Buster the lionhead bunny!

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They all hate their medicine. It's ingrained in their dna, like kids, haha.

Lol, that's so funny that he kept peeking over his shoulder at her. He was giving her the cold shoulder, and she didn't even care. I bet he'll be the first one to give in and groom.
Jenny, lol, I bet he will too. His little bite wasnt very "mean" but more like "HEY NO U GROOM ME!" It was all very interesting to watch.

I have seen her incision and it looks great and she is acting completely normal again. I'm very proud of her. It's ok you're answering it now! :) I am excited and hopeful. I really hope they make this easy and just Love the heck out of each other.
Ahhh the grooming dance? I've never heard of this!
Ok good I been switching stuff around. I hope it doesn't mess up their litter habits too bad when I switch them around. It did the first time around. And the bunny cage is hard to clean sometimes "/
I can't wait either! I have been studying the bonding guide.
Ellie puts her head down for the cat to groom her, she is dominant, but what more could we expect out of that little thing?! But the cat never grooms her because the cat doesn't understand or if she does, she is dominant too. Either way, its sad and funny.

They're so cute together. haha. I love them.
I just love these two together, it is awful when one puts their head down and the other won´t groom. I´m sure they´ll sort themselves out in the end, if Buster is anything like Bandy, he´ll be the groomed. Bandy took ages before he started to return the favour but he did eventually.

I know what you mean about the tv programmes. I´ve spent more time explaining what's going on instead of actually watching the darn thing. She does make me laugh though. I have an American kitchen with the hole in the wall from the kitchen to the living room. The amount of times I ask her something, well yell if she wants something and she looks at me with this frozen face cos she´s obviously not heard a word. I tell you sometimes, after I´ve asked four or five times, I just say, nothing doesn´t matter and give up. Hell, she has hearing aids and didn´t bring them with her as she says she hears perfectly and doesn´t need them....what can you do...I´ve probably mentioned that before, yes I´m at that age when sometimes I can´t remember lmao. I tell you sometimes that I could speak to her in Spanish and she wouldn´t know the difference.
Chris an "american kitchen", is that what constitutes an american kitchen, with the hole between two rooms? haha. I don't have that! LOL Or is that just whats its called over there?

Thats too funny about your mom not hearing anything. I would be dying laughing. My husbands grandparents are the same way, his grandpa doesn't hear anything! Then he gets mad when you repeat yourself and he's like "I heard you the first damn time you said it, why are you yelling at me, goddamnit." hahaha. It makes me laugh. Old people are crazy. I don't remember things most of the time. I don't think its an age thing, I think its a person thing or a woman thing. My brain goes like 404987239857w miles an hour and I remember nothing. hahaha. No wonder nothing gets done. LMAO Because then I get on pinterest and I'm done for the day. haha.
An American kitchen over here is where there is an open space between the kitchen and the living/dining area with a shelf, must be so you can pass the food through from one room to the other. I must take a photo for you all sort of so, if you´re in the kitchen, you can still see everything that goes on in the living room. Comes in quite handy now with these bunnies, get to spy on them when I go and make myself a cuppa hahaha.
Chris, Oh I know what youre talking about. I didn't know that's what they were called. lol. I would be inclined to speak to your mom in Spanish if I were you heehee....
I hope one of them gives in and they don't decide to make this hard on me
Morgan, I Have also always had terrible memory. Leo tells me that he told me something and I am like NOOO you did NOT youre crazy! Then we fight over who is crazier. I end up being the craziest... Oh and that is too funny about poor Ellie asking the cat to groom her and the cat is like what?!
Lisa, ahhh ok I understand now. Yes I always make sure to pet Phoebe's forehead bc I don't want to get bitten or peed on hahahaha

So question, I think I may post a new thread about this but my question is Danielle got Tucker and her new lop neutered today and the new guy has not eaten ANYTHING yet. It has been two hours. What is she supposed to do?
Thanks, Katie!!!

