Buster the lionhead bunny!

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My hubby only says Don't fuss at me because he knows he's wrong. That is like one rule I am adamant about. There are so many things I remember that he likes or doesn't like it's the least he can do is not wear shoes in the house. I know which of his coffee cups are his favorites and when I make him coffee I always remember to give him a favorite. All kinds of crazy things like that I remember.

We have sandy soil where we live. When we tore up half the carpeting in the house for the renovation there was a ton of sand under the padding. I don't want that to happen with our new carpet. Plus I am barefoot in the house almost always. If you have heard of the story "The Princess and the Pea" well that's me but with bare feet and dirt. There can be one tiny, teeny speck of dirt on the floor and I will feel it when I step on it. I don't want to walk on dirt in my home.

I either wear my work boots outside, which are easy because I usually just slip them on. I only tie them if I'm doing something where I want to know my footing is secure like climbing a ladder. Or I will wear my flip flops outside. I work in the garden with flip flops because I always get dirt in my shoes in the garden anyway. This way I can scrub them and my feet off at the hose before coming in.

I'm sure when we get chickens I'll buy boots for that. The rain boots make sense.

I'm not a total jerk though about it. Under certain circumstances not taking off shoes is ok. If he got hurt and needed first aid I wouldn't fuss. :)
Danielle, yeah, you've been gone too long! You're welcome, I been watching scary shows where crazy people just kill random people and they don't care or anything so I was like ohhh I wonder how close she is to Boston and the surrounding area?!? So but yeah, about the conspiracy crap, I'm not real sure. I'm thinkin that I just don't trust anything the govt says anymore, did you watch the video? I'm just confused about the whole situation. Oh and thank you for the compliments on my picture :]

Morgan, OMG I have done the same thing, I am yelling at him about either tracking mud inside or something then I tripped over his giant shoes!!!! I was pretty pissed off! Do you make him leave his shoes outside? Several times when I would leave my shoes outside the next day there would either be a frog in it which is totally scary to feel with your toes!!!! Or spider lays eggs in em and you have tons of baby spiders running up your leg....NOT COOL!
That's good you clean your flip flops, when I see girls wear yellow or white flip flops and they have this big black footprint mark in them, I get grossed out.

Lol Denise, "if he needed first aid" hahaha :'D
I agree, I just wear flip flops if I'm getting down n dirty in the dirt or mud bc you can just spray those bad boys off. I just bought some rubber boots for mudding and I think I may use those for gardening as well. I just hate it when I gripe at Leo or his friends about tracking mud in, and then he says "it's ok woman, it's just a little dirt, you can mop tomorrow" :grumpy: are you serious? If he was in charge of cleaning he would understand that mopping isn't a every creaking day thing!!!! Grrr!!! I promise I wont kill him in his sleep...but, I may have a bad dream and "accidentally" kick him in his shin!!!!
Today Phoebe tried cilantro, she liked it. So far she's tried parsley, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, cilantro, and she refuses to eat a bite of celery or a Cheerio. It is ok to give her one tiny bit a day right? Also, she's still eating 1/2 cup of alfalfa based pellets and PLENTY of Timothy hay each day. She goes through one of those small kaytee bags in a week lol. How long are babies supposed to be on alfalfa pellets til?
No I don't make him leave his shoes outside, I make him put them in the foyer though. But I leave my rainboots outside for the most part, because I don't want to track unnecessary chicken poop in the house. I shake those bad boys out when I put them on and I always want to cry when I put my foot in them because I'm scared to death there is a HUGE spider in there because we have the worlds largest spiders in my yard. I've already found on in my boot that was the size of my palm and I found a small one in my leather gloves, but you can only shake a glove out so much. LOL I hate it sometimes. I find frogs all over the place though, toads more. I was just pulling weeds and a toad jumped onto my hand, at first I screamed because I thought it was a spider then I got a good look and really screamed because it was a toad and it really scared me. I'm not scared of them, but he startled the crap out of me. It all happened within a split second and I had already seen a HUGE spider, like handsize. My hub came running and I was laughing and catching my breath because my heart stopped and he was like WHAT? I told him a toad and he said I was such a girl. haha. I was like I'm not! He SCARED me! As I was still sitting with a toad on the back of my hand. LMAO

I scrub my flip flops all the time, with bleach and a scrub brush. So no foot prints for me. I hate that too though, its so gross. I'm like, I know the street is dirty, but wash your feet and your flip flops, ya nasty. (sorry, just had a thats so raven moment) hahhaa. DONE!
Old people fights! My dad and I were walking out of a grocery store one day like 8 years ago and we were behind this old couple. We around them because they were slow and I don't remember what the lady was saying, but the husband stopped and yelled "damnit Ethel, you're crazy as hell today! Just crazy as hell!" Then continued to walk up the parking lot to their car. They were like 85. It was amazing.
Hahahaha Ethel!!! That's funny! also bc I know someone who went to school with my dad, she would clean our house for a while. And we liked to make fun of her name and say, your name belongs to a 90 year old woman not a young hot mom like you!!!! Lol. Then I would practice my East Texas voice and call her name hahaha!

Omgosh that's funny about the people in target too. Lol!!!

