Amy's cats, rabbits, etc!

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Well...the rattie boys are on their way to the rescue. The rescue lady was actually really nice (you never know with rat people) and was concerned about how the local humane society treats the ratties here and is going to make some calls when she gets the chance.
Awesome. It's good the rats are finding a better home and it's really cool that the other person was sincerely concerned. I agree, sometimes you just don't know with rat people. :p
I posted a few pages back about my MIL moving to Wisconsin and letting us rent her house from her & that she has a roommate that lives in the back master bedroom (has its own entrance and everything)......and about all of the complaining to my MIL that hes been doing - us burning inscents & making his clothes smell like it (wtf???), our television being too loud, we are being too loud...well, now he sent my MIL an email complaining about Sammy barking outside of his door frequently :grumpy. Well, yeah....Sammy does do that, but there is no way for us to stop him (I will not use a shock collar or anything) - he must have seen the guy go into the house and Sam thinks hes a threat. The dude is older (like late 50's) and we think he is really creepy (will drive past the house and wait until we go inside before he pulls in the drive way....basically avoids us at all costs).

So, Ryan is sending an email back to his mom right now and telling her that we are really tired of him and feel like we need to watch everything we do because "grandpa's" living in the back room and will tattle on us. Maybe TMI....but we can't even get intimate without worrying he will hear us and then call Ryan's mom :expressionless!!!!! I hope she makes him move out, but I really don't know as she apparently needs the money...even though his rent is extra money in her pocket because our rent pays for the taxes & utilities on the house because she owns it out-right.
kirbyultra wrote:
Yiikes! What a creepy dude. I hope your MIL makes a decision in your favor!
I doubt she will....she is selfish and just wants to extra money in her pocket. The plan was to kick him out anyway this fall when her widow's benefits get in, but who knows if she will do it or not.
Zaide got pushed by Spootie :p.


I think tomorrow I will post about my precious dwarfed Persian mix, Zaide. He's been gone a year and a half and its still so hard :(.
When you first described that guy I was like "omg that sounds like me", minus that tattling stuff, but didn't post then because I don't want people to think I'm creepy haha. I don't care at all about how loud the other tenets here are, and have never complained about them ever, but I'm weird and am quiet and I also try to avoid coming into the house when the landlords and stuff are out front. Honestly for me, it's because I have pretty bad social anxiety and I know it sounds stupid to normal people, but it's stressful for me.

Just something to think about - that he might not just be a "creepy" guy but might actually have a reason for acting that way.

I'm always afraid people are going to think I'm creepy or weird or something. I just have such a hard time sometimes dealing with my anxiety. At the end of the day, I have to do what makes me most comfortable and then just try not to worry too much about what other people think of me.

You could train Sammy not to bark without using a shock collar or anything like that. My dog use to be barky but we used positive training techniques and now he's so much better. I would never ever use a shock collar or anything like that - we don't even yell at our dog. I have only ever used positive reinforcement training with him, but it works, you just have to be willing to put some time into it.
I have anxiety issues too and you are right...he could have the same. I honestly don't really care what his issues are....we don't want him here. He needs to understand this is NOT an apartment...its a 3 bedroom house and he has the master bedroom - the walls aren't built thick like apartment walls. Also, he can go ahead and move somewhere else but hes probably going to have the same issues. I can't believe this guy lived in the DORMS at the biggest party college in AZ for 2 years!!! I feel so bad for whoever was his room mates.

We can't train Sammy not to bark...he's part Dachshund and Miniature Pinscher :p - he honestly doesn't listen to us one bit (spoiled brat). I have been wanting to put him in training classes but I can't afford it right now.

Honestly...I told Ryan before we moved into this house to make sure his mother knew that we were not going to be quiet like we lived in an apartment. This is a HOUSE, we are a 21 year old married couple, we have a dog that barks, and I don't feel like I need to live in "prison"...I lived in a prison-like home my entire life and thats not me anymore ;).

