Amy's cats, rabbits, etc!

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LOL - I can't believe you named them Damon and Stefan!

I'm not a rat fan, but I gotta say, they are cute! So long as you keep the bawls outta the picture ;)
Better keep the doors closed or the cats far away! Im preeetty sure they'll be able to squeeze out, I know my rats can even my giant headed Dumbo Goonie!
The set up is so cute I with I could use my super pet for my rats. but...
HAHAHAHA.....Damon and Stefan just seemed to fit them :whistling.

Uhm....can't promise you won't get a picture with some baaaaawls. In fact, I may make it a point to actually how off those bad boys now ;). Man...won't the boys be so proud! As sad as it is...we had a thread going on the rat forum called "Show off your goolies" (or something like that) where everyone posted candid goolie shots :expressionless.

ZavalaBunnies wrote:
Better keep the doors closed or the cats far away! Im preeetty sure they'll be able to squeeze out, I know my rats can even my giant headed Dumbo Goonie!
The set up is so cute I with I could use my super pet for my rats. but...
My 4 boys are in a Super Pet Giant below them and can't get out, but they are fatter. I will keep the doors closed tonight so the kitties won't be around just in case, but I don't think they are getting out....I "treat tested" them and they can't get their entire heads through, only up to half way between their nose and eyes.
I have three intact male rattums with big old goolies. They love to drag them across my hand or arm, marking me in the process. My previous male hamster, Cozy, used to use his big goolies as a table for breaking open seeds.
Just felt the overwhelming urge to share that with you, Amy...

I love the names you gave the two boys. That's great the rescue can eventually take them in and you are fostering temporarily. What a nice huge cage they have now! Do they seem in good health and mentally okay after all they have been through?

undergunfire wrote:
ZavalaBunnies wrote:
Better keep the doors closed or the cats far away! Im preeetty sure they'll be able to squeeze out, I know my rats can even my giant headed Dumbo Goonie!
The set up is so cute I with I could use my super pet for my rats. but...
My 4 boys are in a Super Pet Giant below them and can't get out, but they are fatter. I will keep the doors closed tonight so the kitties won't be around just in case, but I don't think they are getting out....I "treat tested" them and they can't get their entire heads through, only up to half way between their nose and eyes.

I should Fatten my rats up lol.

When I had to seperate my bun Grizzly after his mass removal I had him in a super pet Giant and Ihad my rats running around the room one nightand they kept going through the bars nooo problem.

I think they're a bit bigger now I should try it. :biggrin2:

(buuut I'm pretty sure my Dwarf Dumbo might be able to squeeze out)
I'm so glad I don't have goolies anymore. I'm done with males for a long _LONG_ time. I used to have several. All intact. I just couldn't do it. Aside from having to answer the "duh" question when people came over ("What's that on their butt?"), the marking, the spraying... Ugh.. Never again. I give you major kudos for being able to put up with it. I can't do it. x.x; I think I was traumatized by my last set of 3 intact males... ._.;
HAHAHAHAHA....I can't picture a hamster using his googlies as a little table:laughsmiley:.

I will never have female rats again...they are too hyper for me. I loooove male rats and prefer them to be neutered because they no longer mark, are much calmer, and get a lot more *squishy* :biggrin: - not to mention gross goolies are GONE!!

Damon and Stefan have explored the cage....Damon is inside the cube to the far right right now :). They have scrounged through their food dishes too, as they made a little mess LOL.

Erika....The boys seem very healthy, no wet I am taking the little sneezes as "new home sneezes". The rescue wants me to treat the boys anyway, so I am going to treat them and my own boys as a precaution. I just need to crush my Baytril pills and try to remember the mixing dosage as well as medicating dosage.

Sadly....its looking more and more like I am going to have to have Jasper put to sleep :(. He's slowed down at a faster rate then his brothers (they are only 1.5 years) and I see him struggling with his breathing more often now - he's always been the less healthy one of the bunch. I am trying to decide if I want to do it before we leave for Kansas on June 10th or wait until we get back....I just don't want him to die on my friend because the last time she pet sat for us one of my female rats died for an unknown reason and Alyssa was really broken up over it. I just can't handle walking into the vets office for another death...I wish I could just say my goodbyes at home and send Ryan to do it, but I don't know if he will (hes not a rat person and things like that make him uncomfortable).
undergunfire wrote:
Uhm....can't promise you won't get a picture with some baaaaawls. In fact, I may make it a point to actually how off those bad boys now ;). Man...won't the boys be so proud! As sad as it is...we had a thread going on the rat forum called "Show off your goolies" (or something like that) where everyone posted candid goolie shots :expressionless.
:roflmao:Oh now I better be careful when I click on your blog!
Oh no Poor jasper :( I've been putting off taking my old man rabbit Grizzly because well it's just to damn hard.

