Buster the lionhead bunny!

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So I contacted the FFA teacher and he said most the rabbits were born at the end of December, so shes ONLY 3 months old! I don't even know how to care for a 3 month old lol! So I had to do some research.

And I have been calling vets to get a quote and see what age they spay. All the vets are a one hour drive away, poor girl. But they are more reasonably priced compared to the local vet (bunch of rip-offs, I used to work there). Woodlands vet gave me the price of $447, that's including the exam, any medications, and pain meds to take home as well. And they don't wait til a certain age, they just go by weight and they said 3lbs. So I weighed her and she is exactly on the dot, 3 lbs. And then I called Pearland vet and they said $64.50 for the exam and $292.00 for the spay and cost of medication and pain meds to take home so total of $357. What do yall think is the best option? I found these vets on the "certified rabbit vets" website so they are both good vets. I would really rather pay a little more and get her spayed ASAP but that might just be the best option for me and not for her. What age did yall get yalls girls spayed?

Oh and this morning I woke up and saw that Buster had pooped all along the edge of the gate around her cage, to mark his territory of course lol. But okay I will do that tonight, I read so many different things I guess I am confusing them all together. I don't know I feel like I read somewhere to keep one free roam and the other in their area and then to switch them. I am possibly going crazy from reading too much lol. Thank yall for bein' patient with me :love: and answering all my newbie

Thank you for the compliments :)
Bonding is hard and a lot of work and yes I remember reading different things too. But allowing one free run and not the other is a pretty consistent no-no :) Bookmark that article I gave you. I'm not kidding, I read that several times during bonding. Lots to reference back to and I think it's a pert good and consistent tutorial on how to bond.

Oh my she's just a baby! Yeah hold off on veggies for awhile and you can offer her an alfalfa based pellet if you want.

Aggie was spayed at 5 months but she's a dwarf breed so they take longer to weigh 3 lbs. My vet mentioned the 3 lb thing too. I paid $110. I am amazed at some of the prices around the country for bunny spays.

To decide which vet is better ask some questions. Like....how many spays a week do they do? Play stupid and ask something like...When should I start fasting my rabbit? If they give you advice to fast then that will tell you right there they aren't an exotic vet. Also, i think bunny savvy vets understand the importance of NOT keeping them overnight for the spay. Rabbits recover better in their own environment. So ask if they will keep her overnight or will they releas her to you same day. Things like that. I just interviewed each potential vet. My vet actually called me back himself, he is an amazing rabbit vet, has been in the practice for 25 years. So the answers he gave me compared to other vets that claim they were exotic vets were very different. I also have a theory that the more expensive does not necessarily mean the more thorough. A good rabbit vet knows they don't need to charge an outrageous amount. I think that's why mine was so reasonable.
I agree with Lisa. Just cause they are charging a lot, doesn't mean they are a good rabbit vet. In fact it could even mean the opposite. I'm shocked by those kind of prices as well. The most expensive I found around here was $200, and THAT shocked me at the time. I was able to find a spay neuter clinic that also did rabbits, and they only charged $65 with pain meds. So maybe see if you have a spay neuter clinic that does rabbits. You will want to make sure that they do a lot of rabbits though, so that you know they have lots of experience with it. You could also contact the humane society, or good rabbit rescues, and see if they have recommendations.
There is NO one even on this side of Houston that offers care to rabbits, and certainly not "certified" vets. Busters neuter was $240 I believe at Atascazoo. They dd a good job and answered all my "stupid" questions like what Lisa said but they're still a rip off. I think the Woodlands vet is more expensive because a lot of wealthy people live there but holy crap why does it have to be so expensive! I wish I lived where y'all do geez! $100 would be great! Okay I will call them back and see if they can answer a couple of questions.
Most businesses whether a store or a vets will charge more or less depending on whether they are located in a wealthier or poorer area. Cost does not tell you whether they are good or not.

I have a vets that is in a poorer area. They charge less but mostly I like them because everyone is friendly and helpful and so far they seem to very good.
The cat we adopted but had to return, we used a vet next door to the shelter hoping to make it all easier on the cat. They charged more. They did however call a few days after his neuter to check up on him. The county this vet is located in is a wealthier county than my usual vets are.

The most important thing is to find a rabbit savy vet.
Here is what came up under the house rabbit society for rabbit savvy vets in the Houston area. It's a non for profit website for rabbits but it lists some local vets. I have NO idea anything about these vets or if they are even close to you :) just trying to help as much as I can. So these could all be a no-go for you but wanted to post the link just in case:


Here is where i found that. It's a good source for vet questions and possible other vets if you do some searching.


The highest I found in my area was $290. Most were around $250 and then ironically the bomb-diggity rabbit vet I found charges $110 for spays and $90 for neuters. So yes I tend to believe the more expensive ones might not be exotics. My vet even told me that when you hear a vet say a rabbit spay is more extensive or more dangerous they might not truly know about rabbits. He said since he is so well accustomed to rabbits he feels no bigger anesthesia risk for rabbits than with a dog or a cat.

