Buster the lionhead bunny!

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I just saw the other thread asking what Phoebe is and majorv said she was probably a californian. Holy crap! What are you going to do with a 10 lb rabbit?! LOL
Either way, I hope her and Buster bond, because it would be so funny to see a big ass cali and a little lionhead together!
Oh yes I believe bunny proofing is a must now lol. Where do they sell that stuff at that you wrap around the wires?

I am proud of Phoebe, she peed in her litterbox and in her cage there were NO stray poops. :0 but outside the cage there were but it's okay I am just glad there wasnt any pee. And Buster must have put his booty too far over the edge of his litterbox because there was a little bit of dried pee on the ground lol. I am going to get her a little bit of alfalfa to mix with her hay, my dad has some good quality alfalfa for his goats and he was like you need a whole bale? I was like oh no no no just a little bit will be fine. So I am going to mix it.

Haha, Morgan, I am thinking the same thing. It reminds me of the time I went to Galveston and I saw a really overweight black lady, and she was holding a leash, on the other end of that leash was a tiny little white boy bahahahaha!!!!! So I can imagine a great big o Phoebe one day running around with little Buster heehehe.

So I am watching Men of Honor. It's amazing to me that people can hold their breath under water for more than 4 minutes. I can hold my breath for about 30 seconds and that's it lol. How long can y'all hold y'all's breath?
You can find rubber tubing at pet stores, they use it for aquariums. You can also use a product called "split poly loom" it is sold at auto part stores. Either one should work. I like the poly loom because it is already has a slit in it because it is used in vehicles motors to protect wiring. It is also very flexible.
Ohhhh okay! Thank you! I will find out if Auto Zone sells it next time I go.

Speaking of "going" anywhere....My dad bought himself a new truck!....so he said I may drive his old one in the meantime! HOORAY! I HAVE A VEHICLE! MORE ROAD RAGE FOR ME WOOHOO!!!

I just saw a flea on Rosco so I pulled out my Advantage II which is safe for use on rabbits, thank goodness, and got one syringe, got my .05cc for one and for the other (I gave Phoebe just a hair less bc she is so tiny), and I walked over to Phoebe and told her what was happening and I said "No this isn't a needle, it wont hurt you so you just stay still and lets show Buster how it's done", and she was just eating hay peacefully in her litterbox, reached behind her neck and squeezed it out. All she did...was stop chewing for a moment. I was like "YES! OH MY GOSH YOU ARE THE BEST RABBIT!!!!!!!" she shook herself and went on munching lol. Then I got Buster's ready and well, that was just horrible, I tried to trick him with food but he knew what was happening and so I chased him around a little bit and he jumped in his cage and thumped one big thump at me and I said "NO I am not going to give up! I don't want you to be eaten by fleas, holy crap you should be thankful you terd!" But I managed to corner him and squeeze it onto him, it isn't exactly in the middle, and not quite far up on the neck as I'd like but hopefully it will get the job done.
THEN, I put the remaining medicine on Rosco and he starts drooling a little puddle! HAHA! He is weird sometimes about strong smelling stuff like that and alcohol and "liquid bandaid" (yes I used liquid bandaid on my dog bc someone told me too but I know it hurts him and so I only did it that once, I wouldn't do it again for sure)
That's great you have a truck! Woo Hoo! :D

Phoebe is a great rabbit! She seems so calm about things. I laughed when you said Buster was so fussy about it. This a good example of different rabbit personalities.
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It sure is a good example. I can only IMAGINE what everyone else's rabbits are like (being sweet, being able to be picked up, being kissed and in Missy's case...capable of accepting some human licks lol!), and now there's a new little personality and its really cool to experience it.
You really do notice when you have more than one, they are so different and have their own little likes and dislikes. It´s so funny how one is so cuddly and the other is so hard to handle he wriggles so much. Good that Phoebe is such a laid back lady, she might calm Buster down.
Glad you have the truck to drive around, just don't go too crazy with the road rage. Phoebe sounds like a real sweetheart, good thing to since you already have a little stinker at times.

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I am worried. This must be how Moms feel. I have heard too many sneezes come out of Phoebe today and yesterday. I thought "ah it's a dusty part of the hay....or...maybe she has seasonal allergies like me lol" but then today she sneezed 4 times in a row and it worries me. That and Busters ears are itchy! He shakes his head a lot and I have already told him that if he shakes too much and will get stuck that way!:p but he doesn't listen. I've tried looking in his ears but they're real pretty as far as I can see without touching the little monster! Thankfully their vet visit is on the 18th. It can't get here quickly enough. I am thinking about taking her in sooner to another vet :/
I love trucks, it´s being that much higher up than when you´re in a car.

As long as she´s not sneezing constantly, could it be dust in the hay or could she it be the litter ?? I´ve only heard one of mine sneeze and boy was it weird but it had me watching him like a hawk for hours and it didn´t happen again.

Buster´s ears might not be anything but just check that they´re pink as usual and check there´s nothing in there, you obviously have tried to do that but looks like he´s like Bandy and a little wriggler. I can´t get him still to do hardly anything and a bunny burrito doesn´t work. Can you get leo to hold him while you check him. Check his fur too. And yes, if you feel that you can see anything getting worse, take to the vet asap.
The problem with Buster is, he doesn't STOP wiggling, bunny burrito only works if you make it tight. I will try to grab him tonight since we have to switch their cages.