I know it's time though, I might be going Thursday, Im taking Jenson for his Free Adopted pet vet visit so that seems like a "good" time to take my grizzlybear.

:sad::in tears:

I wish our men were braver!! I've bee trying to get Edgar to do it but of course I have to toughen up and do it.
Poor Jasper... My prayers with you both. I'm still not totally over my last rat... My two current girls... One of the major reasons I got them was because of the tan and white hooded. In the pictures, she reminded me too much on Nyota... And now I'm thinking of naming her after her. Much love extended to both of you. It's never easy to put down a pet. And I think it's harder for rats especially because of their life span. It's long enough that you can build that tight relationship- that strong bond that takes a few years. But it's not long enough to really enjoy it 'for years to come'. Best wishes to you both. <3
Thanks, you guys. I have been through so many rat deaths that I am honestly numb to it. While it is very sad...its something I can "get over" very quickly now. Except Spootie, who was my heart took me a very long time to "get over it".

Anyway....Marlin and Ruby are in lerrrrrvvvvv :inlove::


Even though shes still not spayed, I do think they will bond very quickly once she is :).
:thud: That is such an adorable picture!! There is nothing like two bunnies in love. :hearts
I just read for a while to catch up... I thought you said you weren't going to rescue the rat boys? But then there are pictures of rescue rats haha I guess you are just minding them for the time being until other arrangements can be made? they sure look spoilt and happy :)

Gosh that Ruby is stunning. Looks like things are going pretty well with her and Marlin! Even if you are breaking the rules...
They are cute, eh guys?! I can't wait to get them bonded after she's spayed & healed :).

Crystal...I wasn't going to rescue the boys, but I got in contact with a rat rescue 2 hours away and they are able to take the boys into their foster system, so I am just fostering them until they can take them in. I couldn't get the boys out of my mind, so I'm glad I was/am able to help them with the rat rescues help. If the rescue couldn't have taken them in, then I probably would not have been able to save them.


Well, I start working/graduate grooming school on June 1st :biggrin:. I'll be started at 50% commission plus tips, so I am very excited. My instructors/boss want me grooming 3 dogs a day and work up to 6, adding in a dog each month. I'm really nervous because right now I am only doing 2 dogs a day, but I am sure I can do 3 dogs when I am "on my own" because I will know exactly what I'm doing and won't have to wait around for instruction. My hours will also be 8:30am (instead of 9:30am now) until whenever I am done (so could be until 4 or later). I'm also nervous about being able to get my dogs done & out on time...sometimes you have a very difficult to handle dog and it really holds you up (I'm also a newbie, so I know difficult dogs will be easier to handle over time). I can also groom cats, do hopefully there will be a few of those in the mix.

I'm excited to be making money again - we figure that we will have enough money to throw down a decent down payment on a new car for me in July :D.
Im so excited you're getting our there and doing what you love to do, so soon!
You'll be fine with multiple dogs, just remember dont be so hard on yourself because the dogs look better than you think they do (you perfectionist lol)

Plus just think that in no time you'll have people bathing dogs for you! All you have to do is clip and make them look pretty ;-)
Come groom foo foo dogs in L.A!!
hahaha :goodluck
Thanks, Steph :biggrin:! It is really hard not to be a perfectionist, but I will probably get over that soon as my speed increases.

I won't have a bather bath for me - all of us groomers at this shop bathe our own dogs :p. I'm just looking for the day I can go out on my own in a mobile...hopefully by the time I am 30 (I'll be 22 in December).
undergunfire wrote:
Crystal...I wasn't going to rescue the boys, but I got in contact with a rat rescue 2 hours away and they are able to take the boys into their foster system, so I am just fostering them until they can take them in. I couldn't get the boys out of my mind, so I'm glad I was/am able to help them with the rat rescues help. If the rescue couldn't have taken them in, then I probably would not have been able to save them.

That is a great outcome for the shelter, the rats and you :)

I know what you mean about not being able to get someone/somepet off your mind...