Ryan keeps going outside with Sammy everytime he lets him out to go potty, but I told him he needs to stop doing that...let Sammy bark - if he shuts Sam up then the guy got his way AGAIN and hes going to keep complaining about dumb stuff because he knows he will get his way. He can go live with single people his own age.

I just hope Ryan's mom kicks him out and lets us have the entire house without us having to pay more rent. We already pay $650 with utilities included and I will not pay anymore to rent our own family's that knows we are trying to save money so that we can buy new cars (that we desperately need), save money for when we decide to have a child, save money for when we move to PA in 2 years, etc.

Ugh.....*end rant*.

So I just totally cleaned out my little walk in bunny room closet (its like 76"x36") and I am planning to house a bun in there. I suppose boredom has gotten the best of me today and the fact that no matter what cage my bunnies are in...I am just never happy. In the future, I am only going to have a bonded pair of bunnies....trying to find the space to house my rabbits comfortably is tough work! I mean, its not like I don't have a ton of space...I do, its just that I haven't found the perfect set up.

At this point....I have to bring Brody out into the living room to run around because he will pee on the bunny room carpet if not (which is why I just need hardwood!). I am also still dealing with Molly's peeing all over the carpet in the bun room - it has lessened since I paced litter boxes all around the NIC cage thats in there now, but its unattractive and not easy to do "bunny chores" when there is litter boxes littering the room! So, I thought about just moving Brody into the bun room closet (vinyl tiles are the flooring in there) and taking down the massive NIC cage thats in there right now. So....that would make the entire room (except a 24"x47" SP cage that my rats are in) available to Molly and Morgan. BUT....I worry she will just start peeing where the NIC cage once was.

Having Marlin and Ruby in the living room is working out okay, but I can't wait until they bond so I can drop the cage down to a 2x4 NIC instead of a 3x4 (split down the middle, one side for each bun) I can save a bit more space.

I originally planned to turn the master bedroom into the bunny room once the stupid room mate guy moves out, but who knows when/if that is happening. I was going to use the bathroom as storage, walk-in closet as Marlin & Ruby's "cage", then create a large pen for Morgan and Molly. Brody was going to stay in the living room (possibly).

Arggg I hate this tiny house. There is no storage space because houses in AZ don't generally have attics or basements and this house has no garage to store things we have all of our stuff crammed into 3 little closets and also using the enclosed sun porch as storage. I'm so tempted to just throw everything out/give it away....if its in a damn box in the closet and has been for years, then why the heck do we need it?!
Phew...that was a long couple of hours! Here is what I came up with....

View of the room as you enter the door. I plan to find a new rat cage next, as that one can fit 7 rats and I only have 4 lazy old man boys, so its really overkill for them as they hardly ever leave the shelf (in other words, they sleep 23 hours a day). I can get a smaller one on Ebay for around $40, but I need to sell my extra SP Exotics before doing that.


Molly & Morgan's litter box & food area....


Brody's closet cage....




love the cage setups now, your so creative and decorative too! it just fits...unlike me, i cant make a place look homey!!!

and personally i would keep the cage, just because i like having those around, and even though it takes up a little bit of space and they dont use the whole thing, your gonna wish you had it in 3 years lol
Amy, I can so sympathize with the lack of space problem! We live in a tiny little 1 bedroom apartment with hardly any storage space. We have a lot of stuff, too! I've gone through and gotten rid of a lot of things, but the things we still have are nice and we want to keep them. If we got rid of them, we'd just have to buy them again when we finally move to a bigger place. Paul agreed to rent a storage unit, so we've been loading it up. It makes our apartment much more bearable!

I love your bunny room :) I can't wait to have a bunny room! Your bunnies are so adorable. I'll always love Brodo Bunnins.
Awww, I just saw the pictures of Miss Ruby! She's so pretty! She looks so feminine, reminds me of a proper Victorian lady. She and Phoebe Mae would make such a lovely pair :D
Thanks, guys :biggrin:.

Taking down the big huge NIC cage was super easy....I just clipped all the zip ties that were holding the pieces together and it came apart in sections that I can use as a pen :).

