Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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I know the feeling....I keep looking at her squirrelish gray colored ones and wanting one.

Then I say to myself, "Wait a minute gal...you have blue...you have chin....breed your own squirrel colored rabbit..."

But that's not the same as having one from a forum member!

But Peg.... you need to start somewhere with SOMEONE'S squirrel coloured bunny.

Tina... Will call habitat for humanity... see if they willshelter your bunnies cuz if you remain on this board for much longer ..you will need another house.


WHITE NOSE WHITE NOSE WHITE NOSE..... did I mention that he has white on the tips of his toes?

Peg, I so have to be strong. It's not easy though.

FreddysMom, tell me about it lmbo.

When all is said and done we will have 10-12 houserabbits. That doesn't include 11 chickens, two dogs-Bunny is a biggirl, numerous fish, a frog and a turtle.

Hey Sweet !!!

I just couldn't resist. Just for the new addition

IM is always on, let me know when your online later.


Zara, :hug:, I love it so much:love:. Thank you, Thank you, Thank You.


Zara, you have a real gift Sweetie.

Susan, NO kidding about needing another house lmbo. Thecritters far out number the humans at thispoint.:shock:

I must try and be strong and you are making soooooo hard with all that cuteness.

dajeti2 wrote:
When all is said and done we will have 10-12 houserabbits. That doesn't include 11 chickens, two dogs-Bunny is a biggirl, numerous fish, a frog and a turtle.

Oh, come on Tina!! You need more! Please, you haven't even begun to catch up with me. LMBO


Jen, I'm afraid if I catch up to you I may have to come live with you


Dale and I are looking at getting a bigger house. He's alreadysaid once we move I can haveas many as I want...oh was thatSo the wrong thing to say to me.

I am taking it one step at a time and one or two bunnies at a time.;)


I'm moving the Jungle to your house! You seem to be able to squeeze allthe animals you want in there.... how would the Acres residents feelabout joining sides with the jungle!

I can move in......:ponder:hmmmmmmm.....


Susan, That is tooooo much. How can Isay no to that much cuteness. Ugh, I must be strong but you are makingit SOOOOO hard.


Lyndsy, C'mondown.

The Acres and The Jungle hmmmm this could work.:D


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