Yes, so when I picked Tucker up he was nibblin on some hay.. Kind of mad because I packaged a big bag of hay for them to get after surgery or before surgery or whatever, and they did put some in Tuckers cage, but they didn't put any in GusGus's cage. Anyways, so Tucker was nibbling when I picked him up, I've also seen him do a couple little poops... GusGus on the other hand, nothing.. until maybe 15mins ago he nibbled on a piece of kale, but he didn't eat it.. just nibbled a little. :\ Everyone I talked to so far told me not to worry yet. If I wake up and they haven't eaten, THEN I need to call a vet, but for now it's okay..
Are they on pain meds? If they aren't, then you might need to give them some, it could take the pain away enough to start them eating.
If they don't start eating, then you could get some critical care from your vet and syringe feed them that, you just have to get something into them because they have to eat! If your vet doesn't carry CC then you can make a pellet slurry and syringe feed them that. Put some pellets in a bowl, put some water on them, I think some people microwave them and then the pellets fluff up as they soak up the water, just make it watery enough to go through a syringe. OR maybe if they'll eat pumpkin or something like that, like baby food, put some on a little plate or spoon and see if they'll eat on their own.
If you have any "special" hay you can put in for them, like something that they don't usually get or something they really like, then you could put it in and that might tempt them to eat a bit more.
Make sure they're drinking enough, bunnies get dehydrated really quickly and that can be really dangerous. If you think they're not drinking enough, put just a little tiny touch of apple juice in their water to make it more...appealing and see if that helps. Will they take treats from you, like bananas or craisins? If they will, then thats a good sign, they might just be in some pain.
Hope that helps, I'm not an expert or anything!
Katie, don´t think it would matter, she just can´t hear anything. I was standing right next to her ear today and said something and she didn´t even hear me. I was speaking to my mom the other day and then turned to my Spanish friend and continued speaking in English, the expression on her face was so funny...sometimes, I forget :nod
Thanks for your advice guys, I was a little less worried because they had been eating some stuff this morning and a little before bed last night, so I figured we were in the clear, but now that you brought up the water thing, it's so hard for me to tell if they're drinking. I have physically seen Tucker take a few licks of his water bottle, and I had a bowl of water in his cage too but he just spilt it everywhere. I am verrrry unsure of GusGus though... but they're acting fine.. I actually was tempted to bring them out in the sun today but decided against it, didn't want to stress them out.
Yeah, you probably don't want to be moving them around much for the time being, plus you don't want them to be jumping and running for several days. But on the drinking thing, if they are eating, then they are most likely drinking too, especially if you have a water dish in there as well.
It is funny but sometimes I don´t see my drink but they do cos the water in the bottle goes down. Good to see that they seem to be eating now. Keep them quiet for a couple of days even though they´ll be wanting out. By the third or fourth day, you´ll have had enough, I let mine out for a while but no jumping or excitement.
Bandit spent 3 1/2 days locked up in his cage, after which point he was practically going crazy, so I let him out into the laundry and boy did he have a ball. Give them a few days to be a little less sore and for the wound to start to heal, then let them out but don't give them too much space or things to jump onto that are too high.
Well she's done it again but I don't know how. She somehow got in Busters pen again!!!! She is just too sneaky! I was like OMG U AREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO ANYTHING STUPID FOR 3 WEEKS! There was two tufts of fur though :/ and they seemed happy. So I'm glad there's no ****oos and they aren't dead. But I'm mad at them so I just tossed him his veggies and three one to her and left. Oh and I heard a LOT of ruckus last night but I thought it was due to the thunder scaring them. Hmmm. Maybe they got so scared that she wanted to cuddles with him lol!
Aww maybe she did get scared and she wanted him to hold her! haha.

I think they're going to get along really well when they do start bonding, other than her being a little escape artist! haha. Buster just has to get over being a butthead. LOL
Yeah maybe so! Lol.
I have got to figure out how on Earth she did it!
I wonder if it would be ok if I started bonding at 2 weeks since her incision looks great and she's very active and etc. ?
I feel really good about things especially since they both werent crazy and wide-eyed when I saw them together. Two weeks will be on Thursday I believe so I will ponder in it until then. Short and quick like the lady says 10-15 minutes I think. A small neutral area like a bathroom right?
Wow, that girl is too clever for her own good :) So do you think she was in there all night or just a little while? Them being civil to each other, is a good sign, especially if she had been in there for a while. If you aren't locking her in her cage at night, she could be climbing the pen panels. Just ask Jennifer. I think hers was a master escape artist until the pen was bunny proofed. I used to have a rabbit too, that could escape by climbing. I came in my room and there was a rabbit running around when she was supposed to be in her pen. I put her back in, sat on my bed and watched her jump up on the panel as high as she could, then proceed to climb the rest of the way up til she was up and over. Never could keep that little rascal contained. She was a very smart rabbit :).

I'm excited to hear how the bonding goes.