Buster the lionhead bunny!

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I just love it when they sprawl out like that....shows she´s a happy bun...she is sooooo cute.
Well I am glad she is happy :) Thank yall for the compliments.

So I ran out of Bunnybale hay.... :( I had to buy KAYTEE from walmart. and I open it smell it, (it smells okay I guess) then reach in and it gives me a paper cut!!!!! :banghead
The smallest cut just HAVE to cut the worst don't they?!?! and its right on my thumbs where it bends :(

So what do yall think? Think I should hold off on switching them until after she heals from the spay?

Today was unsuccessful for me, I had a lot of things to do and my friends asked if I would PLEEEEASE go to the ER with her and her son who are both sick. So I say yes unwillingly and drag myself to the dumb ER and we were there ALLLL DAYYYY! Until 4, so 4 hours!!!! GRR! Will never do that again. Out of the 6 things on my to do list I only did three and supper is just now ready cause I had to make it so late.

Also, do yalls rabbits *PREFER* hard surfaces to lay on or softer surfaces? like a towel or blanket? I find that Buster prefers to lay on hard surfaces like his tile or on top of his pink crate lol. I gave him a towel a few times and he likes to just pee on it haha!
Hey yall. Buster here, Mom is mean and making me go to the vet tomorrow. She said that they're going to clip my nails and look all up in my little ears! S'not fair!!!! *bunny butt*


Anyway, Phoebe has to go too, she's supposed'ta get some kind of operation kinda like I had. She isn't going to like that. We are scared. Mom got a new carrier especially for Phoebe and I get the silly pink one. She might as well stick little flower stickers all over it and write "My little Princess" over the entrance. Yesterday I decided to be super crafty and move my carrier ALL BY MYSELF! 3 whole feet to the left, then I put my pop-tart box in the entrance and jumped on top of it and slept :3 it was fun! Well, that's all from me, wish us luck tomorrow!
I have to admit I have a really soft spot for your little Buster, he is so funny.

Mine like both. They do like to lie down on the little rugs I have on the floors for them and on the blanket I put in front of the sunny window. But Bandy often sits on the floor or on a towel on the shelf under the coffee table and so does Houdini so they do both. Probably starting to lie on the floor now as the weather is getting hotter and the floor is marble and is probably cooler.

Will be thinking of Phoebe, let us know how she does.
Thank y'all! We are at the vets now. They looked in busters ears and found scabs and around the scabs it was "ulcerated" and they said its not mites its an infection of some sorts but they are prescribing Revolution. He also got his nails trimmed :) yay. They had SOOO much fun with that haha. Fur is literally flying all around the room! Ha!
UPDATE! Ok they confirmed he has a yeast infection in his ears so they applied the Revolution and gave me "miconosol lotion 1%" to drop two drops in his ears TWICE a day for FOURTEEN DAYS! That's 28 times that I have to catch him. He is going to hate me. After I told Leo, he looked at me and said, "Can't we just go ahead and eat him now?" I rolled my eyes and said NO, plus I already paid for his visit and his drops, butthole!

So I just got home and let Buster out and he was so happy. He ran into his cage and shook off and licked himself and used the toilet lol. HE HATED THE DR! I don't blame him though, I warned them, and told them that he was not going to be easy and that's he is just a liiiiittle loco!!!! And they are sitting there holding the cage vertically trying to get him out and hes like "F*** THAT SH*T I AM STAYING IN HERE!!!!!!!!!" So they had to disassemble the crate hahahahaha! *********. Then they think they can just stick a cotton swab in his ear? They have to be kidding right?!?! He FREAKED out. I was surprised he didn't make his crazy whiny noise. I am sure I will hear it plenty over the next 14 days. I am freakin thrilled.
Katie you had me in stitches...I can imagine the doctor trying to get Buster out of there, I would have loved to have read both his and Buster´s minds, that would have been funny.

And I can just see you chasing him and then trying to coax him with something just to catch him....if he´s anything like Houdini. I had to get him under the dining room table yesterday and block of both sides so I could grab him...that´s after he´d escaped from his enclosure. No way to sneak up on him :nonono:
I wish I could have read their minds hahaa! The woman (whom I am assuming now is not a professional) was thinking omg is this rabbit feral?

Luckily since he has less running room he will likely be easier to catch, I feel bad for him though because I know how much he hates it :( poor buddy. I *WAS* in the process of teaching Buster to go to his crate. and he was doing a great job, but after today I think he will be scared of it for a little while. Oh well, that just means more training yay :)
Lisa, I agree He CAN be grumpier than Archie I think, but when you don't want to pet him, touch him, pick him up, then he is a sweetie lol. And you're right, he is and he sure does know it. I wouldn't sh8t him, he is my favorite terd lol. thank you for the good luck! We will need it!

