I'm sorry you ended up loosing your girl, Ren

. I would have been really devistated if Quil had killed Dex. I'm still mad at Quil and should be thankful he didn't kill him, but if he did....ugh I don't know how I'd ever get over it. Dex is a lucky guy, he has survided seconds from being thrown into a carrier to be brought home to a snake...and now a cat attack! Oh, and I am PMing you back in a little bit

I need to do some major cleaning in the bunny room tonight! The new hay that I got has lots of leaves & flowers in it and they like to "sprinkle" all over the room when I'm passing out hay. Plus, I had Brody out last night and he decided to pee everywhere in front of Molly's cage, so I have to clean up the carpet. I guess no more playing around her cage...I will just have to pen it off so he can't be near her.
Damon needs his litter box fully changed out tonight, too. I have to go out and buy him a larger one with higher sides because he's peed outside of the regular cat box sized one....and he barely fits in it anyway, haha! I'm glad he has ended up being only cage aggressive because that makes things much easier and I can only hope he gets relief from hormones from his neuter

. I'm easily falling in love with him, but I don't need a 5th bunny because thats just 1 more male that I definitely don't need and if I kept him then I probably wouldn't be able to have a 2nd dog (which I for sure would like).
On the subject of a 2nd dog, I have fallen in love with the groomer's (one of them at the shop) Pomeranians. I never thought I'd want a Pom, but I adore her Pom's calm, loyal, quiet, friendly, etc personalities. They are also small and bred to the standard (I think they are only about 5lbs). I have never met such amazing Poms before. She shows them all over the country (when she can, but mostly does local/next state over shows), but she rarely breeds. She hadn't had a litter in 7 years, but she bred one and the puppies were born this past winter....2 pups were stillborn and 1 lived to be 2 weeks then aspirated on milk and died

. She's planning on having another litter this fall, so I am thinking about getting a pet quality Pom from her. It's a very tough decision because I'm really pro-adoption (especially for dogs), but I feel more comfortable getting a dog from a person that I know...it makes it feel more "right". Her Poms are pretty expensive ($1400 show quality and $800 pet quality), but she said she'd let me make payments. It's months away, so I have lots of time to really think about it (and get Ryan to want a Pom, LOL).