I didnt ever get it answered :'( I understand about getting all sidetracked. That Archie!!!! Tsk tsk tsk! I have to wait until 3 weeks after her spay? Or 2? And I am starting to switch bowls, toys, liter boxes, and little cat carriers again and then their cages soon as well.

So I woke up and since Phoebe binkied and ran to the fence to greet me so excitedly, I decided to let her out while Buster ate his greens, and then put her up and let Buster out. Well, buster is ok to her when they are next to each other but once Phoebe gets her time out of the pen he gets ticked off and growls at her and tries to bite her so I clapped my hands and yelled NO! And he was like holy **** what was that?!?! But he went back to doing it so I nudged him away with the bottle of vinegar and he ran away lol. So I guess he still think that is ALL his territory I reckon. Also, pretty funny....yeah so I was in the enclose meant and wanted to jump over, idk what I was thinking, guess I say with the rabbits too long. So I almost brought down the whole fence hahahah the poor guys got so scared! I yelled I'm sorry!!!! I never said I was a graceful person damn it! Hahaha!
Just bought 50lbs of Timothy hay from oxbow. Hopefully we don't go through it in a month lol. I was trying to decide between them and Sierra whatever but I quickly calculated that Sierra place was more expensive. But oxbow had free shipping so that's nice. So I paid $64.99 whew!
Old people are so funny. I´ve had a few run ins with my mom this week....she is so stubborn and never admits she´s wrong and says awful things and then says she can´t remember.....I suppose the good thing is that most of the time she doesn´t remember what she said a couple of hours ago. I have such funny conversations with her as she´s a bit deaf and refuses to wear her hearing aids and we have these weird conversations where I ask her something, she doesn´t understand and says something completely unrelated to what I asked her.....it´s weird watching the TV with her as she doesn´t follow any of it and I spend all the time missing it to tell her what´s happening.....scary, I hope I don´t end up like that yikes.
I got some oxbow western timothy hay to try at petsmart, I have officially started running low of my other hay.. I don't think Tucker eats LOTS of hay, but I know he does munch once in a while...

50lbs is a whole lot! How long would that usually last you ? :)
I don't know I have never bought 50 lbs before!!! LOL! We will see how long.
Phoebe eats a lot more hay than Buster does that's for sure. She gets REALLY excited when I get the hay out to refill her box. Speaking of which I really need to get another hay rack for her bc as soon as I put the hay down, she (with her paw) digs into the bottom or center of it and I duess shes looking for the good stuff? Bc I used to give her alfalfa but she just ran out last week, I need to get some more from my dads, when can I cut off alfalfa altogether?

LOL Chris! Awww your poor mama. My Nanny (great grandmother) had alzheimers and I would be trying to watch tv at my grandmothers and she would be asking me the same questions over and over and over and I got irritated trying to answer the same ones and I missed all my program :( But now shes gone so I am glad I missed my program to talk to her :)
I hope I never lose my hearing either. Leo is going to make himself lose hearing bc he listens to his radio so dad-gummed loud! AND he has terrible eyesight!!!! So I can imagine us old and gray and I am yelling at him but him not answering back cause he cant hear damnit and cant see sh*t so he probably wandered off into the road lmao.
It's all just too funny!

The funny thing is my hubby was raised by his grandparents and they were really strict. Actually now a days they would have definitely been considered abusive but he was taught to clean and grew up doing so. He has cleaned his own places before when he was single and when he was single after the kids and while being married come to think of it so he knows what cleaning the floors is like and I scrub mine on my hands and knees, he knows that too.

We do some of the old people stuff now. His job is noisy as well as his hobby/sport and although he wears ear protection I swear his hearing is not so good so he does that to me with the tv and most times it's at night and kids are in bed so I can't just crank the volume up so I am always having to tell him what was said then I miss what was just said while I was talking to him so then I rewind the tv and the 30 minute show turns into an hour.

We both mistake what the other has said and reply with something completely unrelated. Some times it's hilarious the things he will think I have said. I swear we are not that old!

I vowed years ago that I would start acting senile when I turned 50 (if I'm not already) just so I can mess with people and laugh to myself!

Morgan, what I do with my gloves is to lay them down on the concrete and then I stomp on them that way if there is a spider in there it will at least be a dead one and not bite me. Too many darn black widows here.
Buster chinned me and licked my finger! :0 first time I've felt a bunny tongue!

I wished Leo would respect the floors :( good idea to start acting senile lol! And the gloves too!!!
Awww, Buster :) It's having another bunny around. He realizes now, how much he likes you :)

I check my socks when they've been laying on the floor, to make sure no spiders have snuck in there. I saw a tv program where a kid put his socks on and got bit by a black widow. He had a negative reaction and was going to die. We don't have approved antidote in this country. Mexico does but it's illegal to bring it into the country. Well, the dad flew down there, got the antidote, got to customs and luckily made it through without them finding it. He got it to the doctors and it saved his kids life.
So I'm just sitting there and she presents herself (I think) to be groomed, bc that's what she does to me when she wants me to pet her head.

But she didnt give up she just sat there and he did too then he got upset and turned his back on her and kept peeking at her over his shoulder!!!! Lmao! It was pretty funny.
Jenny! I saw that episode! :eek: wow!

Yeah he realizes he loves me, but not enough to take his ear drops without being a little toot lol