Buster the lionhead bunny!

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Never had elk meat, well, we don´t have them over here so that´s not on the menu. I have had kangaroo and ostrich and buffalo but no elk lol.

I love silence of the lambs as well, I was watching a documentary about Jodie Foster and in the scene where she´s in the dark, they didn´t actually do it in the dark but you can see, at one point, a shadow on her...bet you ´ll look for that now the next time you watch it. Buffalo Bill was a bit scary though.
I'm really blanking... it's been a while since I've seen Silence of the Lambs but I just love hannibal Lector! Even more so, I loved Hannibal Rising, and Gaspard Ulliel, the guy who played a young Lector ... He rocked that roll and he looked so damn good doing it too :p Favorite actor and he's French, can't argue with that.

ANYWAYS, not to get off topic, I think that's great that you're able to see him feed your buns.... ahhaha you should call him as he's feeding them and say "OH you might want to move the bowl to the left" or something specific of that sense, he'll be like wtff!! I always hate when I'm in the middle of something and someone happens to call and asks about that specific thing that I'm doing, I'm like how did they know?!!? :O
If you decide to get the paste to treat the mites with, you will have to give it orally instead of putting drops in the ears like you would do with the injectable ivomec. You also need to be careful to get the dosage right, as it can be a little bit difficult to do with the paste wormer, but it is possible.
Never had elk tacos. The next time we get elk meat I will have to make tacos out of it lol.
It has been a LONG tie since I saw silence of the lambs, heck I wasn't even old enough to watch it.

I can only see him outside. I *WISH* I had a nanny cam in the house to watch him though! I would! I would call him and say, "Hey do you mind sweeping that poop up? Oh and don't put the hay on that side of her litter box, put it on the OTHER side!!!" lol. That would be too cool.

I wrote him out some very informative easy to read sheets. One that explains that "This one is Phoebe and this one is Buster", and I drew pictures of them lol. Then I put that hay is most important and the instructions on feeding pellets and hay and alfalfa and veggies. Then the other sheet says at what time to feed what and to check for water and all that good stuff. And I stole Morgan's idea, wait...I think it was someone else's idea...I forget now, and put veggies in a ziplock and put a craisin or a half a baby carrot in it. He will like that lol.

I still haven't got to go to tractor supply yet, I was going to go yesterday then I had to go to stupid office depot :p''''' and by the time I got back it was 5 and then we got some nice storms all night and the lights flickered several times but never went out. We are supposed to get some more rain today, well, tonight because the rain is SLOOOOWWWWWLY rollin' along. There was a bunch of golf ball sized hail in parts of Houston and it did a lot of damage, but we didn't get any here :) So I will just go get it when I come back, I don't want to get the dosage wrong, then him die while I am gone. If he dies I need to be here to save him! heck, maybe I should just wait til the 18th...now I am scared I am gonna kill him lol.
It has been a LONG tie since I saw silence of the lambs, heck I wasn't even old enough to watch it.

That makes me feel really old!

I've had elk meat. Yup pretty good! But again, I like everything. In fact last night I had made a pasta salad and my hubby had a little discard pile he was picking out the green peppers and the mushrooms. I was teasing him about it and then I was trying to think of a food that I would refuse to eat. I cant even think of one.

Katie it is stressful leaving town but it sounds like you have made a good instruction sheet for him. I'm sure things will be fine. I stressed too but all went good!!
Lisa, my husband makes the same pile of stuff! OR he puts the stuff on my plate and I eat it. I'm not picky either. EXCEPT, German potato salad. I don't like warm potato salad. Ew.

I love all the Hannibal movies, they're all good. hahaha.

I'm sure your buns will be fine while you're gone Katie!
Well, we were gone for a LONG time. Oklahoma had some bad weather so we had to stay another day. It was really fun. We also stopped at the casino and they didnt have but 4 table games (grrr! No roulette!) but we played some slots. And won a little!!! :)

So yeah, Ryan did feed them but it was soooo messy there was poop everywhere and it smelt like a barn! So as soon as I got back I did a deep clean and cleaned EVERYTHING! And I actually switched their places because Phoebe has learned how to escape. Also, just until we were back from Oklahoma I stopped switching them. So, Phoebe's spay is on Thursday. I can't wait! She is almost a potty Jedi now! No more pee in the ground, and not as many poops. Buster however has a new habit of peeing ON the fence that divides their two pens. He's so naughty!!!!! So I am wondering should I not be switching them after her spay? To give her time to heal and not be too stressed by moving around every day?

