Well-Known Member
Oh the poor little guy =(
My dearest rabbit that I loved more than anything around 9months ago. I don't want to say what happened, she had a painful timedieing because of her misscarriage. It was sad seeing her go. I had totell her to go.she was trying to hold on for me but I had to tell herto go because she was in pain and it isn't nice to let an animal sufferfor you so I told her to go. It was scary when it happened. I cried myeyes out but I remember the best times I had with her, make me happy. Ihope i connect with her and talk to her on the other side at theRainbow Bridge. Click the link below and you can see a picture of her.She was only 1 when she died. She was a Holland Lop named Coconut Iwish she was a live right now. I'm crying now. She's beautiful she wasalso sweet and loving when I had her. I love the picture. Please lookat the picture. ITs cute. I was only 12 when she died, now its been ayear and I'm 13 now and I don't forget about her.
Thanks for making this rainbow bridge. ITs helpful.