Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Yeah I didn't like the spray bottle firstly bc it goes against what I have learned so I was thinking since hes clicker trained, couldn't I click him when hes being....gentlemen-like? Ok good Im glad you suggested to get rid of it.
Yeah the scratching thing was almost kinda nice....if Buster did that to my back I would really enjoy that. Could I put their litterbox in there and put some nice new hay in it and let them dig in? I will have to acquire apple sauce or bananas.
LOL yes! His balls are....funny! And I think its funny (ok he gets dry balls and they flake and I gotta get some special lotion and put it on them, its totally weird but who wants crusty balls right?!?!?!?!) when I have to touch them he spreads his legs like OH YEAH THATS NICE!!!!! :p LMAO!!!!!!

Well shes currently 4 pounds and everyone agrees she is a cali so I just go with it.

Leo has no choice in the situation. It was SO funny. After he put the camera down he was like OK well yall are bonded what next?! -_- I looked at him like he was stupid and said, "We do the same thing again tomorrow.." He was like "AWW MAN WTF?! When does it end?!" Hahaha, after he helps me a few more times I will probably be able to juggle it all myself but I wanted help just in case anything happened. Also I am not sure when I *can* put them together forever, I know it will be far away from now but is it basically when they can spend all day together in an xpen or whatever and just hang out and not nip or hump or anything. Just kinda ignore each other and hang out?

Lol Jenny your buns sound complex, thank you for pointing that top bun doesn't mean that they're THE TOP BUN! I didn't know that! I knew it about rabbits and humans but not rabbit and rabbit.

You all have great feedback for me thank you!!!! :D

Also! When can I upgrade to a larger area?
Bunny date #2 has happened...he still would not groom her but there was little to no nipping! oh and...apparently Buster does not care for apple sauce.... (-_-) wth?! Good thing I got bananas too. Now I have to eat all 6 packs of apple sauce yuck!
I'm mad that Leo asked who Buster was.
And then he was like "I don't like rabbits." hahaha. I laughed so hard.

Their date looked good! No aggression, I'm not sure about the dominance thing because I'm still learning about bonding. But they were still ignoring each other, which is also good. Buster was doing a lot of cleaning of himself, so thats good too.
I've never bonded any rabbits, so I constitute a good date as no fighting. haha.
These look like really positive dates with no real aggression and lots of time where they are by each other and Buster is grooming himself again...looks like it´s going in the right direction and they look so great together.

Rosco is such a softie haha.
Morgan, it was her cousin helping out with the second date, not Leo.. lol! That'd be pretty aweful if Leo said that to her! I know I'd be upset with Mike if he ever said he didn't like rabbits, or if he didn't realize which one of my bunnies is what! ughghgh. d:
The latest date seemed like it went pretty well. There was no aggression. And Buster was constantly sitting near her and grooming himself. Hopefully he will soon groom Phoebe. And in parts of the video when Buster was near Phoebe she just stayed still. I'm not sure what that means.

Haha, that picture of Rosco is funny.
Pheobe is SO patient! She's just waiting, waiting, waiting for Buster to groom her, like the whole time. And Buster's just looking around, looking for treats, looking for you to take him out of there, and trying to ignore that OTHER rabbit in there next to him, mostly. That boy is so going to cave. I can see him gradually getting closer to giving in and grooming her. Just with him grooming himself near her, makes me think he will do it soon.

The clicker training seemed to help him a lot, to focus more, and not be so anxious to get out of there. Have you taught him the 'touch' command? I was just going to suggest to maybe try it with touching Phoebe. You could reward him when he touches her with no nipping or aggression involved. Or you could reward him when he looks towards her, or like you were doing, when he is near her. But it all looks really good.

I'm starting to think that Pheobe might be a himi, unless she is going to grow a ton more and double in size. She almost looks like she's even a little bit smaller than Buster.
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Yeah that was my cousin. He's just....a dumb 19 yr old pretty much lol. Gotta love him though. His nickname is Sunflower hahaha. When I got ready to have their date Leo was playing black ops so I was like ok Sunflower I need your help. He was like no I dont want to. And I said well too damn bed, I cooked supper, you're welcome to any food or beverage in my house and you're staying under my roof. You will help me...NOW! He's like...okay :(

Yeah I think it went well! When can I increase time they spend together? Today I will put banana on her head...how could he resist?! We will see if he decides to be picky again
Yeah I was just trying to click when he looked toward her or moved in her direction. He knows how to touch a target? I could transfer to her head?
YAY!! I am soooo excited for tonights date! You are making me eager to try with my boys, but now after reading some of Lyndy's blog I'm SCARED :|
Buster weighs 5 pounds so hes a bit heavier than her but she has bigger features like, bigger ears, longer tail, her legs seem longer too though I am not sure.
Okay so I feel like a wicked loser but I read all 19 pages of her blog lol!! And of course you're bonding experiences made me feel excited and now hearing hers I'm nervous as hell!!! Also tucker is in an xpen right now and Gus is roaming the rest of the room and Gus actually nibbled at tucker which he hasn't ever done.. Today he's being extra fresh!
Haha, Phoebe's like 'yum a treat', then Buster's all looking around for his treat and he's like 'I'm not eating THAT THING off of her', then Phoebe goes back to being a lump, and Buster goes back to looking for a way to escape. I must say they both play their parts really well and are very consistant. She just patiently sits and waits to be groomed, and he tries to ignore her the whole time. It's all pretty cute. I think it's good, in that there wasn't any of the scratching at her this time, to get her to move out of the way, so he may be slowly getting used to the idea of her being around. I think it's working out well so far, cause she isn't being pushy about being groomed. She just sits there calmly and patiently waiting. I think if she was pushy about it, then it would have caused problems.
Lol, yeah you hit the nail in the head. I'm glad she's not pushy, you think she might get pushy though? If he keeps refusing?