.
So that's how that went.

Yeah I think I am ready for their bunny date. I have been thinking about it and they have been doing so good, I think it would be ok to start early....however. How does it begin? Do you just throw them down in the area or what? I will look on YouTube for videos. :)
Haha, that's a funny picture! :)

I can't wait until you start their first date. Hopefully all will go well. I can't offer any bonding advice since I haven't ever bonded any bunnies. Just good luck, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for success! :)
WHAT. THE. FUDGE?? Seriously? I am disgusted. I have never done any jury duty anything yet, but WHAT? Really. I think it would've been cool to have been picked because you'd see the outcome, and have a say in it, too. BUT, I also am not sure I'd be able to handle such a case. Ugh.. That's hard to figure out if the kid is making something up or if the ******* actually did it. Though you could probably tell just from the stupid guy talking. & The way you described him being so nervous and everything... makes me sick.

Anyways, I am ALSO very excited to hear how your bunny date goes!!! Let us know! Pics and Pics and pics and videos pleassssssssssse.
Yeah! It was terrible! I mean I would totally let my feelings get in the way but I wasnt gonna tell them all that lol. But I would consider both sides. But more than likely I would be like " hammer hammer, 99 years without parole!!!!!!!!" Lol, Leo went with me and he kept talking about his giant welding hammer and how he would bring it and break the table lol. He's so funny. I'm like Leo, you're not Thor, you can't just hammer everything.

Yes I will be videoing. I get my exercise pen today! I think it's time for outside playtime!
They are so cute outside! And your grass is so pretty! I don't have "real" grass, I have clover.
Phoebe has a big head, I think she's going to be big. haha.
Buster is so cute, his face tells a story and I love it!