Buster the lionhead bunny!

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LMAO I just laughed way too hard at that cat! Thats so funny. Rowdy parties.

I hope doesn't have mites! Didn't you say that they have a vet appointment coming up? Well, hopefully it doesn't get any worse and your vet can tell you what it is.

I love homemade tacos! I also love the doritos taco, but not the cool ranch one. The cool ranch one doens't taste like anything. But I usually don't get those, I get regular tacos and the churros. Because who can resist a churro? What I do is I get three. Two for me and one for my husband, I eat one before I get home and he doesn't know!!!!HAHAHAAHA. Then I save the other one until breakfast the next morning and eat the other churro then! haha. So sneaky! But its the simple things in life that make you laugh and make you happy. Like sneaky churros.
That is a darn funny cat! Its eyes make it funnier!

Yes, on the 18th, but I am scared that it can get passed around to Phoebe and to Rosco as well, I think on Monday I will take him to the Pearland vet. What if Phoebe already has whatever it is too?! AHHH! x'(

I think the doritos loco taco is almost flavorless they need more cheese on it. HAHA sneaky churros!!!! :D Good thinkin'!!!!!
You guys won't believe my two crazy buns. I came back from muddin at 6 am and I go say hi to the rabbits and Phoebe is in the big cage cowered down and Buster is outside of it in the pen! I was like OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?! So I jump in there to get her out and I see all these tufts of hair around the cage. So I put my hands in the cage to pick her up and Buster jumped in the cage too and she looked pretty scared but there was strangers in the house too so that probably scared her that much more. So I put her back in her cage and I think I figured out how she got in there but I am not sure. I checked her to make sure she had no wounds and I couldn't even figure out where the fur came from. Not even 5 minutes later I see her up on top of her cage plotting a way to get over his cage. And the boxes are in her way but she's trying to push them....SNEAKY! So I put even more stuff there so it's too heavy for her to move.
Can't believe she wanted back over there!

Y'all think I can just get some ear mite medicine for him and doctor it even though I am not for certain it's ear mites? It can't hurt..right?

Hope everyone's having a good weekend and a happy Easter! :]

Here's a pic of the fur

Pheobe!!! I can't believe she wanted back in there. Well, at least you know that they aren't mortal enemies and didn't try to fight to the death. They just need time to get used to each other. The fur may have come from one of them trying to hump the other bun.

You could try treating it yourself, but you have to be very careful to do the right dose. If you go to the vet that Buster has been to before you may be able to just call in and see if they will let you pick up some revolution. If it is mites, you are probably going to need to treat every animal though. Oh, except that I don't think you can just give revolution to Rosco without the vet checking him. And it may not be mites. It could be an ear infection, and you would need antibiotics for that. If it is mites, you may be ok waiting til the appointment in a couple weeks.
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Oh yes, good job they´re not mortal enemies and yes, it looks like it could have been humping. If Buster´s like Bandy, he loses loads of fur, it just pulls out. Little miss Phoebe is a smart little bun lol.

As for the ear problem, Jenny´s advice sounds great, I´ve never had to treat and would want to make sure I got the dosage right.
I'm getting caught up on blogs!! Omg I can't believe they escaped and got to each other! Lol. I agree with Jenny and Chris it wasn't a fight to the death fight and no blood so that's good!

I didn't know Buster was so hard to handle for you. I though maybe since you were training him he was easy to handle! Lol. Imlove the picture of him cleaning himself.

Sorry to hear of his ear issues. But Phoebe seems okay? I thought maybe she brought something home to him. I'm sure the medicine will take care of it.

