Ayglnu13 (Amy's) PICTURE VAULT! :o)

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dajeti2 wrote:
W:shock:W, Nimue did that? It's sounlikehim. Hopefully after Merlin's neuter they can be friends. What a nightyou had.;)

I know! I am kinda irked, but they arebunnies andit is to be expected. I am just kinda depressedbecause he was ALWAYS good with all the other bunnies that weintroduced them to him (Dash, Brogan and Rupert). It MUST be becauseMerlin is not neutered, I mean that is the only difference between theother bunnies and Merlin. I am hoping to get Merlin neutered soon, butDash's vet bill is killing me, so it might be a couple weeks before Ican afford a $150 neuter. :?

And for some reason I am really sick....Iwas fine until after I shocked myself. I have really delayed reactionsto pain for some reasonand so I kept my hand on thedehumidifier for too long, it was atleast 5 to 10 seconds that I had myhand on there. Well then this morning I woke up and my arm was inseriously pain, so I took tylenol and I was fine But now Ithinkthe tylenalhas warn off and now I have stomachaches and headaches. I am just REALLY hoping it has nothing to do withthe shock.

Naughty Nimue!

Amy, hon, maybe you should get yourself to a doctor. Shocks can haveall sorts of funky side effects, and this sounds rather nasty. Getbetter!
Amy, please please go to the doctor. Myson got shocked and had very similar symptoms. We took him to thehospital. They kept him overnight for observation. Good thing toobecause he went into heart arrythmia. I am so not wanting to scare youbut I don't want you taking any chances hun.

I am doing greattoday. :DWe called the doctors last nights and asked if weshould come in. She asked how big the shock was and what my symptomswere. She said she didn't think that shock was big enough, to doanything, and that my symptoms didn't match that of a heart arrhythmia.She said that if I experience dizziness, chest pain,shortnessof breath, racing heartbeat, ora slow heartbeatthatI should go in.And now that Ifeelawesomenow, and I don't think I would if I had a heart arrhythmia. Plus I amjust going to take it easy todayand if anything happens thehospital is 5 minutes away :)

Good Lord, Chicky, you have to be careful. I'm glad your mom was on top of it and did check with the doctor.

$150 fora neuter??? The heck with that!Bring Merlin to the Boathouse Party and schedule a neuter for him thatFriday. My vet charges $70 for neuter and that includes anovernight stay just so that they can keep an eye on them.

Not surprised Nimue is a bit perturbed by Merlin. Hope thatworks out in the end. I think of Stephanie's three rabbitsand she was able to bond two boys after neutered. Will keepmy fingers crossed for that to happen with your babies.

Wow....I had alot of catching up to do on this thread!

First of all, Amy I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better after your electric shock....yipes!

Secondly, Merlin is the most adorable bunny, with or withouthair!! I'm so glad you have him. Thepicturein front of his A/C was just precious.

Amy, I am so glad you are feelingbetter. It was never my intention to scare you Sweetie. I was justreally really worried about you. I am so glad you are ok.


Glad to hear your ok...yes you'd know if youhave arythmia...I live with it everyday to the extent that I can feelit missing the beats, beating too early or not at all... ;)When it first started I just didn't feel right...hard to explain...sokeep an eye out for that!! Take care of yourself, but sounds like apositive if your feeling great today!
ayglnu13 wrote:
You have a Yorkie! I LOVEthem!!! :DThey are so cute!

Yesterday on dateline they were doing aPet Nation special and it was mostly about a Yorkie, seriously I wantedto go out and adopt one right on the spot :)

He's my baby and such a momma's boy. It's funny because he'scompletely the dog I swore I'd never have. I always said Iwouldn't have a small dog or one that needed grooming and I went andgot both in one. LOL My entire family havethem. My brother got one for his girlfriend last year for herbirthday. I went with them to pick him out and spent the weekend, Ifell in love with him. It kind of snowballed from therebecause my mom's friend had 2 litters at the same time and so within aweek my mom had one, I had one and my brother had anotherone. So between us, we have 3 from the same litter.

I'll attach his picture. He'll be 1 on July 9. He'sjust a tiny thing, only 5 lbs. He looks so innocent in thispicture, because he's sleeping.

