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Well, I looked at every thrift store in town yesterday for a comfy over-sized plush chair for in my bunny room and couldn't find one. I completely forgot MIL left her love seat here when she moved to WI in December. Ryan had just been using it out in the AZ room for when he had his xbox out there...well the roof leaked, so now his computer and xbox are inside the house. The couch had pretty much just became a "kitty couch". I thought it would be too large for the space in the bunny room, but it actually works out okay...we just moved it in here. The loveseat is comfy (its a lay-z-boy) even though it is probably 10 years old. It works for now, until I can afford a $300 microsuede couch from The Room Store in a purple or pastel green, LOL!!
The bunnies still have plenty of room to run around and play. I even have the door open so they can go out into the hall way, but they never want to.
Now all I need is to get my artwork put up in there, get a new little cabinet for the food/treats, and get some really cute pillows for the couch...then its all set for now! Our plan is to put in hardwood floors this summer, too.
Oh....the thing that will really make the room awesome will be when Molly and Morgan bond, then she can free range with him and her cage will free up a ton of space!!

The bunnies still have plenty of room to run around and play. I even have the door open so they can go out into the hall way, but they never want to.
Now all I need is to get my artwork put up in there, get a new little cabinet for the food/treats, and get some really cute pillows for the couch...then its all set for now! Our plan is to put in hardwood floors this summer, too.
Oh....the thing that will really make the room awesome will be when Molly and Morgan bond, then she can free range with him and her cage will free up a ton of space!!