OK she is back home and all is well. At the vets, (DUMB PEOPLE) the people were nice and everything but it makes me mad that they know nothing about rabbits, yet, on their sign out front they have a huge rabbit on it!!!! The girl at the front didn't know if she has stitches that needed to be removed or not so then they got someone to bring her out and then she reached in, got her out of the crate BUT the girl grabbed her by her scruff! I was so shocked I just gasped and my eyes got all big and the girl looked at me and back at Phoebe and fixed her big stupid hand and held her correctly! We then saw that she had the glue stuff, not actual stitches. Then another girl took Phoebe and was telling me how she thinks she is a "beautiful California white" and that she wishes she had a rabbit and then proceeded to hug and cuddle her. And I was like -_- thank you, yeah, she doesn't look too happy right now...and theyre quite high maintenance. Ok well lets go Phoebe!!! And she put my little high bunny back in her crate. My overall total with Busters nail trim and ear checkup my total was $284 WHEW! Goodbye money! Goodbye evil hormones! And hello bonding time for the two goobers!
OH and the vet said theres no way to prevent yeast in the ears???! WTH that makes no sense! Of course there has to be a way!

We got back around 2 but I have been doing chores and eating lunch and what not. She has mostly been in her crate still and she has came out about a foot, pooped and peed on the towel that was laid out. I put hay in her crate so she didn't have to go out far to get some. I put her water close too. Then I came up with a rather good idea.... I thought well maybe she pooped here because she doesn't want to climb in the litter boxes, I don't blame her.... so I got a cardboard box and cut it down and made it into a litter box with a way in and out but she hasn't used it yet. She actually came out of her crate again and used the bathroom on the towel....again.
Glad to hear she is home and moving around, at least a little. I don't know how but somehow I missed your whole day and just caught up with it all now. The trip sounds like it was a lot of fun. :)

I love the pic of her sprawled out. I think her coloring makes it even cuter!
Great to see she´s back home and I´m sure she´ll be feeling a lot better after the first 24 hours.. Bet you really had to bite your tongue in the vets....Hope to see some pics of our now spayed Little princess...nose rubs and bunny kisses for Phoebe from my three. :bunnyheart
Thank you. And thanks all for the good wishes!
She peed all over the floor and there is a lot of poop. It's ugly poop, all different sizes some are not very round or oval :( she did eat her pellets but doesn't look like she has ate much hay and she's a hay fanatic so I thought that's odd. She has the saddest look on her face and they put that crap on her eyes during surgery and so I looks like she's been crying.

I been watching CNN waiting for them to catch the bad guys. Well, bad guy now.
Maybe give her less pellets and that will help with the hay eating. I think its pretty important that they eat lots of hay after the surgeries.
Its so good that she's eating and pooping though!
Yay I came in here after my shower and she was eating some hay that i put in her crate, so I put some fresh hay in there and she are it for about 3 minutes and I took a picture of her for y'all. It's like looking at pictures of a mom after she just gave birth.

I think this entire ordeal is just plain weird. They have other videos of the marathon when they were insisting people and telling everyone to be calm saying "this is a drill" I will post the link to the video. [ame]http://youtu.be/axQtAFtmtVA[/ame]
I really enjoyed the Uncle, calling them losers and stuff haha. I caught the last part of the Aunt. They both sounded so angry! Like they're mad at us and the uncle is like I LOVE AMERICA! Yelling it all mean-like haha.

Yes I agree I bet he's going to be a coward and kill himself.

What a great picture of Phoebe, she´s doesn´t look so bad considering, she´s just feeling sorry for herself right now but she´s such a pretty girl.

I´ve been following it here, amazing how the whole place has come to a halt besides looking for this guy. I do hope they catch him alive just we can find out why they did it. It is amazing that with mobiles and technology,we now see everything as it happens wherever you are in the world.
They got the bad guy!!!!! :yahoo:
I'm glad they got him alive.

Yeah she is doing better. Buster is being a brat though, I assume she smells different so now he is going nuts and trying to bite her through the fence and growl at her. I am wondering if I should put something there to prevent that. But she just doesn't seem to care. Wonder if she's still high on the medicine. I know that her urine smells terrible and weird I think that must be from the medication they had her on. Poor wittle Phoebe!