Thanks you guys :hug:.
Today is day 2 of being "alone"...Ryan made it all the way to Derby, Kansas (his grandma's house) last night. He stayed the day today and is leaving tomorrow morning at 4am for Nashville (has friend's he's staying the night/Tuesday with), then he will leave Wednesday morning from Nashville and arrive in Harrisburg later on that night.
Luckily my little brother (he's 17) just moved here from NY and I got to spend a few hours with him today. We went out for coffee and then hung out downtown on the courthouse square for a that was nice spending time with him and getting out of the house.
These next few weeks are going to be so rough...might be less rough if I had a car that I could hop into, which would make things feel more "normal". But...I just have to walk to/from work...the only time I can get out of the house and go somewhere otherwise is if my friend Alyssa wants to hang out or if I hang out with my brother. So, I'm already feeling pretty lonely.
Its going to cost about $800 to fly the pets (2 bunnies, 2 cats, and my small dog) to PA. My ticket is about $150. I also need to get the 2 kitties and dog into the vet for a health exam/certificate before they can fly, so I'm hoping thats going to be less then $100. I posted in CL and Freecycle asking for 3 hard sided (plastic) cat carriers...hopefully I can get them for free or about $10 each - better then paying $20 each in the store.
I've got a ton of food stocked up here, along with TP & paper I'm hoping I really don't have to spend any money at all between now and the time that I leave. I'll have $650 saved up on in 2 more weeks I'll have enough money to fly the pets and myself out (about $1100 total). Then the rest of my pay checks (about $250-$300 per week) will be able to be saved as a pad of money, which will be good because we will need to buy all new pet supplies/food when I get out there. Besides, Ryan will be working by the time I move out there, so we will be okay as far as money goes. I'm sure the next few months may be a bit rough money-wise because we need to buy all "new" furnature & kitchen stuff. My friend, Alyssa, is buying pretty much all of our furnature here and I'm cutting her an insane deal at $160 for all of it (the 2 year old dresser was that much alone) there is "extra" money in my pocket.
Now I am venting! Well, I'm just pretty excited for the move.....can't wait to be with Ryan again & start our new life.
I didn't mention that he proposed to me all over again with my "old" engagement ring before he left

. We are going to wait a while, then renew our vows when we are rings too.