Ayglnu13 (Amy's) PICTURE VAULT! :o)

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Hi Amy, :wave:

It's normal to be nervous about the drive. Just take your time andyou'll be okay. Stick to the speed limit on the Pike because copspatrol that heavily. Once you're off the Pike, you'll be driving onpretty roads and in the country.

You have my number. Don't hesitate to use it if you have any questionsabout where you are or things aren't looking right as to what thedirections say. Call me as many times as you wish to feel comfortable -or you to to double check on anything you get concerned about.

Again, just take your time and you'll be fine. When you get done withthis trip, you'll feel so empowered. I give you a lot of credit fordoing this - especially after only having your license a short time.

Set the cruise control when you get on the Pike, put on some good music, and picture Merlin.

Talk soon and see you in a couple of hours. :jumpforjoy:


You'll be fine. You can do this. Just take your time. :)
Amy, I always forget how young you are! You haveto be one of the most responsible teenagers I've talked to for a longtime. Can you rub some of that off onto my 14 year old nephew? He andhis sibs and cousins were a package deal with my husband. I swear I wasmore mature at that age!

You'll be fine driving that far. Like Carolyn said, just take your time. :D

I can't wait to see pics of Merlin!
Couldn't agree more, naturestee. Amy is anamazingly mature and intelligent woman for the age she is. I'm glad I'mnot the only one that has said it to her. She's got it together.

Amy Successfully Bunnynapped Merlin!

:gun: :dragster:

OHH Amy. I am just thrilled to piecesfor you. I can't imagine Merlin getting a better Mommy than you. Ican't wait to see the pictures I know you will be taking of him.



Glad to hear that Amy made it there safe& sound to pickup precious Merlin. Hope her returntrip home goes well.

Can't wait to see more pics of Merlin!

Where ARE You??????



Hey every one we made it back safe and sound!

Getting there took us 3 hours and 45 minutes (because we took a wrong turn)

And coming home took the same amount of time because we stopped at Mcdonalds because we were starving :D

Merlin is sucha handsome young man! I haven’t been able to take picsyet because I literally just walked in the door. I will have some upwithin the hour though :)

Poor little guy is sweating buckets, even though we have the AC on :)

You guys should have seen him when we got there; he would boundin around the yard, sucha happy go lucky bunny! :D


Amy, that is so awesome that everything went sowell and you had a safe trip! It wouldn't have been a trip ifyou didnt make a wrong turn somewhere along the road :p....I cant waitto see pictures of Merlin!
Ok so I might havelied about getting pictures on within an hour....I HAVE THEM NOW YIPPY!:D

"Hi, my name is Merlin, and I am very cute"


"What is that strange thing you arepointing at my face? I feel like I will see a lot of that strangethingy"


"Soooo Hot"


This is his mid air bunny binkie :D



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