Then on Friday my friend Megan came to stay the weekend. I got a sunburn and we went to nearby park for atvs and such and so last night we went out there and got muddy and partied at the cemetery. Freaky huh? It was a slave cemetery. But I was so drunk off strawberitas that I didnt care. Saw some people I went to school with. Found out that my ex, Blue, who has been deployed overseas and he's in the Marines, came to visit last weekend and his woman/gf/fiancée/wife lady has been cheating on him. It just made me so upset. He doesn't deserve that, he is a really good guy and also I gotta say that I really hate this crap! I mean, they go over there to fight for our country and their b*tch (or a$$hole) is going to mess around on them?!?! If they don't love the other person and just can't wait for them, let a muckalucka know! Don't screw around behind their back!!! Argh! It just infuriated me and I HATED Dear John because of that. It was dumb.

Anyway, how are y'all doing?!?! I have to catch up on everyone's blogs!

The picture above was in Oklahoma City OK and the trees were beautiful and frozen!!! It was soo cool! I know y'all see it all the time I'm sure because y'all get to see a lot of snow.
And another picture of a cool tree!

She is so cute! I love her little points! Good luck with her spay!
I hope you guys had fun in Oklahoma, it sounds like you had fun when you got back! haha.
I don't usually drink a lot so I had a terrible headache.

I am getting more and more nervous about her spay. Apparently they do a LOT of spay and neuters and nail trimming but not any kind of overall exams. I asked if they could test Phoebe's snot (I guess), and see if she had pasteurella (sp?) and they said no we don't generally do exams (-_-) <---my face. But they will check Busters ears for mites... I think it's time to find a new vet! Ugh.
She is so gorgeous, her points are indeed beautiful. Haha, they were Ok but smelly. It doesn´t do any harm to clean everything from top to bottom now and again so you had an excuse. Love the pics, it does look really lovely. Oklahoma, you´ve started me singing lol. How´s little Buster, I´ve missed him.
Thank y'all, I love her points too. I think she is a Californian, it seems like she's grown, we will see how much she weighs on Thursday, I believe the last time I weighed her she was 3-3.5 lbs at 3 months. Now she's 4 months and she seems a bit heftier lol.
Haha, yes I did have an excuse. I cleaned from 6pm to at least 930pm. :| it was almost never-ending. Then as soon as I put them back Buster goes crazy! He poops everywhere, pees right in the fence! And is just running aroun like a nut!!!! So I locked him up for time-out and cleaned it all back up. -_- I let him out and he goes right back to pooping everywhere!!! So I gave up for the night lol. I think he was trying to tell me something...probably a mix of "b*tch please you better gimme my big litterbox back! And hey woman I want to be back where I was! And oh really?!?! You think you can clean everything?!?! Bahahahaha yeah ok take this: *peeeeeeee* muahahaha!!!!" Yep. Pretty sure that's what he was saying.
Other than that he has been doing good and he hasn't been scratching/shaking his ears a WHOLE lot.
Also Phoebe hasn't been sneezing *AS* much
Picture of Buster eating his salad

Thank you!
ahhh yes, Phoebe escaped a few times and he had to put her back!he did an OK job but he would not be good for the job again.

Phoebe binkied. It was amazing. Then she went up to see Buster through the fence and he stuck his nose through and she rubbed her chin on him. It was sweet. Is she trying to say that he is hers now or what?
Also, she is getting a dewlap! I will post a picture! Do y'all see it?!

Hahaha, chinning Buster :) What did he think about that? My bunnies do it to me, but I don't know that I've seen them do it to each other yet.

Yep, definitely a dewlap going on there. My Pip is starting to grow a dewlap too. Dakota's always had a gigantic one. Though probably not as big as Reuben's manlap, but not many a bun can top that!
definitely see the dewlap but it is cute. Mine chin me and everything else in the room but I´ve seen them chin each other...she´s definitely saying he´s mine, hand off haha.
Buster didnt even care. He has stopped trying to bite her or growl at her through the fence. He's bein sweet now.

Lol "Manlap" I think it is cool to have a dewlap so they have somewhere to rest their head, like a pillow that goes everywhere with them lol.
Lol Ellie is so funny. "My kitty" her chin says lol. I have to show y'all the funniest picture I've ever taken of Phoebe! Bahaha
