Never had elk tacos. The next time we get elk meat I will have to make tacos out of it lol.
It has been a LONG tie since I saw silence of the lambs, heck I wasn't even old enough to watch it.
I can only see him outside. I *WISH* I had a nanny cam in the house to watch him though! I would! I would call him and say, "Hey do you mind sweeping that poop up? Oh and don't put the hay on that side of her litter box, put it on the OTHER side!!!" lol. That would be too cool.
I wrote him out some very informative easy to read sheets. One that explains that "This one is Phoebe and this one is Buster", and I drew pictures of them lol. Then I put that hay is most important and the instructions on feeding pellets and hay and alfalfa and veggies. Then the other sheet says at what time to feed what and to check for water and all that good stuff. And I stole Morgan's idea, wait...I think it was someone else's idea...I forget now, and put veggies in a ziplock and put a craisin or a half a baby carrot in it. He will like that lol.
I still haven't got to go to tractor supply yet, I was going to go yesterday then I had to go to stupid office depot

''''' and by the time I got back it was 5 and then we got some nice storms all night and the lights flickered several times but never went out. We are supposed to get some more rain today, well, tonight because the rain is SLOOOOWWWWWLY rollin' along. There was a bunch of golf ball sized hail in parts of Houston and it did a lot of damage, but we didn't get any here

So I will just go get it when I come back, I don't want to get the dosage wrong, then him die while I am gone. If he dies I need to be here to save him! heck, maybe I should just wait til the I am scared I am gonna kill him lol.