I did some facebook stalking this morning... and i found the person who gave me the bunny facebook page. after a minute or 2 of stalking look what i found !
You can guess which one is Boomer ... haha not too hard to guess. they are all so tiny. so cute !
not too sure which one is Coconut though. (the bunny my friend from work got) there is two there which look so much alike i cant tell. maybe she can.
anyways Boomer this morning is a big 723grams. he is such a naughty boy , but lucky he is cute.
whenever i give him a fresh bowl of water the first things he does is throw everything in to it... toys.... shredded paper... poop... food...anything ! i have to continually clean it out and put fresh water in it.... sort of annoying !
he bites now too... that is not fun ! whenever he doesn't get his way or if he doesn't want me holding him he will just bite me. meanie ! i don't even react to it. i just ignore him. lucky the bites are not too bad yet, but any harder it will be hard to ignore.
I guess i should do some reading on bunny biting and how to deal with it.
he is still a sweet boy.most of the time.
It has been raining here for a whole week straight. i have taken over Boomers sun room to hang clothes and set up drying racks, just so i have clean clothes. he likes running around and through all the hanging clothes, so i guess it is fun for him. but i cant leave him unsupervised out there now because he chews buttons and stitching on the clothes. i think the weather is clearing up a little today so maybe he will have his sun room back again soon.
he still has room for his short distance racing and kangaroo bouncing (that's what i call it) so he is happy.
some photos of today and the one i found on facebook.