Brody seems to be liking the closet, so that is good. Molly and Morgan like all the space they have now and Molly only peed in 2 little places by the rat cage, so I put down a towel in hopes she stops. This is her LAST chance before being caged, so I hope she knocks it off. Ruby and Marlin and doing well in the living room - I can't wait until she is spayed so that I can start bonding.


Today was my first official day as a groomer :hyper: - I made $62 today in commission (just by doing 3 dogs) and $12 in tips (one lady didn't tip :grumpy). I worked from 9am to 4pm (with a half hour break inbetween while waiting for a dog to show up), so thats about $10.50 an hour average. I will get faster as I get more comfortable and will be able to groom 6 dogs a day by fall!

By the looks of it, I will be able to buy myself a car by the middle of July :biggrin: - well, I will have enough saved for a decent down payment. I'd LOVE a Scion xB, but I won't be able to afford that right I'm looking into getting like a Kia Rio (basic automatic car). I have been searching around and if I drive the 2 hours to Phoenix, then I can get one with about 55k miles for around $5k :)...not bad considering they are about $11k new.
undergunfire wrote:
Zaide got pushed by Spootie :p.

I think tomorrow I will post about my precious dwarfed Persian mix, Zaide. He's been gone a year and a half and its still so hard :(.

OMG he really did push her! lol hahahaha I can't stop laughing!

I'm sorry about your special little guy, I just lost my special guy last week and know it will hurt forever.
Not much has been going on here lately. I did graduate from grooming school, though, and have worked 4 days as a groomer already :biggrin:. Its really nerve-wracking for me to be on such a schedule....but I am sure with time it will get easier. I can only do 3 dogs a day right now and my boss wants me to add in 1 more each month until I am up to 6 dogs a day. this point it feels impossible to do 6 dogs a day, LOL!!!

Ryan and I have been talking about getting another car, but we think we might just buy a scooter for me for now. I can pick one up for $1000, gas will be suuuper cheap, and insurance will be cheap. My work is only like a 3 minute car ride away, so I'm sure a scooter will work for now. This way I can pay Ryan's mom back within 5 months, completely own my scooter, then start paying off credit cards. I can start saving money slowly and buy a new reliable car next year. That saves us big time in gas & insurance for a little while!

Hrm...tomorrow I have to go to Petco with a bunny friend to sex 2 bunnies that are with a local dog/cat rescue. Their owner who has them now says they are too young to be sexed, which is not we are going to get them sexed so that the new adopters can know what they are getting. Luckily the rescue will reemburse the new owners the cost of spay/neuter surgery, so I hope any new owners will get that done for the bunnies. We are also bringing along adoption packets so the new owners can get a good start in caring for their new bunny. The rescue says they can be adopted together, but we want to educate the rescue to make sure that if they go together...the new owner knows that once they hit maturity they can start fighting, etc. Hopefully we have good luck with this "case".

ETA: I got sooo lucky at GoodWill's 50% Saturday sale! 2 towels, 2 huge fleece blankets, 3 fleece baby blankets, and 4 flannel baby blankets for $10....yaaaay for new pet blankies :).


Congrats on graduating grooming school :)

With your work only 3 mins away, the scooter idea sounds like a really good move! You will definitely save a lot in fuel/gas. I have a friend with a motorbike, and she saves heaps of money by riding the bike most of the time.

Hope it all works out for the best with the bunnies you are sexing. I imagine a person who doesn't have a bunny yet is more open to education anyway, whereas someone who already has one probably likes to think that they know a bit.... I could be wrong but I could see it happening that way. So education right from the start seems like such a great idea.

Wow that is a lot of towels/blankets for $10. Nicely done!
Con grads on groom school yeah does that mean you will be making my bed for the bunnies soon?

I know you where waiting for something to go on sale. Was it blankets?
Amy, my scooter cost $600 from craigslist and is great. I pay $140 a year (In one payment) for insurance. It is really awesome. But beware if it snows..or gets too sucks!