** I still need to upload and post all of the cute pictures I took, which I will do that tonight! **
Anyway, I do need to rant a bit about bonding because I am feeling hurt and like a failure

Morgan and Molly did really well on their first date...so I took her in (CL rehome) and got her spayed. Once her hormones calmed down, then I tried bonding. I quickly learned it wasn't going to work because she no longer thought it was important to groom Morgan....and Morgan MUST be groomed or he feels unwanted and he will fight.
Then I tried Brody and Molly. Brody just wanted to hump & dominate her, which wasn't going to work because Molly is a diva girl and wants to be the boss.
So....I though Marlin and Molly would work out really well since Marlin is a ditzy Lionhead who is really laid back. Ugh....not working out and I can't figure out why. I just think Molly is too bossy....
Now I am frustrated that I have 4 single rabbits, which leaves me back to square one...just with an extra bunny. I KNOW Morgan has wanted a wifebun for years, but I was only just able to take that step in November when I got Molls. Now Morgie is alone and I can't risk adopting another rabbit only to have bonding fail. I was thinking about taking Morgs on a date to a rescue 2 hours away, then finding the best candidate & foster her...if bonding doesn't work, then I can move on to foster the next best candidate.
BUT.....do I really WANT 5 rabbits?! Not really, because Ryan and I are planning to move to the east coast (we are thinking outside of Philly) in 3 years and at this point....I can't even fit all of my pets into our Explorer as it is!! By the time we go to move, providing everyone is still alive (which obviously I hope so), we will have 1 dog, 4 rabbits, and 3 kitties. I know my rat's won't live past this year and Dexter (my mouse) could possibly live 3 years, but chances are slim.
I kind of feel like I will never be able to bond rabbits...like bonding is a huge joke....and now Morgan isn't getting what I know he wants because of that. I realize now it is going to take a really special girl who just wants to love on her mate all day.