Ayglnu13 (Amy's) PICTURE VAULT! :o)

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He may stay in the back of the cage initiallywhen you open that door, but knowing Merlin, once you coo at him for aminute, he comes up to the door.

What a good boy! And in the A/C room? Good Lord! :shock: You're not inthe A/C room, but he is? Now I understand how it works.

So look forward to pictures later. I can just see him bouncing. Can'tbelieve you're getting kisses already, but then again, not totallysurprised. I'm wondering if Giant breeds in general area all so lovingand mellow. I agree that I don't think Nimue will care much. The two ofyour babies: Nimue and Merlin are such laid back, loving Beasts.

I miss Merlin already though. :tears2:

I wish I could hug him and pet him one more time. He's such a good boy.I'll never get over how wonderful it was to experience your pick-up ofhim yesterday.
Vittoret said he hadn't eaten much, so I'm glad to hear that he'schowing down. It certainly didn't take him long to settle in, did it?

What a Love.


Haha ya he is inthe ACed room :D I sleep in the basement, which is cool, but the denwas cooler :D So Merlin slept in there last night :)

I might be bringing him to the boathouse party, maybe you will see him there :D

(I am going to bring him as long as he is completely comfortable with me :))

I wouldn't be able to bring Nimue, crowdsscare him because he cant see what is going on :(

After the way he wasn't fighting to get awayfrom you, is kissing you now, and is eating like a pig, I only hopethat he'll be 'totally comfortable' with you within the month.

I'm not worried at all about him being completely comfortable with you.He seemed to have been yesterday from what I saw. I know what you meanthough. You don't want to stress him out. I wouldn't either.

The good thing is that he seemed to have handled traveling well, ey? I think he was just so glad to finally be with his Mom.

I can't wait to see pictures of our baby boy. Can't believe how in lovewith him I am. Seeing him bouncing around the yard yesterday reallymelted my heart. An Angora isn't the first rabbit that comes to mindwhen I think of my favorites, but after meeting Merlin and seeing himmove around, he's definitely bumped up my appreciation for them - BigTime!

No worries about whether he'll make it to the Boathouse Party or not.One day at a time. I'm just sooooo glad he's with You now. He's waitedall of his life to finally find his way home. Give him kisses on thatnose for me.


And Nimue too!


OK...well...he isshaved...I think he might be a littleembarassed... ...because he looks like a sheep...:shock:Maybewhen I get the eletric razor maybe then he will lookbetter

Well here he is! :)




Here he is next to HIS AC


And here he is sitting RIGHT next to HIS AC


Excuse the sorta bald spots, thats where the bad mats were :(



Oh Amy, HE looks Awesome. You did a great job. What a pampered boy he is.

I love this picture. He looks like a snuggly stuffed animal.


See he looks great both ways. With hair and without.

Oh Goodness! Look at how small he is!! :shock2:

:tears2: I can't believe how adorable he is!!! Look at that Love. Sosweet and innocent. He looks so darn adorable. He's got the CUTESTFace! Look at that nose and mouth. It seems he certainly Does love Hisair conditioner.

He looks like such a baby, doesn't he, Amy???

:heart: :inlove: :heart:

Oh he is my baby!!:D If something scares him suddenly (like a noise)he willbolt over and jump in my lap, its so cute!! :D You should have seen himwhen I was cutting his hair, he just layed down, and spread his legsout, and let me cut away. It took me a good hour to get it off, and Istill have to cut some here and therewhen I noticedthatI missed some.

Aww thanks guys forall the compliments on Merlin, he is sitting on my lap right nowlooking at the screen :) I think he is reading all of the wonderfulthings you said about him :) Hopefully he wont get a super ego oranything:p


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