She has been sneezing today, I have heard her sneeze twice but I have been gone half the day so yeah. It worries me :( I hope she isnt allergic to anything. She usually sneezes after drinking water or eating.
A few of mine sneeze after drinking. I think it has to do with the way they drink, and the water gets up their nose.
Ok good because I have never heard Buster sneeze so I thought either she is sick or just real weird. But there's things Buster does that she doesn't do like he has itchy ears apparently and is always shaking or scratching. I am going to catch him tomorrow and look in his ears, I was going to tonight but Leo is a itty bitty bit buzzed right now so I am going to wait lol.... And Buster is a noisy sniffer, when you get real close to him or when he is smelling something really loudly, he makes a wheezy noise. So I hope they both aren't sick because I hate to put Buster through a long drive.

Phoebe is clumsy...I think because some of her whiskers have been cut. Who the heck does that?! I mean I know kids are curious but if they cant control themselves don't get an FFA project! Oh and I have been switching their water/bowls/toys/boxes/litterboxes and so today I decided to have them switch cages and they didn't seem to like it at first so Phoebe gets this idea that she can be a sneaky lil devil and try to sneak over into her old cage!!! So she gets on top of the little cage which I covered with some kind of clear plastic (Buster has LOVED laying up there), and I had arranged cardboard boxes on top of the larger cage so that Buster could not have tried to jump up there (he never tried but I anticipated it happening) and she just shoved the one out of the way and hopped onto the window sill which is about 4 inches wide so she fit just perfectly. So I hear all the commotion while I am in here working and I get up and sure enough there she is plotting a way to hop back into her pen again lol. So I am like No Phoebe you cant go back in there til tomorrow, Go Back! And I kinda shoo her back towards her area and she gets stuck in between the window, the sill, and the cage, HAHA and I had to pick her up and move her! LMAO. So now I have moved some things around and hopefully she doesn't devise any more sneaky plans :D
Good start so far :) Hippogryff sneezes when he grooms himself because of all the fur so no worries it could be a number of things!

Poor girl with her cut whiskers! I wonder how long they'll take to fully regrow! I just love bunnies whiskers, they feel so funny on ones face when they're nose bonking you or grooming your hair :p
Hahaha. Now she won't know how wide she is! Thats what the whisker tell cats, how wide they are so they know they can fit. I always wanted to cut my fat cats whiskers because she always got split ends and I hated it. I would tell her to condition and then I wanted to trim. But then she wouldn't know how wide that fat body was and she would get stuck. haha. My dads girlfriend, in the process of shaving her cat when she shaved off like one side of her whiskers. I don't think she was affected by it but she looked retarded for months. haha. Well missing whiskers on top of being shaved, poor cat.

Anyway, I bet the kids were like me "oh her whisker is split, *snip snip* then they couldn't stop and snipped a few off. hahaha. Poor bun, but I think whiskers grow all the time. She probably isn't clumsy because of the missing whiskers she's probably clumsy because she's a baby. Ellie was really clumsy too. Sometimes she still is a little goofy on her feet. LOL
Man, Phoebe was doing really good with her litterbox and when I changed them I guess she got "new tank syndrome", I woke up this morning and there were pee stains all over and I said "NO PHOEBE U RELAPSED!!!" Lol.

Haha, I love the tickly whiskers. Hers are a little pokey bc they've been cut. When my mom was a little girl she cut the mans cats whiskers from down the road. Well she thought that was her cat lol but the man informed her that it was his cat, So she cried. Anyway, she thought that the whiskers needed to be cut apparently but the man was real nice and let her have the cat :)
You're right Morgan I guess it is bc she's a baby, plus she's probably never been on laminate floor or on cardboard so she's just getting used to it. Poor itty bitty. Well Leo is going to help me look in busters ears in a little bit. I have some ear cleaner that is safe for rabbits. I am going to use it and I hope that it will help his itchiness. I don't really know what I'm looking for. In a dog I would look for redness and smell for an odor, so I guess it works for rabbits too so I will take a sniff lol. Wish us luck keeping him held tight!!!!!!

Ps I made tacos for supper and I think it is bullcrap that they don't sell Doritos taco shells, they should have like....ALL the Doritos flavored, especially salsa verde, it would be awesome. And I don't buy them from Taco Bell bc I like my tacos with meat, salsa, hot sauce, and cheese. I don't like to ask them to take off the lettuce and crap bc then they just chinch me and give me a teeny tiny bit of meat and pinch of cheese. Grrrr!
OK! I checked and cleaned his ears and there was crusty junk in the bottom way way way way deeeeeep down!!!! When I put the cleaner down there he whined a little, then I massaged the base of the ear and all that but when I took it out there was nothing dirty on the pad. :( WHAT DOES CRUSTINESS MEAN?! :faint:I am scared. What if he contagious and he gives it to her?!?!?!?! NOOOOO!!!!!!

Okay sorry for the freak out. I rarely ever have sick animals...Rosco had an ear infection once because he played in the water too much lol. He loves to find sticks underwater, stick his face down there and pull them out. But you ask him to go deeper than his belly and he flips balls :] he is so goofy!
If he's shaking his head a lot lately, he could have ear mites.
While looking for info on ear mites and images which are way too gruesome. ((((How do people let their rabbits' ears get that way?!))) I came across a funny pictures I would like to share with yall

rabbit ear cat.jpg