Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Lol, thank you! Our grass is maybe second ugliest on the block. The neighbors to the front and side of me have beautiful San Augustine, ours is a mixture.
Yeah I think she's gonna be a heifer!
Thank you, yes it's interesting. Kinda Gandolf-ey
Today we had a vet visit for Rosco, he had a strange bump on his leg that reminded me of a malignant tumor, and it had been there for three weeks. He tore it open, it bled, it healed, it was still big and red though. So...knowing he is a boxer (very prone to cancer) I had to go in just to be sure, it turned out to be a histiocytoma, a benign tumor that affects young dogs usually labs, stafford shore terriers, boxers, and dachshunds, and it usually goes away on it's own. Then they're pressuring me to neuter him! It's not like a want to breed him! I don't! And he's so well mannered and doesn't have behavioral problems, so the only benefit from it is he can't get testicular cancer..the chances are low anyway, I believe I read like 20%. So, not big. But they HA a good point, what if he does get it then he's like 9 and it's unsafe to put him under anesthesia? So...I can see that but there's more cons about the situation than pros...

And now the DAMN Internet and cable are NOT working and I have to call the company!!! Also, we have low crime in my area but our banks in Crosby got robbed today! Not cool! Too close to home!
Great photos Katie, Phoebe is gorgeous, I love the dark points on her front paws and my little Buster is adorable, I just love that little furry face just like Bandy. They look to be enjoying the outdoors and your grass looks great.

Poor Rosco but glad it´s not serious. We had a boxer years ago and don´t think we had him neutered, poor little bugger died a virgin, I always laugh about that. if it´s not causing problems, you just need to weigh up whether the cancer issue could be a big risk. I just love boxers, saw someone in the airport with one and he was so handsome, they´re great dogs.
Mom had a boxer pit mix and she was insane. She hated men and black people, so when our meter man turned out to be a black guy, she lost her mind and tried to eat him. hahaha. Poor guy. I had to explain to him that she's a racist and a sexist. But she was abused by a guy, so thats why she didn't like men. I don't know why she was a racist. It seems to be an on going trend with my animals though. haha.
Then I fostered a female boxer a few years ago. She was retarded, like dumb as a door nail. She was inbred, normally I would just the term line-bred, but it wasn't. Her mom was inbred and then the mom was bred with the dad and made the babies. I got her because they wanted to breed her back to her dad or something crazy or to her sibling(which is bad even in line breeding). So I took her. She was a sweet baby, but god was she dumb. She went to a great home though!
To me personally I am all about spaying and neutering, but if you don't have to worry about him breeding.. then you're fine. My biggest thing is usually animals that AREN'T go find someone to be with no matter what it takes because their hormones are SO insane. But it looks like you have him offleash and he isn't going anywhere, so I am assuming he can apparently control his hormones pretty well. Sorry about the little tumor, and very glad that it is benign. Also, 9 is a old age for a boxer, not saying that they couldn't live longer or anything, I had a friend who had a boxer that lived to be 14.. which is really old for a boxer, but atleast if he did just so happen to get the cancer at 9, he lived a great life. Considering it's not DEFINITELY going to happen to him, it's up to you. I'd probably get him fixed anyways, just because it's how I am.... but like you said, there are pros and cons to everything, and to you it seems more like cons. :)
Chris, thank you :) lol he died a virgin, poor buddy. Rosco had a stuffed German Shepard that he liked to....make love to, when his hormones were developing. I think I have a picture with him and his doggy friend...I had to throw her away due to...nastiness haha.

Morgan, OMG I know what you mean about dumb and crazy. Rosco has had friends over the years, most were girls that he only played with, and they have ALL been crazy! Bad bad bad behavior problems, always wanted to jump on you and he had a pit friend who always wanted to play too rough! He has a few scars just from playtime! So we couldn't remain friends with them. His only friend now is a little bitty ole thing she's sweet and pretty smart. Rosco has met lots of different people by now and he didnt like the plumber, a drug dealer, and his first Asian person hahaha!!!!!

Danielle, yeah he went through his stage of running off and not wanting to listen bc he was much more interested in ADVENTURE! The farthest he likes to go now is to the neighbors yard bc they keep their grass high and they have lots of plants and he likes to hide his poop...he's so goofy! So now he just hangs out with me unless he needs to **** lol. Then he's like ok I'm going to slip off over here heehee. But he is developing a solid stay and his recall is pretty great. Yeah I'm sad, idk where ill be in 7 years but I hope Rosco is with me, he's the best dog and he is like my child.
Anyway, yeah I am going to ponder on it for a while...

Pic of Rosco and his friend Bailey!

Hahah. Roscoe and those dogs are so cute! He is really a handsome boy! He's a really nice looking boxer too, I've seen some that are just...ugh looking. haha.
Awww shucks thank you. I agree there are some that are fat, and have either too short of a about or too long. Rosco has goofy ears but the next boxer I get I will get from a reputable breeder and he will be AKC registered and I woul like to compete in agility. That would be bada$$!

Today is the day!
Bunny date number one. It will take place in my x-large bathtub, I will be videoing with the help of my lovely assistant Leo! :3 I'm nervous!
Katie, I am so in love with Rosco, he is absolutely gorgeous. He´s a lovely looking boxer with nice markings. He´s quite lean as well, ours was like that and I just love them. In fact, he does remind me of Duke, that was our boxer, I did so love that dog, he died when he was 11, he was beginning to have seizures and it just got worse. The first time I´ve seen my dad absolutely devastated, he loved that dog so much.

