Well Boomer is at it again...
My boyfriend brought me these plastic vines that look like live plants, to hang in my room. Boomer was on the lounge when i was looking at them. He climbed all over them and tried to eat them. Boomer didn't realise where the end of the lounge was under all the vines a fell off landing HEAD first on the tiles ! My poor baby. 2 seconds later i was cuddling him and he leapt off my shoulder trying to get on the back of the lounge, missed, and fell sliding down the back of the lounge...UH ! just cant keep this bunny away from dangerous moves.
Boomer has had lots of cuddles today. my niece came to visit and she adores Boomer so he got lots of time and attention with her.
He has a wonderful habit of biting now... only thing is i am the only one he bites ! sometimes he does it out of annoyance when i dont let him go or am putting him back in his cage. but sometimes it is for no reason at all. he will be licking and kissing my hand one minute and the next he will be biting my arms and fingers! he has never bitten anyone else... i guess he saves it all for me...
lucky it doesn't hurt too bad only little bites... but still enough to make me jump sometimes.
My boyfriend got me a few small gifts today. i have been telling him about not having a real hobby or not collecting anything (he is the total opposite and is a hoarder collecting heaps of stuff mainly anime, swords and figurines) anyways he gave my a rabbit schleich thing... it is really cute. i looked at them a few weeks ago in the store but couldn't believe the price of some of them for a little plastic toy, so i didn't buy anything... but my boyfriend surprised me with one today! might be the start of a mini collection i think. i think i will collect all my favourite animals... they are pretty cute. I'l' attach a picture of it in this post. You can even buy mini hutches for the rabbits... they are really cute animal figures though, so if he keeps paying for them then i am happy to collect them....hahahahaha. there are none with floppy ears that look like Boomer though. oh well....
Boomer is 13 weeks and a day now. He is going great and cheeky and mischievous as ever.
I'm waiting for the day for his testicles to drop to get him desexed. i don't ever plan on putting him with another rabbit. i plan on getting more rabbits in the future but i want a flemish giant and didn't plan on putting Boomer anywhere near it.
But just incase and to avoid any behavioural issues that come with hormones, and unwanted pregnancies and whatever else comes with not desexing rabbits, Boomer is going to get the snip as soon as possible. I'm dreading the day because i don't want to see my baby in pain or worry about him while it is happening. but i know it is the right thing to do. I wonder if our vet has even desexed a rabbit before... maybe I should ask hey.... if not there is a rabbit specialist only 15 mins from here. I know they do it ALL the time.
Boomer is in bed now (10:33pm) so i guess i better head to bed soon too... Work stinks!
the weather is getting colder here. Boomer has defiantly got his winter coat on already. but i found a lady on gumtree who makes felt snuggle bags. basically it is a bag made of felt where small animals climb inside and snuggle up to sleep. i think i will order a rainbow one for Boomer this winter. if he doesnt use it then it is only $8 bucks gone. I'm hoping he does though. he likes boxes and being in small spaces so i have a feeling he will use it.