Well-Known Member
I so wish this thread was shorter...there are far too many crossing the bridge lately...
I so wish this thread was shorter...there are far too manycrossing the bridge lately...
Well we got her she looked young as in maybe 6 months so I was thinking of her almost being 2yrs old. The vet said that she is a seinior pigger. I brought her back to the vet to have her teeth retrimmed under full anesthsia. She pulled through that fine but they found an enlarged cancerus mass right behind her back molars. So there was nothing we could do but keep her comfortable. I went in to see her she was so weak from the anesethsia and in so much pain from the mass. I decided to let her go home.SPM,
What happened? I must've missed what happened to her- I'm so sorry for your loss.
It seems like you & DJ have gone through so many losses these last few months - between having to give up Michael, losing relatives - and now this. It's just NOT FAIR!
You're in my thoughts and prayers.