Well-Known Member
Holding my baby.
Oh wow Jer keep up the great work. I would love to hear yourbeautiful keyboarding someday. I bet Apollo is so proud of you rightnow because you are not giving up. Wow guitar and violin that would beawesome. I used to play the trumpet and I was very good because of mydissability I was able to do better than the ones that have played allof their life. I was born deaf and wearing a hearing aid helps me hearvery well. If you all would meet me you would not realized that I amdeaf wearing a hearing aid. I speak so well and hear so well thateveryone forgets that I can not hear everything. lol. I miss playing mytrumpet and I still have the trumpet that my grandmother gave me whenshe was little. So the trumpet that my grams gave me is very oldprobably somewhere over 45 to 50 years old.