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Crunchie bunny, you've only been gone a day but miss you so much already, Benjy is lost without you and so am I.

Dont't know when you were born baby as I rescued you from the RSPCArehoming centre but I was your mummy for 4 years and 3 of those youspent with your darling Benjy who I know you adored.

I believe you are now at peace no more pain baby.

Crunchie ? to 14th May 2005

Gone but never forgotten.
For Chino, the baby bunny who died too soon. Hewas my first bun and I loved him to death, unfortunatly I'm still at alittle bit of a loss as to what happened.

July - October 2004
God bless you my little Stephie girl. You gave me lots of love in your short time here on earth.



Love you, dearly, Stephie. You gavejoy to all of us, and we'll all miss you. I'm so so saddenedthat God came calling for you.

We'll always miss you and never forget you. Daddy was so proud of you.

Much Love,
Stephie, you were truly one beautiful and very special bunny. We will all miss you so very much.

:rainbow: :bunnyangel:
Charlie 2-20-04 - 2-16-05

Charlie bun, I miss you more then you could ever imagine. You were myfirst bun, and you helped me get deeper into the hobby, until the pointI'm at right now, obsession. Charlie I'm sorry you didn't even make itto be a year old, and that I never really got to say my goodbyes. Ilove you charlie and pray to you every day.

Charlie died 4 days before his birthday....3 weeks after beingneutered. He was a husband to aspen bunny, and had 6 babies: ashlee,crumpet, simpson, oliver, bear, and willie. We all miss you greatly.Binky free my little "hunny bunches of oats" ( my little nickname forthe sweetie)


Also sammy, you made it to 17 years old...and we miss you so much. Ihope you are feeling so much better and running free as you did as apuppy over the rainbow bridge.



I'm sorry about all of your losses, and I know what keeps me going is knowing that I'm not alone! Thank you!
Gentle Cinnamon, we loved you so much.I know your soul is across the Rainbow Bridge. We will meetagain some day. Rest in Peace. 6/3/2005

Love, Kathy & Dave
I am sorry for all of your lost everyone. I have never lost a bun before but I have lost 2 dearly best friends.

Isaac my big boy cocker/beagle mix. I had the best 10 years with youuntil the pain in your ears took over and I had to end it all for you.Run free my big boy and wait for me until we meet again. It has beenalmost 2 years since you have been gone. RIP 3/21/93 - 7/12/03.

Little Holly piggie. I remember when you were born, so cute andidentical to your sister Scruffles. You never ran from me and alwaysate your favorite veggies from my hands. One day you got hurt andshorten your life. You were just a baby at 3 weeks of age. I gave youpeace until you took your last breath in my arms. Holly Isaac willwatch over you for mummie until we meet again. Eat your favoritegreenpeppers and popcorn everywhere. RIP 12/19/04 - 1/10/05

Mummie loves you both forever. Wait for me at the rainbow bridge.
This is a farewell to Scooby, my cute littleblack and white mini lop who died earlier this morning. Hewas one of my first rabbits and I loved him so much. Iremember when I got him, I went into a pet store looking for abird. But when I walked in the door there was a cage with 3baby bunnies in it and I bought Scooby and Scrappy(his brother who diedin 2002) and they were almost identical, Scooby was a bitbigger. I'll never forget some moments, like when he won bestof opposite of breed last year(I was so happy and proud) andeven when he peed on my sister about 4 years ago. Those aresome things I'll always remember. This is for you, Scooby Doo~2000-2005~
Floppy Mar 3 2004 - June 13 2005

Floppy you were the best little guy I could of ever asked for. You mademe laugh so much at all your funny antics. I especially liked the onewhen your were doing binkies on my bed, and jumped 2 feet in the airand landed on the cat.I still laugh about that. You brough so much joyand laughter into my life, for the short time I had you. I will neverforget you for that. We will see each other again one day, but untilthen keep doing your cute little binkies and work on your aim with allthe cats. I love you sweetie and will miss you dearly. Rest in peace.


I am so sorry to hear about Floppy but he looksjust like our Gusy, who we lost on May 24/05. I know how yourheart aches as they give you such unconditional love and entertainment.

Gusys Grandma

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