Any who, just my 2 cents. Best of luck on your search! :)
Here is what came up under the house rabbit society for rabbit savvy vets in the Houston area. It's a non for profit website for rabbits but it lists some local vets. I have NO idea anything about these vets or if they are even close to you :) just trying to help as much as I can. So these could all be a no-go for you but wanted to post the link just in case:


Here is where i found that. It's a good source for vet questions and possible other vets if you do some searching.


The highest I found in my area was $290. Most were around $250 and then ironically the bomb-diggity rabbit vet I found charges $110 for spays and $90 for neuters. So yes I tend to believe the more expensive ones might not be exotics. My vet even told me that when you hear a vet say a rabbit spay is more extensive or more dangerous they might not truly know about rabbits. He said since he is so well accustomed to rabbits he feels no bigger anesthesia risk for rabbits than with a dog or a cat.

Any who, just my 2 cents. Best of luck on your search! :)
Yes, I never meant that the I am going off the price to decide if the vet is good or not. I just meant that I wouldn't mind paying more to get her spayed quickly...but that might not be in her best interest.

I like the Pearland vet, he told the lady on the phone little bonding tips to help me (he thought of that all himself!) :)

Lisa: Oh yes! bunnybuddies that's where I went to, to find the vets. I am calling another one that's right in the middle of Houston and he said anywhere from $350-400 WHEW! I am going to need to have a garage sale ;) Now I am calling the others back that I talked to this morning.
I also called Atascazoo just to get a quote, just out of curiosity and they said $200 but she admitted that they don't get rabbits a lot, but they did answer all my questions correctly and they did a good job on Buster so I don't know. And they don't have an age or weight limit. Interesting.

The other vets I called all answered my *stupid* questions very well! The Woodlands vet answered all my questions in one sentence like she knew what I was thinking! Man didn't know she could read my mind over the phone!

Buster is being soo funny! He is being more adventurous, and I am NOT lying....he let me pet him...ON THE FACE! :O It was awesome! He must be verrryyyy jealous in order to let me "violate" him that way teehee. Rosco is also extremely jealous, he's been acting like a sweet little doofus.
Buster is being soo funny! He is being more adventurous, and I am NOT lying....he let me pet him...ON THE FACE! :O It was awesome! He must be verrryyyy jealous in order to let me "violate" him that way teehee. Rosco is also extremely jealous, he's been acting like a sweet little doofus.

Bahahahaha! It's amazing what having another rabbit around can do. It sounds like Buster has decided that YOU are *HIS* human, by allowing you to groom him. Lucky you :)

I still can't believe vets will charge $400 for a neuter surgery. Especially when it is a fairly simple surgery. But you just have to go with what you feel is the best for your bun.
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It must be really here then, I paid 135 Euros for all my three doing which is around 175$ do I did really well. And he did a really good job, they were back to normal in a couple of days. I can´t believe what vets charge over there, I couldn´t afford to have them, I don´t think. I suppose it depends on the vet as I remember when I had my dog, I used to take her to quite an expensive vet but who specialised in dogs and cats. I found this vet as it´s where Houdini and Snowy came from and they breed rabbits as well so I suppose they must have had experience. Plus, I don´t think I know of any other exotic vets in this area.
It was pretty lucky and I enjoyed it while it lasted but now he says no and I know why hehehehe. You see, I felt bad penning him up because he goes ape wild and he makes that sweet little face that he makes when he begs for food and so I let him stay out all day but now he is penned up exactly like Phoebe. So I'm in here doing business and I hear him scampering around like HAHA IM OUT AND PHOEBE ISNT! I look over and sure enough he is standing by the fridge looking at me so I try to figure out how on Earth he escaped!!! And I grab him up real quick (and picking him up is something I never do bc he hates it) and put him back in the enclosure. 3 minutes later, the same thing. But I figured out he was squeezing through a tiny piece of the gate that was ziptied together. SO I ziptied it further down so he couldn't get through it again. And I go to find him to put him back in and he is on the other side of the room, but I scooped him up again but he WAS NOT HAVING IT! And he tried his hardest to slip away but I kept held him close to me on the floor so he couldn't fly out of my arms in the air and hurt himself. So I tried to calm him down but it wasn't working so I just kinda ran with him like a football and put him back in. Then he went into the empty cage and flopped out, lol. Poor lil buddy!!! So I feel so bad for him cooping him up :(

Oh and I let Phoebe have her very first "free-time" she ran around the room exploring and went to see Rosco in the kitchen but didn't get within 3 ft of him. Then she ran into the living room and searched behind the couch, she did good for her first time. That's further than Buster has ever been.
Aw shucks thank you!

She sure did enjoy it, I was scared because she got close to some wires (of course I never bunnyproofed bc Buster is a scaredy cat and never even went that far), but she just sniffed them and kept going. I was like WHEW! She's very adventurous. I hope she brings out the bravery in Buster.

And here is what's going on with these two :3

Sometimes they will always find a way, the little rascals. Love Buster cleaning himself, he is such a little cutie. Good that Phoebe is an adventurous soul, she´ll probably be good for Buster once they get together. And if she´s going regularly near the cables, you´ll need to proof as it only takes them a second to cut right through lol.
Yes the set up looks great!

And I agree with Chris, you will probably have to bunny proof the wires. And if she starts getting in to other stuff you might have to bunny proof the play area.

And cute Buster picture! He looks so adorable grooming himself.