BOOMER... The little bunny with a huge personality.

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Really hope Roo is ok, hopefully it's something simple like she just knocked it on something. Can't believe how big she is at 11 weeks! She's going to be about twice that size I reckon :D
Roo is ok. She has mites ! And a slight infection in her ear from the itching. She was given ear drops and a parasite treatment and Boomer had to have it too just incase he got them from her. She will be fine. She was weighed while at the vets and was 2.355 kilos. Crazy! She also got her vaccinations while there and let the vet know exactly how she felt with lots of thumping of disapproval on the metal examination table. Haha. She was a very good girl though. I still feel bad that I didn't notice earlier but what's happened has happened. All is well here :)
Roo's ear looks great now. Still a few days of ear drops to go but she's doing fantastic! Hates the drops and hates me when she knows I have the drops in my hand! Boomer and Roo have a whole routine now with it... 630 pm too gets her ear drops every night. She gets put back in the pen and then uses her back legs to shove in her ear to then lick off all the ear drops. Boomer comes along and shoves his head down in her ear when she has finished doing it herself. They must taste good or something because they both love to eat them. As much as I try and stop them they just go ahead and do it anyways so I don't bother now. Must not taste too bad or be too harmful as they are both good :) Roo is now weighing 2.355 kilos ! That was the last weigh in at the vets. She's growing quick I printed off some photos from the first day we got her and I forgot how little she was then I found baby photos of tiny boomer and can't believe either of them was ever that small. So cute! I love watching them grow! I even asked my partner the other night if we can let Roo has some babies before we desex her so I can have more bunnies and get to watch them grow from the start. Still undecided on that though but will consider it. I'd be happy to keep all of the babies she has ! (Just one litter) knowing me though it won't happen cause I don't have the time to care for babies so she will prob just end up desexed sooner rather than later. We don't have anyone I know who has a large male intact bunny anyways so would have to find a date for her anyways before she could even have babies .
Quick update. Boomer good . Roo so naughty but good. Roo has mastered escaping from her pen. Ate my bamboo plant, chewed a hole right through the wall to the other side and also broke a pair of glasses. Hence the naughty part. But she's in good health and growing by the day! 13 almost 14 weeks now. Boomer is just sweet sweet Boomer. has been a good boy except banging his cage at all hours of the night wanting out! View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433076207.615091.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433076220.809553.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433076255.708138.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433076273.742654.jpg
Such a NAUGHTY bunny!!! But oh so cute :)
She ate a whole through the wall?!?! :shock: That IS naughty. She's gorgeous though, she looks very cheeky in that couch pic.
Oh Boomer and Roo. Where do I begin ! Trouble trouble and more trouble! Adorable none the less. Hehe. Boomer and Roo love each other 99% of the time. The other 1% someone is taking food off the other or pulling the others hair. Boomer is overly loving Roo. He grooms her until there's wet patches on her and he even pulls her hair he gets that into it! Roo has what looks like spots all over her grey fur now. It's where he has pulled hair and/or groomed her too much! They are obsessed with cleaning each other's ears now since the medication Roo had for her ear . She doesn't the same to Boomer though shoving her head into his ears to clean them. Oh they also don't have cages in their pen anymore. Just the bases as they keeps getting out and using the cage tops to then jump over the fence. So cage free now except their in a pen most of the time as they can't be trusted free running the house now cause they are so naughty. They still get lots of free run time but VERY closely watched when they do! Trouble and trouble can't help themselves destroying stuff when out. I'll add some pics I took outside today playing with them. Look closely at Roo's fur to see the spots thanks to Boomer. Boomer is a chubba now he gets to free feed again on pellets. Since Roo is still so young I always have the bowls over full with food and well since Boomer lives with her he also now had unlimited food ! View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433572729.743287.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433572759.545061.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433572774.415065.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433572786.781198.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433572808.552376.jpgView attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1433572838.164734.jpg
I'm glad to hear Roo is doing good now! :) Its so scary when something's wrong with your pets, especially when there's blood involved. I am glad it was nothing too terribly bad and I hope she gets to feeling better!

Cute little trouble makers you got there, Roo is very pretty! I love vienna marked rabbits, haha. I have a real sweet spot for them. :hearts
I'm curious to know what she was once crossed with. She obviously isn't a pure Flemish but I still call her one due to her size. She's such a sweetie. Very friendly to everyone and always climb on your lap for a head scratch
Flemish can be BEW and vienna-marked so she very well could be part Flemish at least. Perhaps some Standard chin or giant chin for her coloring? I don't think Flemish in that pattern are very common but I imagine chinchilla can appear in a lot of mixes if the genetics are just right, even if its not a native color in one of the breeds.

Regardless, she seems very sweet though full of mischief! She's a gorgeous girl. :)

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