Not much has been going on here lately. I did graduate from grooming school, though, and have worked 4 days as a groomer already :biggrin:. Its really nerve-wracking for me to be on such a schedule....but I am sure with time it will get easier. I can only do 3 dogs a day right now and my boss wants me to add in 1 more each month until I am up to 6 dogs a day. this point it feels impossible to do 6 dogs a day, LOL!!!
Ryan and I have been talking about getting another car, but we think we might just buy a scooter for me for now. I can pick one up for $1000, gas will be suuuper cheap, and insurance will be cheap. My work is only like a 3 minute car ride away, so I'm sure a scooter will work for now. This way I can pay Ryan's mom back within 5 months, completely own my scooter, then start paying off credit cards. I can start saving money slowly and buy a new reliable car next year. That saves us big time in gas & insurance for a little while!
Hrm...tomorrow I have to go to Petco with a bunny friend to sex 2 bunnies that are with a local dog/cat rescue. Their owner who has them now says they are too young to be sexed, which is not we are going to get them sexed so that the new adopters can know what they are getting. Luckily the rescue will reemburse the new owners the cost of spay/neuter surgery, so I hope any new owners will get that done for the bunnies. We are also bringing along adoption packets so the new owners can get a good start in caring for their new bunny. The rescue says they can be adopted together, but we want to educate the rescue to make sure that if they go together...the new owner knows that once they hit maturity they can start fighting, etc. Hopefully we have good luck with this "case".
ETA: I got sooo lucky at GoodWill's 50% Saturday sale! 2 towels, 2 huge fleece blankets, 3 fleece baby blankets, and 4 flannel baby blankets for $10....yaaaay for new pet blankies