What did you decide to do with her spay?
Humping huh? I figured it was from them biting each other but humping makes more sense because there was no blood, no ****oo spots or bald patches. Do yall think I should hold off on switching cages until the 18th (Phoebe's spay date at a vet I don't care for but they do a good job, and Buster's going for a check-up) or continue switching them around? He was itchy before she arrived, her only problem is that she STILL keeps sneezing a lot! She sounds like my Poppy when he gets a sneeze attack and sneezes over 10 times. I am very glad they didn't beat each other up! I guess I need to put a security camera on them at all times lol. I am worried about leaving them this weekend, I have another workshop and after my workshop we have to drive to OKlahoma to visit Leo's family for a day or two. I am going to have to get someone to do a morning shift and a night shift.
I hope the sneezing isn't anything. I would be worried about the sneezing.
I'm leaving this weekend too and I'm worried about leaving all my animals. So I totally understand where you're coming from. I hate leaving my house! haha. I'm sure they'll be fine.
I have been worried about the sneezing and she was nose poking me and she got snot on me. Clear and thin but still. Scary.

I am going to have our perverted renter Ryan watch them lol.
Oh no not a pervy guy! You should do a count of your undies and then maybe hide them!

Or you should put something really awkward in your house, like fill it with taxidermied animals or something. I mean all the deer heads you can find, just fill the whole house with them. On the couch drinking a soda, in the fridge. hahahaha. I'm picturing it and its hilarious.
Thats what I would do anyway.
Haha!!! That's too funny. We have a bobcat in the apartment he is renting from us and he loves it, he even put snowboarding goggles on it.

My aunt and uncle are so redneck with their tiny house and tons of deer head on the wall. I have a picture of it lol.
She says, "I have an elk, addicks, cowhide, a whitetail buck and three jackasses in my living room lol

Have you tried a different litter(like a paper based litter instead of wood based) or different kind of hay, to see if it clears up and is just allergies?
Wow, don´t think I could live in that house with all those heads around with all those antlers.....it´s a bit strange seeing them in like a normal house.

Hope your Little girl is Ok...are you waiting to take her to the vets until the 18th and are you treating her.
Bahahahaha. That living room is amazing! My dad's old room mate had a kangaroo hide! It was SO SOFT! I don't know where she got it, but it was so cool. Not that I condone killing kangaroo's or anything, because they're cute. But it was awesome to pet. bahhaha. I wish my husband would let me have deer heads hanging on the wall.

Well obviously the guy isn't going to be startled by dead animals. LOL
I just had a total Silence of the Lambs flash. HAhaha. I can't even say it on here because its too much. But it doesn't have anything to do with the kidnapping or Lector, but it has to do with Buffalo Bill. LMAO. Sorry. :) Where does my mind go? Oh yeah, to the CRAZY place.
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I just had a total Silence of the Lambs flash. HAhaha. I can't even say it on here because its too much. But it doesn't have anything to do with the kidnapping or Lector, but it has to do with Buffalo Bill. LMAO. Sorry. :) Where does my mind go? Oh yeah, to the CRAZY place.

Hahahahahahahah Morgan I bet I know where your mind went. Buffalo bill was freeeeeeaky! Are you talking about the scene where he's putting on make up and then stands up for the camera??? Ewwwwwwwww
YESSSSSSS LISA! Thats exactly where I was going! But I didn't want to say too much because jeez, that was a crazy scene and it was hilarious and disturbing at the same time! I love that movie!
I haven't tried different litter or hay yet, I'll have to give that a try. I decided to wait to treat them. Well, I am planning to go to tractor supply to get some of that paste, but I cant make it today. Maybe tomorrow. Ugh, so I am in charge of the invoicing and it has to be done on the first of the month and I got it ALL done everything printed out and then I didn't have enough envelopes -_- grrr. So I asked Leo to go to office depot since he was running to town and he got ink while he was there....and forgot the envelopes! THE MAIN REASON I ASKED HIM TO GO!!!!!! WHY?!?!?!?! So I have to run up to office depot dang it!

Glad y'all got a kick out of their living room hehehehe!!!! I love the elk personally, and I love their meat too, yummyyy!!!! I SOOOO wish I could get a video camera and set it up in there! But the good news is that I can view our security cameras from my phone so that's pretty cool and I can make sure he feeds them both morning and night. That is scary to imagine him dancing around putting on lipstick!!! HAHAHA! :D