Well...I have been pretty busy lately! Grooming school is so much fun and a ton of work, I've been spending more time with the rats lately, and the bunnies are very demanding too LOL! My husband and I have also realized that we need to be doing things together more, so that has been really nice. I've been taking Sammy (our doggie) to school with me and he has been LOVING it because he usually has to stay in his kennel all day because we *thought* he would tear up the house.....well, I left him out of his kennel all day for 7 hours yesterday and he didn't potty inside or tear anything up!! I'm proud of my doggie

Soooo....you guys all know that I was waiting to get a male mouse until my 4 rattie brothers passed away, right? Well, I got a little boy mouse today on impulse. Well, I mean its not like I didn't already have his tank set up and everything purchased for him....but the way I got him today was very impulse-worthy! Let me explain....
My husband is at the tattoo shop today for 7 hours, so I decided to get out of the house and enjoy this really nice day. I went and got coffee...went to PetSmart to get kitty litter & see if there was any rabbits/rats/etc at the Humane Society's adoption center inside of PetSmart because when there is, I socialze them and bring them toys...then I decided to stop into Petco to see about getting more kitty litter because I had a 10% off coupon to use up soon. Of course I HAD to look at the mice & rats and was definitely dead set on not getting a mouse.....until an employee came up with a dirty looking guy. He wanted "10 mice & the bigger, the better!". I was already looking at the male mice at that point and the employee was taking big female mice out of the tanks...so I said "phew", so I wouldn't be tempted. Then she opened up the male tank and started grabbing them out by their tails. One bit her and she definitely deserved it!
Then I did the dumbest thing ever when she lifted up the igloo and I saw an adorable chinchilla colored male mouse...I told her "WAIT! I want the grey one as a pet". She grabbed up a black and white male by mistake and dropped him into my hands. He was very small and friendly...crawled up into my neck. UGH.....damnit....I was trapped. I knew if I put him back into her hands she might put him into the container with the other 10 mixed sex mice...to end up as snake food.
So....I paid for him and left
. My husband was really the one who was telling me not to get a mouse until the rats passed, so I knew he might be angry. I texted him and told him "Uhm...I might have just bought a mouse on impulse, but he was probably going to be someone's dinner tonight.". He texted back saying "I don't care...I'm not mad. love you"
Sooooooo...little baby (he's pretty small and definitely a "he") Dexter and I are sitting here in the living room! He's in his 10gal. tank running on his wheel and having a blast walking through his tank. He is a bit sneezy, but it could possibly be "happy/new home sneezes" - I'll definitely watch him carefully with those though. He's bright eyed, coat looks good, and really active. I'm a tad bit mad at myself for getting him "so soon" and from Petco....but whatever because he's safe with me now. I'm just glad I had the tank all ready to go for the past few weeks!
I have heard male mice really stink...and it's true! BUT...I can't say that 4 girl mice wouldn't stink any less then him. I already can't wait for a few days to go by, so I can start handling him.