Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Maybe if you have some cardboard or something to put up where he can't get to her through the fence. That way when you DO start to bond, he won't have a resentment towards her formed. Gah, does that even make sense? It probably doesn't I'm watching this scary ass movie and I can hardly think straight.

Maybe he'll calm down when shes her normal smells back. Did they give her pain meds for home?
That makes sense. That was actually my idea, was cardboard put up on her side because I doubt she will try taking it away. Guess we will find out. She is feeling a LOT better she is laying in the floor, she peed in her litter box twice and she has been hopping around more and periscoping around a little. She let me pet her for about 5 minutes and then she went to lay down again. She has been eating all her hay well so I am proud of her. What movie you watching?
Actually they did NOT send her home with any meds, I thought they were going to but they didn't. I wondered if I should call them back about that.
They didn't send you home with metacam for a spay? Are they insane? She may be fine, but a spay is a real surgery. I couldn't imagine not having some sort of pain relief if I just had surgery. I would ask them for some metacam suspension. It will help her feel more comfortable, and if you have some left over, it is always nice to have on hand for those late night bunny emergencies.
Yeah thats probably the reason she doesn't want to be pet, because her little tummy probably hurts! But at least if she is in a little pain, she's still eating, thats a good thing.
I know I wouldn't want to have a surgery without pain meds. Even my rooster attack finger needed pain meds, I couldn't handle it.
Oh, my poor little girl....she will be feeling sorry for herself. Glad to see she´s moving about more, that sounds good and she´s peeing and pooping well. A big huggy for Phoebe.
She's back to her normal curious happy self. She seems to not be lifting her rear when she walks and she has been very happy to see me and her hay (of course) lol, she's been usi g the litter box more but a few accidents on the floor and I have seen a few specks of blood (should I be worried?) I figured it was normal but I'm curious. Now time for a few pics ;)
Wow Katie they look really young, don't look old enough to have been married 50 years :biggrin2:

I just love Feebs colour, she´s such a pretty girl, she certainly looks as though she is feeling better....way to go girl lol.
She is such a pretty girl! I love her points.

Your grandparents do look young. My husbands grandparents have been married for like 60 years and grandpa is 80 and grandma is 78. Thats a long time to be with someone and we wonder why they bicker. LMAO old people fights are the BEST!
Chris, I told my nana and Bubba you said that they look young and she was like "oh really?!?! how sweet! now who said that?" Lol, so I had to explain the forum and how we talk about our rabbits and their poo heehee!!!

Thank y'all I think she's a cutie too!

I agree old people fights are hilarious! I love when Nana yells at Bubba to take off his DANG shoes at the door! She says "you cat read the sign I wrote on the door?" Lol, but she NEVER uses curse words so it's all "Clean" bickering! Lol!!! I love it!
Glad to hear she is doing well and eating , just love her color!

I would have never guessed they have been married that long!

I laughed out loud at your grandma yelling at your grandpa about his shoes...I can see me doing that to my hubby when we are 90 because no I don't allow shoes in the house. The kids are great about it, sometimes even embarrass company by pointing our rule out to them when they wear shoes in but hubby does it at least once a day and then just clamly says "don't fuss at me" when I gripe about it.
Katie, honestly they do both look great, bet they broke a few hearts in their youth...that is so funny her shouting at your grandpa to take off his shoes...good job I don´t have a bf or a hubby or I´d be the same...I do that with my mom now, don´t do this and don´t do that...haha, she is not amused.
Lol he just says "don't fuss at me"? Lucky! If I gripe too much at Leo he just acts rude >:| I will have to break him of that. When he gets home from mudding I get mad at anyone who's with him and yell at them for tracking anything in the house. They're terds.

Hey so I should start switching bowls and things again now right?
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Ugh - I feel like such a butthead, I haven't signed on here in forever, since before you even got Phoebe... (which by the way; I decided, I love that name for her)... but of course we have been keeping up with one another through facebook <3 (Thanks for being my friend)

Also, thank you for checking up on me, knowing that I live very close to Boston, I really felt good about that, and appreciate it. [: Luckily we are all on fine here, and they caught the bastard, although (I may be wrong here but I was skimming through some of the last couple of pages) there is some sketchy things up in their air conspiracy wise... I saw you post about them saying it was a drill, etc... what. the. f**k.? (Excuse my P's and Q's ;) but really??!.. Something doesn't add up.)

Anyways, I'm going to go back and read some more of your blog :D
Hahaha. I yell at my husband every day about his shoes. I'm weird about shoes in the house. I'll wear shoes in the house, but they're clean. I usually wear slippers because I don't wear slippers outside. My front door has a rug in front of it and the back door doesn't because the door won't allow it. He always comes in the back and tracks all kind of stuff into the kitchen. Then I walk in and see it and flip out! Then the icing on the shoe cake is when he leaves his shoes in an awkward place and I trip over them after yelling about stuff being tracked in. LOL
I always take my shoes off though, because I always hose my flip flops off outside and my rain boots. I have a pair of the rubbery rainbow flip flops and they're my outside flip flops, they're SO easy to spray off, then my rain boots are my chicken coop boots and those get scrubbed and rinsed every day. I scrub my flip flops down once a week. Writing that out sounds kind of crazy. haha.
Those Lion king ones are amazing!! the one with Kovu honestly.. I thought that that was a picture from the movie, you did such a great job... AGAIN, I know I'm so far behind.. catching up here!! haha just wanted to comment on that :D