Hope the date goes well, will be watching here for news.
I only had one un-neutered dog. He was our golden retriever, he lived to be 16. He only lived with us for 4 years, but his previous owner didn't get him neutered because he was AKC registered and was originally a show dog. He did breed once though, they got a female golden and she was like 1 when it happened, they were waiting on something to get her spayed, I think for her first heat to be over or something and they had them separated. She was in a kennel in the kitchen, behind a baby gate and Hampton knocked the baby gate down and opened the dog kennel and got her out and mated her and she had 13 puppies. hahaha. He was REALLY smart, like too smart for his own good. He knew hand signals and all the commands. Then he went deaf and I couldn't tell him commands anymore and I had to do all the hand signals and he would purposely look away and pretend not to see the signals. LMAO. He was such a good dog, like the best dog ever. I have all his papers and I want to see if I can get another one from his same blood lines. His father and grandfather were both grand champions. He was 105 lbs worth of golden retriever. haha.
And there is my dog history.

As much as I am all for spays and neuters, I don't know if its absolutely dire to get a male neutered. Now a female, all the way, they go into terrible heats and god thats so annoying. But I would weigh the pros and cons. My mom just got all her dogs neutered because they were constantly marking things in her house and I don't know why or how the hell she lived with that for so long, but now they don't do it anymore. But they are all small dogs and we all know they're annoying anyway! haha. I'm not a fan of small dogs. LOL

You all will have to excuse my voice. I was nervous and I started sweating and saying dumb things instead of keeping my mouth shut lol. Just turn down your volume.
Also, I didnt mean to for it to be 7 minutes! Lol!

Rosco never seems phased about anything smell of female, or anything there was one time when the neighbors little pugly dog went into heat and he couldn't figure it out and he kept walking along the fence sniffing and peeing on it. But he only did that the one day, he didnt do it after that. I mean I thought their heats were supposed to last around 3 weeks.
Wow Morgan that dog is too too smart! Can't believe he blew through the gate and her kennel! Sneaky!

I wish they just wanted to do a vasectomy instead of taking all his junk out :( I like his lil balls lol!!!!
I could only watch half of it because I have a cranky evil child, but I'll watch the other half in a few.
But so far what I saw was really good looking! haha. Buster cleaning himself is a good sign, because he feels comfortable. He wasn't overly nippy or anything, which is also good. And they were mostly ignoring each other which in bunny language is pretty great! That was only in the first 3 minutes that I saw though.

I think its going to go well. It looks like he wants to groom her when she puts her head down, she's definitely dominate. I don't know what the scratching means, maybe thats a growing display or something. Because Ellie licks my pants and then scratches them like that, so maybe thats another way they show affection in grooming? Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
Looks good though! haha.
I'm at work, but I did watch it.. slowly and sneakily. I am dying to see what others say about it, also gives me an idea of what to expect. Also, I must say. I am pretty excited that you actually are going through with this before I am, haha, I get to hear all the advice everyone is giving you first! haha

[: I am no bunny expert BY far, but I think they seemed to do really well together. I wonder what would've happened if he nipped her? Do you think they would've worked it out or do you think he would've started a fight? Hm. I don't know anything haha.

I also am going to echo above... EEW ! @ you liking your dogs balls.. I agree, I'm not a big fan of ANY balls what-so-ever!!
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Katie, they are both gorgeous, I do love seeing video of buns, they are so different in movement. Buster reminds me so much of Bandy in the way that he moves and periscopes. I did laugh at him trying to escape, you were really quick. Houdini did that and I was chasing him around the bathroom.

All looked really positive and even the little scuffle at the end, I don´t think he was doing anything just that she got spooked. She´s such a lovely colour and love those points. I hope you take more video of them, I really enjoyed it, all seven minutes of it.
I agree with the others, that it looked like a good first date. I had to laugh though, poor Pheobe just wanted to be groomed, and Buster wasn't having any of it cause he was too busy looking around and trying to figure out how to get out of there. She was very persistant with wanting to be groomed, and even though Buster may have been doing a little nipping and digging to get her to move out of the way, I think she may win out in the end :) Also keep in mind that top bun is kind of complex. Top bun can be for different things. Just cause a rabbit is top bun and dominant when it comes to grooming, doesn't mean it will be with the other aspects of the relationship. Which is how we are usually low bun when it comes to grooming(cause we always pet/groom our rabbits first, before they groom us), but when it comes to everything else, we are in charge(or at least we are supposed to be :) ). So Pheobe may end up being dominant when it comes to grooming, but you may still see Buster boss her around when it comes to other things. It'll be interesting to see how it goes, but that was really good.

Was the consensus about Pheobes breed, that she was a cali? I was just noticing how small she looked.

And, you have a pretty nice guy there, to agree to record your bonding session. I don't think a lot of guys would agree to do something like that :)
I know, it's just sort of strange to think it can be this way with rabbits. Dakota and Flopsy are a little bit like this. Dakota thinks she's the boss, but Flopsy always manages to get groomed first, but yet if Dakota is being a grump about their food or treats, she'll box Flopsy and he'll usually hop away, though he could stick up for himself and defy her grumpiness, and sometimes he does. He'll get sick of her grumpiness and lunge back at her, which usually ends up in scaring her, and her hopping away. Sometimes they are just a little confusing to me. Then with the two that I just got neutered, I'm pretty sure Toby will end up being the dominant one, yet he is always the first to groom. He LOVES to groom the others when they are together at playtime, to the point where he is even pushy about it. It's like 'I want to groom you RIGHT NOW, so hold still'. He's so funny. He's been like that since he was a baby.